Exploring the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra and its Significance for Physics

In summary, Thomas Larsson's research on the multidimensional Virasoro algebra and its representation theory has significant implications for physics, particularly in the area of quantization. His extensions do not arise in traditional QFT but are necessary in QJT, highlighting the importance of considering the observer's trajectory in spacetime when dealing with quantum fields. His reformulation of physics in terms of Taylor data offers a different perspective on quantization and could lead to new insights and approaches in the field. The existence of gauge anomalies in QJT raises questions about the limitations of traditional QFT and the need for a modified framework.
  • #1
Thomas Larsson
R.X. said:
Originally Posted by Thomas Larsson
"This is the reason why I desided to discover the multidimensional Virasoro algebra and its representation theory, many years ago, cf. my 1999 manifesto in http://www.arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9909039 ."

This seems nice. And what is the significance for physics - is there any model you can solve with it, or is there otherwise a physical quantity you can compute with it?

There is place one where it does not arise: QFT.

The Virasoro extension is a diff anomaly, defined in any dimension, and the analogous Kac-Moody-like extension is a gauge anomaly, proportional to the second Casimir. However, diff and gauge anomalies in QFT were classified many years ago; there are no diff anomalies in 4D, and gauge anomalies are proportional to the third Casimir. Hence these extensions can not arise in QFT proper.

However, they do arise in a minor modification of QFT, QJT (J for jet). To build the representations, all fields have to be replaced by their Taylor series. In doing so, a new datum is introduced: the expansion point (or rather curve). This is an important modification, because the relevant cocycles depend on it. The physical interpretation is that one must explictly consider the observer's trajectory in spacetime together with the quantum fields.

In view of this lesson from representation theory, I have been working on a reformulation of physics in terms of Taylor data. What is available from 2004, http://www.arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0411028 , is still seriously flawed, although there was considerable progress compared to what I wrote in 1999, and a better version will be completed early next year. So it is not a new model, but rather a somewhat different framework for quantization.

There is easy to see that if you consider the Laurent polynomial version of the gauge algebra, anomalies are necessary for nonzero charge, cf. http://www.arxiv.org/abs/math-ph/0603024 . It does not really matter whether you consider diffeomorphisms, Yang-Mills or conformal transformations - the important difference is between Laurent and ordinary polynomials, or compact support. In particular, there is no conformal anomaly for polynomials, i.e. L_m with m >= -1.

Since I believe that Laurent polynomial gauge transformations should not be outlawed, and I certainly believe in nonzero charge, it follows that the new gauge anomalies exist and QFT must be replaced QJT.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Dear Thomas Larsson,

Thank you for sharing your work and insights on the multidimensional Virasoro algebra and its representation theory. It is clear that your research has significant implications for physics, particularly in the area of quantization. The fact that your extensions do not arise in traditional QFT but are necessary in QJT highlights the importance of considering the observer's trajectory in spacetime when dealing with quantum fields.

Your reformulation of physics in terms of Taylor data is also intriguing. It seems to offer a different perspective on the quantization process and could potentially lead to new insights and approaches in the field.

I am particularly interested in your mention of a conformal anomaly for polynomials, and how it relates to the existence of gauge anomalies in QJT. This raises questions about the limitations of traditional QFT and the need for a modified framework to fully understand the behavior of quantum fields.

I look forward to reading your updated work and learning more about the implications of your research for the field of physics. Thank you for your contribution to the scientific community.
  • #3

I appreciate your curiosity about the significance of my work on the multidimensional Virasoro algebra and its representation theory. My research in this area has led to a better understanding of diff and gauge anomalies in QFT, as well as the development of a new framework for quantization, known as QJT (quantum jet theory). This framework considers the observer's trajectory in spacetime together with the quantum fields, and has implications for the existence of gauge anomalies and the need to replace QFT with QJT.

Furthermore, my work has also shed light on the importance of considering Laurent polynomial gauge transformations, which can lead to nonzero charge and the existence of new gauge anomalies. This has significant implications for our understanding of fundamental physical theories and the need for a more comprehensive approach to quantization.

In summary, the multidimensional Virasoro algebra and its representation theory have greatly contributed to our understanding of diff and gauge anomalies in QFT and have opened up new avenues for research in the field of quantum mechanics. I am excited to continue exploring these concepts and their implications for physics.

Related to Exploring the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra and its Significance for Physics

1. What is the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra?

The Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra is a mathematical structure that arises in the study of symmetries in physics. It is an extension of the Virasoro Algebra, which is a Lie algebra that describes the symmetries of a one-dimensional system. The Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra takes into account additional dimensions and is used to study conformal field theories and string theory.

2. What are the elements of the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra?

The Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra has two types of elements: the Virasoro generators and the conformal weights. The Virasoro generators are operators that represent the symmetries of the system, while the conformal weights are numbers that determine the behavior of physical quantities under the symmetries.

3. How is the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra significant for physics?

The Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra is significant for physics because it provides a powerful mathematical tool for studying conformal field theories and string theory. These theories play important roles in various areas of physics, including condensed matter physics, quantum field theory, and cosmology.

4. What are some applications of the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra?

The Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra has many applications in theoretical physics. It is used in the study of critical phenomena, where the symmetries described by the algebra can help classify the different phases of matter. It is also used in the study of string theory, where the algebra is a key ingredient in the construction of consistent string theories.

5. What are some current research topics related to the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra?

Some current research topics related to the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra include the study of integrable systems and their connections to conformal field theories, the application of the algebra to higher-dimensional gravity theories, and the role of the algebra in the holographic principle. Researchers are also exploring connections between the Multidimensional Virasoro Algebra and other areas of mathematics, such as representation theory and algebraic geometry.

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