FCC Proposal to End Net Neutrality: Impacts and Implications

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  • Thread starter SixNein
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    Fcc Net
In summary, there is a debate surrounding net neutrality and the potential effects of the FCC's plan to eliminate it. Some argue that all data should be treated equally, while others believe that companies that use more data should pay higher fees. This could have consequences for startups and smaller companies. Ultimately, the issue comes down to who should pay for the infrastructure needed to support internet usage and whether access should be equal for all.
  • #1
Gold Member
I'm very surprised that nobody has posted on the topic. The FCC is planing to kill net neutrality in everything but name; as a result, the internet could change in very fundamental ways.


It is already affecting investments in startups.

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There's two sides to this.

If i understand, net neutrality requires all data traffic to be treated the same.
That sounds great.
But posting on PF involves a lot less data than streaming a movie.

Should outfits that (for example) stream movies pay higher internet traffic fees than outfits that trade in lower data rates?

18 wheel trucks pay higher license fees and turnpike tolls than passenger cars.
Is it reasonable to be charged according to how many bits you actually send down the wire?

Somebody has to pick up the tab for those optical fibers and ultra fast data centers it'll take to support everybody switching from broadcast and satellite to internet TV..

that's why i keep an antenna.

old jim
  • #3
There have been many threads about this already. One is currently open. Jim is right, who's to say that CNN can't pay to allow their users to have decent access to their website because Fred can't pay for the same services.
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Related to FCC Proposal to End Net Neutrality: Impacts and Implications

1. What is net neutrality and why is it important?

Net neutrality is the principle that all internet traffic should be treated equally, without discrimination or preference given to certain types of content or services. This means that internet service providers (ISPs) cannot intentionally slow down, block, or charge more for access to certain websites or services. Net neutrality is important because it ensures a level playing field for all internet users and promotes innovation and competition online.

2. How does the FCC proposal to end net neutrality impact internet users?

If the FCC proposal is implemented, ISPs would have the ability to prioritize certain websites or services over others, potentially creating "fast lanes" for those who can afford to pay for faster access. This could lead to slower internet speeds and limited access to certain content for those who cannot afford to pay extra. It could also stifle competition and innovation, as smaller companies may not be able to compete with larger corporations who can afford to pay for faster access.

3. What are the potential implications of the FCC proposal?

The FCC proposal could have far-reaching implications for both consumers and businesses. Without net neutrality, ISPs could potentially control what content is accessible and at what speeds, which could limit the flow of information and ideas. It could also lead to higher prices for consumers, as ISPs may charge more for access to certain websites or services. Additionally, businesses may struggle to compete on a level playing field if they do not have the resources to pay for faster access.

4. How might the FCC proposal affect freedom of speech on the internet?

Net neutrality is closely tied to freedom of speech on the internet. Without it, ISPs could potentially censor or limit access to certain types of content, which could restrict the free flow of information and ideas. This could have a significant impact on the ability of individuals and organizations to express themselves online.

5. What can individuals do to voice their opinion on the FCC proposal?

Individuals can voice their opinions on the FCC proposal by submitting comments to the FCC through their website, attending public hearings, and contacting their elected representatives. It is also important to stay informed and spread awareness about the potential impacts of ending net neutrality. Many advocacy groups and organizations are also working to protect net neutrality and individuals can support their efforts by joining or donating to these groups.

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