Did President Eisenhower Really Meet with Aliens in 1954?

  • Thread starter mouseonmoon
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In summary, there is a dispute about whether President Eisenhower met with extraterrestrial aliens or went to the dentist during a secret nocturnal trip in 1954. The theory of an encounter with aliens is supported by Michael Salla, while the Eisenhower Library and dentist James M. Mixson argue that he went to the dentist. On the same night, there was a false report of Eisenhower's death from the Associated Press. While some may joke about the situation, it raises questions about what may be happening behind the scenes in regards to UFOs and government cover-ups.
  • #1
Ike and the Alien Ambassadors
The Whole Tooth About the President's Extraterrestrial Encounter

"Ike" is President Eisenhower

washingtonpost.com today

By Peter Carlson
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 19, 2004; Page C01

Fifty years ago tomorrow -- on Feb. 20, 1954 -- President Dwight Eisenhower interrupted his vacation in Palm Springs, Calif., to make a secret nocturnal trip to a nearby Air Force base to meet two extraterrestrial aliens.

Or maybe not. Maybe Ike just went to the dentist. There's some dispute about this.

The Ike-met-with-ETs theory is advanced by Michael Salla, a former American University professor who now runs the Peace Ambassador Program at AU's Center for Global Peace.

The Ike-went-to-the-dentist theory is advanced by the folks at the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan. And by James M. Mixson, a dentist, professor of dentistry and historian of presidential dental work.

Just to make things more intriguing: On the night in question, the Associated Press reported this: "Pres. Eisenhower died tonight of a heart attack in Palm Springs."

Two minutes later, the AP retracted that bulletin...

it's a 'good story'--part of the lure and lore of one of the most interesting subjects in the World today--UFOs--have they made 'contact'---are they the 'tooth-fairies'?

why do people waste their time reading those silly 'detective' stories?

(printer version/entire article)

(article-but it doesn't have the cool photo of Ike with UFOs around his head in the 'home edition' !)
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  • #2
Imagine that, The Washington Post does UFO conspiracy theories now.

Without commenting specifically on the alien claim, I find the dental story to be beyond repute. Clearly a cover story of this magnitude would require resources completely beyond that of any sitting U.S. president.

So mouseonmoon, if you don't mind sharing, exactly what do you believe about all of this UFO, alien conspiracy stuff? Are you convinced of anything in particular?
  • #3
I'm afriad "belief" closes the mind--what comes next, "either/or"-- locked in a box--either with 'believers' or 'non-believers'- whose 'beliefs' don't really 'make sense' (to me) -"or", both 'make sense'...
and both are right 'and' wrong?...

yes, I believe I 'll have another drink-I'm afriad of dentists...
  • #4
Most of my experiences in the dental chair easily compare with the horrors perpetrated on those abducted by aliens. I carry more oral implants than you could shake a stick at.
  • #5
*quote*Just to make things more intriguing: On the night in question, the Associated Press reported this: "Pres. Eisenhower died tonight of a heart attack in Palm Springs."

Two minutes later, the AP retracted that bulletin...*end quote*

Now why would the AP have such a statement ready to go out? Did somebody boo boo and grab the wrong press release?

It's not a mater of "belief", but one of acceptance that something is going on behind the scenes. When the wool gets so thick it starts dropping off all by itself peoples eyes will see. This is what I see happening nowadays.
  • #6
Did somebody boo boo and grab the wrong press release?

suppose to be a reporter 'jokin' around?

this is a joke??

Related to Did President Eisenhower Really Meet with Aliens in 1954?

1. What is "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors" about?

"Ike and the Alien Ambassadors" is a science fiction novel that follows the story of a young boy named Ike who discovers a secret alien society living among humans on Earth. The book explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the consequences of our actions.

2. Who wrote "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors"?

"Ike and the Alien Ambassadors" was written by renowned science fiction author, April Smith. Her other works include "Galactic Adventures" and "Interstellar Explorers".

3. Is "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors" suitable for all ages?

Yes, "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors" is suitable for readers of all ages. It is a great choice for young readers interested in science fiction, as well as adults looking for a fun and engaging story.

4. Are there any sequels to "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors"?

Currently, there are no sequels to "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors". However, the author has hinted at the possibility of a sequel in the future.

5. What inspired the author to write "Ike and the Alien Ambassadors"?

The author has stated that she has always been fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life and wanted to explore it through the eyes of a young protagonist. She also wanted to address themes of friendship and acceptance in a unique and exciting way.

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