Eigenfunctions and wave functions

In summary, the author of the textbook "Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles" second edition pg 166 states that there is no sharp distinction between eigenfunctions and wavefunctions. Eigenfunctions are simply a special case of wavefunctions corresponding to eigenvalues of an operator. The wavefunction can be expressed as a combination of eigenfunctions and the eigenfunctions are considered complete in the sense that they span the entire space. The author also mentions that the wavefunction can be expressed in different bases, such as momentum or space. However, there is a difference in the type of equation that each represents, with eigenfunctions being solutions to the TISE and wavefunctions being solutions to the TDSE."
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Is my understanding correct : Wave function is a vector and eigen functions are the basis set that span the space.

I saw this statement from the textbook "Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles" second edition pg 166. According to the text, is the author saying the solution to the TISE is the eigenfunction and when you multiply the time dependent part, you get the wave function? I always thought that the eigenfunctions are a basis set that forms the wave function
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  • #2
semc said:
Summary:: Is my understanding correct : Wave function is a vector and eigen functions are the basis set that span the space.

View attachment 272154

I saw this statement from the textbook "Quantum physics of atoms, molecules, solids, nuclei, and particles" second edition pg 166. According to the text, is the author saying the solution to the TISE is the eigenfunction and when you multiply the time dependent part, you get the wave function? I always thought that the eigenfunctions are a basis set that forms the wave function
You've got the right idea, but there is no sharp distinction between eigenfunctions and wavefunctions. Eigenfunctions are simply the special case of wavefunctions corresponding to eigenvalues of some operator.

Also, you can talk about ##\psi(x)## as the (time-independent) wavefunction or ##\Psi(x, t)## as the wavefunction. For example, you often talk about ##\Psi(x, 0)## as the initial wavefunction.
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Likes nasu and vanhees71
  • #3
I see. So in a sense they can be used interchangeably. Thanks!
  • #4
semc said:
I see. So in a sense they can be used interchangeably. Thanks!
I wouldn't say that. Take basis vectors and vectors as an example. Basis vectors are just ordinary vectors, but as a set they have a special property (of collectively being a basis). You can't use "basis vector" and "vector" interchangeably.

Similarly, eigenfunctions are wave-functions. You can have a wave-function comprising a single eigenfunction - this is called a stationary state. (Note: I assume from the extract that we are talking about energy eigenfunctions here.) But not all wave-functions are eigenfunctions.
  • #5
It's important to distinguish different uses of "wave functions" in this context. It took me a while to understand it, when I learned quantum theory, because it's sometimes not made too clear in textbooks.

In wave mechanics you start with the idea that (for a single non-relativistic particle) there's a wave function describing the (pure) state of the particle, ##\psi(t,\vec{x})##. The physical meaning is that for a particle in this state the probability distribution for its position is given by
provided you have properly normalized the wave function,
$$\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 x P(t,\vec{x})=1.$$
Further the observables are represented by self-adjoint operators on the corresponding Hilbert space of square-integrable functions, e.g., ##\hat{\vec{x}}=\vec{x}## (i.e., the position operator, applied to the wave function is just the multiplication of the wave function with ##\vec{x})## or ##\hat{\vec{p}}=-\mathrm{i} \hbar \vec{\nabla}## (i.e., the momentum operator is given by the gradient of the wave function times ##-\mathrm{i} \hbar##).

The self-adjoint operators have eigenfunctions, sometimes generalized ones if the eigenvalues form a continuous set. Let's take the momentum eigenstates, which must fulfill the equation
$$-\mathrm{i} \hbar \vec{\nabla} u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x})=\vec{p} u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x}).$$
The solution is
$$u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x})=N \exp(\mathrm{i} \vec{p} \cdot \vec{x}/\hbar), \quad \vec{p} \in \mathbb{R}^3.$$
These momentum eigenfunctions are not square integrable but "normalizable to a ##\delta## distribution", i.e., the usual choice of the phase factor is such that
$$\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 x u_{\vec{p}}^*(\vec{x}) u_{\vec{p}'}(\vec{x})=\delta^{(3)}(\vec{p}-\vec{p}').$$
From the theory of Fourier integrals one gets ##N=(2 \pi \hbar)^{-3/2}##, i.e., the conveniently normalized momentum eigenfunctions are
$$u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x})=\frac{1}{\sqrt{(2 \pi \hbar)^3}} \exp(\mathrm{i} \vec{p} \cdot \vec{x}/\hbar).$$
The importance of such eigenfunctions of self-adjoint operators that represent observables is that you get the probabilities (or probability distribution for continuous eigenvalues) by the corresponding projections. E.g., the probability distribution for momentum for a particle prepared in the state represented by the square-integrable wave function ##\psi## is given by
where the momentum-space wave function is given by the projection to the momentum eigenfunctions,
$$\tilde{\psi}(t,\vec{p})=\langle u_{\vec{p}}|\psi(t) \rangle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 x u_{\vec{p}}^*(\vec{x}) \psi(t,\vec{x}) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 x \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2 \pi \hbar)}^3} \exp(-\mathrm{i} \vec{p} \cdot \vec{x}) \psi(t,\vec{x}).$$
It is also important to know that usually the eigenfunctions of self-adjoint operators are "complete" in the sense that you can write any wave function (to be more careful any wave function in the domain, where the self-adjoint operator is well defined, which build a dense subspace of the Hilbert space of square-integrable functions) as "superposition" of the eigenstates. In the case of operators with continuous eigenvalues the "superposition" is rather an integral than a sum. For the momentum space eigenfunktions you indeed get
$$\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 p |u_{\vec{p}} \rangle \langle u_{\vec{p}}|=\hat{1}.$$
This is the "completeness relation" for the momentum eigenstates.

For the wave functions this means that
$$\psi(t,\vec{x})=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 p \langle u_{\vec{p}}|\psi(t) \rangle u_{\vec{p}}(\vec{x}) = \int_{\mathbb{R}^3} \mathrm{d}^3 p \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2 \pi \hbar)^3}} \tilde{\psi}(t,\vec{p}) \exp(\mathrm{i} \vec{p} \cdot \vec{x}/\hbar).$$
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  • #6
If I understand correctly, you are saying the eigen functions span the entire space which necessary means that the wavefunction can be expressed as combination of eigen functions. Depending on the operators, you can write your wave function in different basis (mometum/space...). It seems similar to my original understanding. In that case, how can the book be right when they say wavefunctions are solution to the TDSE while eigenfunctions are solution to the TISE? Did I misunderstood?
  • #7
semc said:
In that case, how can the book be right when they say wavefunctions are solution to the TDSE while eigenfunctions are solution to the TISE? Did I misunderstood?
Strictly speaking we have two different sets of functions: time-independent functions and time-dependent functions. The eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian span the space of time-independent functions - in principle almost any square-integrable function can be the wavefunction at an instant. So, for any (time-independent) wave-function: $$\psi(x) = \sum c_n \psi_n(x)$$ Then we have the time-dependent wave-functions that are solutions to the SDE: not every function of ##(x,t)## is a solution, as the wave-function must evolve over time according to the SDE for the given potential/Hamiltonian. For a time-independent potential we have: $$\Psi(x, t) = \sum c_n \psi_n(x) \exp(-i\frac{E_n}{\hbar}t)$$
We talk about ##\Psi(x, t)## being the wave-function and also ##\psi(x) = \Psi(x, T)## being the wave-function at some fixed time ##T##.
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Likes vanhees71 and semc
  • #8
I see. Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.

Related to Eigenfunctions and wave functions

1. What is the difference between an eigenfunction and a wave function?

An eigenfunction is a mathematical function that satisfies a specific equation and has a corresponding eigenvalue. A wave function, on the other hand, is a mathematical representation of a physical system, typically described by the Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics.

2. How are eigenfunctions and wave functions used in quantum mechanics?

Eigenfunctions and wave functions are used to describe the energy states of quantum systems. The eigenfunction represents the allowed energy levels, while the wave function describes the probability of finding a particle in a particular state.

3. Can eigenfunctions and wave functions be complex numbers?

Yes, both eigenfunctions and wave functions can be complex numbers. In fact, many physical systems in quantum mechanics have complex-valued eigenfunctions and wave functions.

4. How does the normalization of a wave function relate to the probability interpretation in quantum mechanics?

The normalization of a wave function ensures that the total probability of finding a particle in any state is equal to 1. This is important in quantum mechanics because the squared magnitude of the wave function represents the probability of finding a particle in a particular state.

5. Are eigenfunctions and wave functions always unique?

No, eigenfunctions and wave functions can have multiple solutions for a given system. This is known as degeneracy and is often observed in physical systems with symmetries. However, the overall shape and behavior of the wave function may still be unique, even if there are multiple solutions.

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