A passing thought on postponed graduate study

In summary, a second year undergraduate is considering joining the navy as an engineer after graduation for a 5-year program. They are unsure if taking 5-10 years off before pursuing graduate studies in a technical field is realistic. Concerns include adjusting to a student lifestyle again, different life stage, and skills degrading. The NUPOC program is recommended as it is related to mechanical engineering. It is possible to successfully go back to graduate school after time in the navy, but there may be some challenges. Some individuals have gone through the NUPOC program and have enjoyed it. It is also possible to pursue a PhD after a military career.
  • #1

I am a second year undergraduate studying maths and mechanical engineering, and am considering my post-graduation prospects.

One such prospect is joining the (US) navy as an engineer. This is not set in stone, but it is a possibility. The program I am looking at entails a 5 year obligation.

If I do join the navy for this program, it is very unlikely that I would be "career navy" -- ie, I would leave after 5 years. Graduate school seems a likely path at some point, but I am not sure if it is realistic to take this sort of time away from academics and then to return (presumably for a PhD).

So, is it unreasonable to take 5-10 years off between undergraduate and graduate studies in a technical field, such as maths, engineering, or physics?

PS: this navy job would not be any advanced engineering design. It seems that it would, however, be similar to an entry level job in the private sector. Assume that I would be working on something entirely unrelated to what I would be going into grad school for...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
People do this successfully.

The obvious concerns are:
(a) once you get used to bringing in a steady paycheque, going back to a student lifestyle can be tough,
(b) you're generally at a different stage of your life 5-10 years after undergrad - potentially with a spouse and children and so big decisions like that may not be yours entirely to make, and
(c) if you don't keep up with your skills in some way, you're likely to see them degrade over time and will struggle in graduate school to bring them back up to the level they need to be at.
  • #3
A friend of mine who went to UNSW said his physics professor was in the navy as a diver until he was 28 then decided to become a physicist.

So, it happens. You may be labelled as a *gasp* non-traditional student.
  • #4
I'd recommend the Navy NUPOC program if you want to still do something technical and IT's related to Mechanical Engineering!
  • #5
Choppy said:
People do this successfully.

The obvious concerns are:
(a) once you get used to bringing in a steady paycheque, going back to a student lifestyle can be tough,
(b) you're generally at a different stage of your life 5-10 years after undergrad - potentially with a spouse and children and so big decisions like that may not be yours entirely to make, and
(c) if you don't keep up with your skills in some way, you're likely to see them degrade over time and will struggle in graduate school to bring them back up to the level they need to be at.

I am really only concerned about (c). If I go back to grad school it would be under the condition that it makes sense at that point in my life. I doubt it would be enough to stop anyone who would otherwise have been able to finish their PhD or masters, but i do worry that it would be at the least mildly detrimental (the time off). What could someone (in the general sense) do to avoid major trouble?
crazyisraelie said:
I'd recommend the Navy NUPOC program if you want to still do something technical and IT's related to Mechanical Engineering!

NUPOC is actually the program that I am looking at! Are you applying/have you been accepted to it? I would really like to talk with someone who's been involved with it and could provide some insight.

I'm looking at the NR position because of its technical nature.
  • #6
anonymity said:
NUPOC is actually the program that I am looking at! Are you applying/have you been accepted to it? I would really like to talk with someone who's been involved with it and could provide some insight.

I'm looking at the NR position because of its technical nature.

I have considered applying to it if my college funding goes sour (Federal Grants and loans), but currently no. I have a lot of friends who went through it (Who are currently getting their Bachelors in Nuclear) and loved the program.
  • #7
I work with a graduate student who was in the Air Force for twenty years. She is now pursuing her PhD in physics. It is definitely possible, but I would imagine the gap in between might hurt you.
  • #8
crazyisraelie said:
I have considered applying to it if my college funding goes sour (Federal Grants and loans), but currently no. I have a lot of friends who went through it (Who are currently getting their Bachelors in Nuclear) and loved the program.

Do you know what path they went, by chance? (NR engineer, instructor, line officer)

Related to A passing thought on postponed graduate study

1. What is "A passing thought on postponed graduate study"?

"A passing thought on postponed graduate study" refers to the decision to delay pursuing a graduate degree, either temporarily or indefinitely.

2. What factors may contribute to someone postponing graduate study?

There are various reasons why someone may decide to postpone graduate study, such as financial constraints, personal or family obligations, career opportunities, or changes in academic interests.

3. Is it common for people to postpone graduate study?

Yes, it is not uncommon for individuals to delay pursuing a graduate degree. Many people may take a gap year or more before continuing their education, while others may never return to graduate school.

4. What are the potential consequences of postponing graduate study?

The consequences of postponing graduate study can vary depending on individual circumstances. Some potential consequences may include falling behind in academic or career goals, missing out on networking opportunities, or facing difficulty in re-admission to a program.

5. How can someone make the decision to postpone graduate study?

The decision to postpone graduate study should be carefully considered and based on individual circumstances. Factors such as financial stability, personal goals, and career opportunities should be taken into account. It can also be helpful to seek advice from mentors, peers, or career counselors.

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