11 dimension, what si going on here ?

In summary, the conversation discusses various theories on the creation of the universe, including M-theory and the big bang. It also touches on topics such as the number of dimensions and the possibility of multiple universes. There is no consensus on what caused the big bang or what will happen in the future, but it is agreed that the universe is constantly changing and increasing in complexity.
  • #1
Hi guys I m new to his forums o I hope I post this in the right place.

I have a questions about the 11 dimension. As I saw some documentaries about M theory, it seems our universe was created by colision in the 11 dimension. So I was wondering how does it looks like. At the beginning of big bang, there was Helium and Hydrogen that comes from Protons and Neutrons and they are created from Gluons and Quarks right ? So how far can we track the procces back ? What caused the colision that created big bang ? Is there also Dark Energy and Dark Matter, or its just in our universe ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Welcome to PF;
M-Theory needs to predict everything that we know now - so it would look like just what we already see. Beyond that it is not really clear what you could mean.

Wikipedia has a good introduction to the Big Bang theory ... also on the size of the Universe and the visible Universe. But you may mean: "are there any particles more fundamental to hadrons than the quarks and gluons 'inside' quarks and gluons"?
  • #3
Hmm then myabe a better question is ;

What you need to create a big bang and how can you acquire that ?
  • #4

That's a highly speculative area and afaik there are only guesses.
eg. you could maybe spawn a new Universe off this one if you can sufficiently bend the space-time. iirc that needs exotic matter ... I don't think the initial conditions for starting a Universe is something that you "acquire".

A working GUT would help :)
  • #5
Zix said:
I have a questions about the 11 dimension. As I saw some documentaries about M theory, it seems our universe was created by colision in the 11 dimension.

A big bang from the collision of branes is a braneworld M-theory model. However, since M-theory is still incomplete such models are more like guesses. The best one can do is try to answer your questions in a given framework.

In the context of M-theory, in 11-dimensions, there are only a few "ingredients" at one's disposal to create quarks, leptons, dark matter, etc. As far as branes, one only has the two-dimensional M2-brane and five-dimensional M5-brane. By wrapping and/or intersecting these branes one can create objects that behave like electrons, quarks and dark matter in lower dimensions.
  • #6
There is no established understanding of what, precisely, caused the big bang. As mentioned in this thread, several candidate theories offer proposals, like brane collisions and bounces, but few if any of these models offer unique and definitive predictions that could be subject to scientific validation.
  • #7
Zix said:
Hi guys I m new to his forums o I hope I post this in the right place.

I have a questions about the 11 dimension. As I saw some documentaries about M theory, it seems our universe was created by colision in the 11 dimension. So I was wondering how does it looks like. At the beginning of big bang, there was Helium and Hydrogen that comes from Protons and Neutrons and they are created from Gluons and Quarks right ? So how far can we track the procces back ? What caused the colision that created big bang ? Is there also Dark Energy and Dark Matter, or its just in our universe ?

There is no empirical evidence that there are any dimensions other than the 3 space and 1 time that we know about. Right now, the others are a mathematical device used by string therory. They MAY turn out to be real but they may not.
  • #8
Sounds like you want a forum about god, not an actual science forum such as this one. I object to your religious blather.

Oh, English is not your native language, so "blather" might no be familiar to you. It means talking on and on and not making any sense.
  • #9
I add to this one : Even if there is more and more people on our planet and eventualy we will colonise the space with other spieces, who are certaiinly simliar since they had planet, evolution, social structure, music and the most important imagination and individual uniquenes, the universe will simply one day die out no matter what we do, even if we will be able to create new planets or stars, we will run out of material, our stars will die etc.. You can't create something from nothing, only if we are able to trigger another big bang and move there to contnue reproduce to infinite and beyond XD.

Lets say we will be able to make sustainable environment with countinuesly triggering new big bangs to have place for our reproduction, we might even manage to keep people alive forever, BUT that inst a matter, becasue many many generations have already died does it mean they numbers in making larger volume of combinations had disapeard ? Ofcourse new people born so new numbers come along, but if we look at our universe it doesn't fall back in volume of combinations, right the oposite when a star dies something new is created etc etc, Even black holes adds new force to the combinations, nothing disapers the volume is simply only increasing.
  • #10
I DONT CARE about god lol... I care about his work.

Do you think that the number of interaction in space is increasing or decreasing or is it stable ?
  • #11
Zix said:
The reason why our universe was created is to increase the volume of combinations as much as possible,
Do you really mean to claim that you know the reason for existence?

if we look thru our telescopes we see a large variety of stars, galaxies etc.. etc.. how ever in if we go to principle our universe is lmited to a set volume of combinations its not infinite, sure we can have many type of stars, diferent size etc.. but is still limited, particles and EXPECIALY FORCES in our universe are limiting this volume of combinations to a certain number..
Not clear what you mean by "volume of combinations" ... we certainly see a lot of repetition of form on different scales - fractals and all. The total combinations are only going to be limited by the total energy in the Universe.

How do we fix this problem ?
What problem? Limited possibilities? Who says it's a problem?
We create life...
But life is limited by the same rules limiting the Universe
our bodies are made up from more kind of particles then anything in the universe,
No - actually our bodies are made of a subset of what the Universe contains ... we are made of the kind of particles found in stars.
we are the most complicated creation of the universe, which adds new combinations right, but still its limited, since humasn can exist in this universe and even if we colonise every single place in our universe we still not ge infinite number of combinations.
Of course not.

What can posses infinite number of combinations ?
The human soul can,
Which is to say, "nothing" - unless you can define your terms more closely...
imaginations, intelect, emotion, every single human on this planet or any other living being in our universe is a unique "number" that gives more and more combinations until infinite.
That remains to be seen ... but if the Sould is to be characterized as that which supplies emaginings, intellect, and so on - how is it different from "mind"? You appear to be expounding on the mind-body problem ... how can the materialism of empirical science account for the mind etc.

We are working on it.

We can imagine anything,
Being able to imagine anything is not the same thing as having an infinite imagination. However, abstract concepts can be as big as we like without existing. It remains to be seen if the physical underpinnings of the human imagination can encompass an infinite potential to imagine.
some might say we are limited by time,
No you are thinking about mortality - we are also limited by being human ...
well I can imagine time travel that means I can imagine universe without time, I can imagine teleportation it means I can imagine universe without space etc etc..
Yes, I'm sure we can all imagine many fasle and untrue things. The trick is to tell which ones are worth imagining.
However there is one limitation only, the principle : There is no effect without a cause.
Oh no - first an argument from complexity, then argument from the existence of the soul, now from first cause?

Now if God is a perfection and cause of everything then we really can't surpass this principle, because if we could it would mean we are more then god. We can't surpass him.
But only "if" ... OTOH: if the Giant Spaghetti Monster is a perfection and cause of everything then we really can't surpass this principle, because if we could it would mean we are more then GSM. We can't surpass him.
... see? I can make empty statements too.

Well I m maybe so wrong in some part so if any of you was able to read my speculation to end please respond if you find something in it.
Well it lacks any empirical validity. On top of that - it contains assumptions that are simply not true in fact - like human bodies containing more types of particles than the rest of the Universe.

Put in religious/creationist terms, human science is an attempt to understand creation in terms of itself ... as such, possible divine origins are not considered. We are confident in this because so many things humans used to think, in their error, to have only a divine explanation have turned out to also have one entirely within the Laws of Creation - which you'd think of as Gods Laws.

To a religious person, it is often useful to think of science as an attempt to distinguish and study natural phenomena ...

... as a science forum, these metaphysical questions don't really belong here.
  • #12
Zix said:
Do you think that the number of interaction in space is increasing or decreasing or is it stable ?
Question has no meaning.
I think your original question has been answered - if you have different questions, it will work better if you start a new thread.
It will also help if you define your terms.
  • #13
Zix said:
I DONT CARE about god lol... I care about his work.

This is a science forum. If you are going to posit a supernatural being, you have to justify it. Can you?
  • #14
I agree with the body think I made a bad example here ...

No I don't know if its the truth LOOOOOL ! ( jesus told me yesterday ?) I just speculate can I But nevermind my "mess" has been deleted anyway so I think I should visit some other forums where people can "test their imagination".

No there is no supernatural, everithink comes from something so I m sure physics will find an answer how to create something out of nothing to abadon this false concept.

Related to 11 dimension, what si going on here ?

What is the concept of 11 dimensions?

The concept of 11 dimensions is a theoretical framework proposed by physicists to explain the structure of the universe. It suggests that our universe is made up of 11 dimensions, with 3 of them being visible to us and the remaining 8 being hidden or invisible.

How do we know that there are 11 dimensions?

The concept of 11 dimensions is based on a mathematical theory called M-theory, which is a unifying theory of physics that combines all the existing theories, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics. M-theory predicts the existence of 11 dimensions and has been supported by various experiments, such as the observation of supergravity and the behavior of particles in high-energy accelerators.

What is the difference between a dimension and a parallel universe?

A dimension is a mathematical concept that describes the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point in space. In contrast, a parallel universe is a hypothetical universe that exists alongside our own and may have different physical laws and properties. While the concept of 11 dimensions suggests the existence of multiple universes, it is not the same as a parallel universe.

Can humans perceive or interact with the 8 hidden dimensions?

As of now, there is no scientific evidence that suggests humans can perceive or interact with dimensions beyond the 3 visible ones. These hidden dimensions are thought to be curled up or compactified, making them undetectable by our senses. However, some scientists believe that advanced technologies or beings may have the ability to access and manipulate these dimensions.

What are the implications of 11 dimensions for our understanding of the universe?

The concept of 11 dimensions has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It could potentially help us solve long-standing mysteries, such as the nature of dark matter and dark energy, the origin of the universe, and the unification of all fundamental forces. It also challenges our perception of reality and opens up new possibilities for scientific exploration and discovery.

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