Cauchy sequence in fixed point theory

In summary, Evgeny Makarov said that a Cauchy sequence has a distance between any two points that is greater than $epsilon$. He also said that you can't always say that x and y are consecutive terms in a Cauchy sequence.
  • #1
İn some articles, I see something...

For example,

Let we define a sequence by ${x}_{n}=f{x}_{n}={f}^{n}{x}_{0}$$\left\{{x}_{n}\right\}$. To show that $\left\{{x}_{n}\right\}$ is Cauchy sequence, we suppose that $\left\{{x}_{n}\right\}$ is not a Cauchy sequence...For this reason, there exists a subsequence $\left\{{x}_{n\left(i\right)}\right\}$ of $\left\{{x}_{n}\right\}$ such that $d\left({x}_{n\left(i\right)},{x}_{n\left(i+1\right)}\right)\ge\varepsilon$...İn there, I didnt understant what is the ${x}_{n(i)}$ and ${x}_{n(i+1)}$...These terms are consecutive terms, that is distinction between these terms equal to 1...I didnt understand...Can you help me ? Thank you so much, best wishes
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  • #2
That's a "subsequence" notation. Imagine a sequence $\{1,2,3,4,5,\dots\}$. In this case, $x_1=1, x_2=2, x_3=3,\dots$. You can pick a subsequence out of this sequence, which preserves the order, but is a subset: $\{2,4,6,8,\dots\}$. Here, you could notate it as $x_{n(0)}=2, x_{n(1)}=4, x_{n(2)}=6,\dots$. This subsequence, of course, is "every other", but you could pick your subsequence however you like. I should point out that another very common notation for subsequence is $x_{n_i}$. So you'd have $x_{n_1}, x_{n_2}, x_{n_3},\dots$.
  • #3
Dear Ackbach,

From this, can we say that the distance between two arbitrary points is bigger than epsilon?

For example, $d\left({x}_{5},{x}_{14}\right) > \varepsilon$

And why do we use $d\left({x}_{n(i)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$ ? What is mean of this ? I ask this...
  • #4
ozkan12 said:
Dear Ackbach,

From this, can we say that the distance between two arbitrary points is bigger than epsilon?

For example, $d\left({x}_{5},{x}_{14}\right) > \varepsilon$

In the context of the proof so far, you're assuming the sequence is NOT Cauchy. Thus, the statement above is an assumption, presumably leading to a contradiction as per the usual method of proof by contradiction.

And why do we use $d\left({x}_{n(i)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$ ? What is mean of this ? I ask this...

You're in the subsequence, and you're assuming a statement that is the direct negation of the sequence being Cauchy. In a Cauchy sequence, once you're beyond a certain term depending on a given epsilon, the distance between two elements of the sequence is smaller than epsilon. What would the negation of that be? That there is a subsequence where the distance between two elements is greater than epsilon.
  • #5
n(i) and n(i+1) ...Why we examine distance between these terms...Very strange...I didnt understand...
  • #6

My question is not this...My question is "what is the n(i) and n(i+1)" can we say that $n(i) \le n(i+1)-1$
  • #7
ozkan12 said:

My question is not this...My question is "what is the n(i) and n(i+1)" can we say that $n(i) \le n(i+1)-1$

Yes, I think you can say the last inequality. Basically, your last inequality says that the "index distance" between two elements in the subsequence is at least one, and that the sequence $n(i)$ is monotone increasing. That's certainly what you'd expect for indices.
  • #8

That is, we can say

for example n(i)=5 i n(i+1)=12 etc...that is, n(i) and n(i+1) are arbitrary points...We can't say that always these are consecutive terms, isn't it ?
  • #9
ozkan12 said:
We can't say that always these are consecutive terms, isn't it ?
No, they don't have to be consecutive.

One of the definitions of Cauchy sequence is the following.
\forall\varepsilon\,\exists m\,\forall n>m\;|x_m-x_n|<\varepsilon
Its negation is
\exists\varepsilon\,\forall m\,\exists n>m\;|x_m-x_n|\ge\varepsilon.\qquad(*)
Take an $\varepsilon$ whose existence is guaranteed by (*). Take $m=1$ and define $n(1)=1$. Then there exists an $n>1$ such that $|x_m-x_n|\ge\varepsilon$. Take any such $n$ and call it $n(2)$. Then we have $|x_{n(1)}-x_{n(2)}|\ge\varepsilon$.

As a next step, take $m=n(2)$; then there exists some $n>m$ such that $|x_m-x_n|\ge\varepsilon$. Take one such $n$ and call it $n(3)$. Then we have $|x_{n(2)}-x_{n(3)}|\ge\varepsilon$, and so on.
  • #10
Dear Evgeny Makarov,

What is the presentation of $d\left({x}_{n(i)},{x}_{n(İ+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$ ? Can you explain ? Why distance between them don't have to consecutive ? I didnt understand this ?
  • #11
ozkan12 said:
What is the presentation of $d\left({x}_{n(i)},{x}_{n(İ+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$ ?
I am not sure what you mean. I wrote the definition of a Cauchy sequence of real numbers, where the distance between $x$ and $y$ is $|x-y|$. In a metric space the distance is $d(x,y)$.

ozkan12 said:
Why distance between them don't have to consecutive ?
The negation of the definition says $\forall m\,\exists n>m\;d(x_m,x_n)\ge\varepsilon$. The claim is that there exists an $n$ and that it is strictly greater than $m$. It does not follow that $n=m+1$ necessarily, though it can be.

ozkan12 said:
I didnt understand this ?
Are you asking or stating the fact that you don't understand? (Smile)
  • #12
What I didnt understand is why we use $d\left({x}_{{n(i)}},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge\varepsilon$ ? This recall consecutive terms for me...:)
  • #13
ozkan12 said:
What I didnt understand is why we use $d\left({x}_{{n(i)}},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge\varepsilon$ ?
This holds by definition of $n(i+1)$.

ozkan12 said:
This recall consecutive terms for me.
$x_{n(i)}$ and $x_{n(i+1)}$ are indeed consecutive terms of the subsequence $x_{n(k)}$, $k=1,2,\dots$.

If you have further questions, please confirm that you understand my explanation in post #9.
  • #14

I understand this,but why we use $d\left({x}_{n\left(i\right)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$...I didnt understand this
  • #15
ozkan12 said:
I understand this,but why we use $d\left({x}_{n\left(i\right)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$...I didnt understand this
Because it's a true proven statement under current assumptions (that the sequence is not Cauchy). In mathematics, we are allowed to write and use any statement that has been properly proved. The question: "Why we use it?" is not mathematical, strictly speaking. The only legitimate question is, "Why is it true?" And you seem to agree with my explanation that is it true.
  • #16
ozkan12 said:

I understand this,but why we use $d\left({x}_{n\left(i\right)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$...I didnt understand this

If you look carefully at Evgeny's Post #9, the expression $d\left({x}_{n\left(i\right)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge \varepsilon$ is the last portion of the negation of the Cauchy criterion. So that's why it is what it is: you're negating the Cauchy criterion as an assumption, and then presumably you're going to derive a contradiction somewhere, which would show that the sequence is Cauchy.
  • #17
Look Dear :),

I understand these definitions but how always we say that n(i) and n(i+1) is not consecutive, how I get this from definitions...I didnt understand this...I am sorry...
  • #18
ozkan12 said:
I understand these definitions but how always we say that n(i) and n(i+1) is not consecutive, how I get this from definitions...
I assume there is some statement whose proof you don't understand. Please write this statement without words, using only formulas.
  • #19

İf you accept it, I can send article your email adress ? Are you okay ? İn this area, we can't talk this topic :)
  • #20
I am only prepared to discuss your questions on the forum. Feel free to take a photo or scan the relevant portion of the article page and post it here as a picture, though writing questions as text with LaTeX formulas is preferred.
  • #21

İndeed, I didnt understand only why w9e write $d\left({x}_{n(i)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge\varepsilon$ ? İn post 9 we write n(1)=1 but can we write n(2)=9 or n(2)=15 or etc...?
  • #22
ozkan12 said:
İn post 9 we write n(1)=1 but can we write n(2)=9 or n(2)=15 or etc...?

Evgeny.Makarov said:
Then there exists an $n>1$ such that $|x_m-x_n|\ge\varepsilon$. Take any such $n$ and call it $n(2)$.
Yes, $n(2)$ could be 9 or 15, but not always.
  • #23
That is, we can choose arbitrary points such that $d\left({x}_{n(i)},{x}_{n(i+1)}\right)\ge\varepsilon$...this is the answer of my question

Related to Cauchy sequence in fixed point theory

What is a Cauchy sequence in fixed point theory?

A Cauchy sequence in fixed point theory is a sequence of numbers that becomes arbitrarily close to each other as the sequence progresses, meaning that the distance between any two terms in the sequence eventually becomes smaller than any given positive number. This property is important in fixed point theory because it allows us to prove the existence of a fixed point in certain mathematical functions.

How is a Cauchy sequence used in fixed point theory?

A Cauchy sequence is used in fixed point theory to prove the existence of a fixed point in mathematical functions. This is done by showing that the sequence of values generated by the function becomes closer and closer to a specific value, which is the fixed point. This is known as the limit of the sequence, and it is a fundamental concept in fixed point theory.

What is the Cauchy criterion for convergence?

The Cauchy criterion for convergence is a test that determines whether a sequence is a Cauchy sequence. It states that a sequence is considered a Cauchy sequence if and only if the distance between any two terms in the sequence eventually becomes smaller than any given positive number. This is an important criterion in fixed point theory, as it helps us identify whether a sequence will converge to a specific value.

Can a Cauchy sequence converge to more than one limit?

No, a Cauchy sequence can only converge to one limit. This is because the Cauchy criterion for convergence requires that the distance between any two terms in the sequence becomes smaller than any given positive number, meaning that the sequence can only approach one specific value as it progresses. If a Cauchy sequence were to converge to more than one limit, it would violate this criterion.

What are some examples of functions that have a fixed point?

There are many examples of functions that have a fixed point, including the exponential function, the logarithm function, and the sine function. For instance, the fixed point of the exponential function is 1, since e^1 = 1. Similarly, the fixed point of the logarithm function is also 1, since log(1) = 0. Lastly, the fixed point of the sine function is 0, since sin(0) = 0. These are just a few examples, but there are many more functions that have fixed points.

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