Fixing Latex Issues Post-Upgrade on Physics Forums

  • LaTeX
  • Thread starter Fredrik
  • Start date
In summary, the upgrade somehow messed up the formatting of some of the posts, and some of them look worse than others.
  • #1
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422 was somehow messed up by the upgrade. I am able to edit the post myself, so I can probably fix it. But I would like to understand what's going on. About half-way through the post, everything goes nuts. If I choose to "edit" or "reply", I see stuff like this:

We will denote the matrix of S with respect to (C,D) by .
\begin{align}Sg_1 &=S(1,0,0)=(-1,0) =-1h_1+0h_2\\
Sg_2 &=S(0,1,0) =(0,2)=0h_1+2h_2\\
Sg_3 &=S(0,0,1) =(3,0)=3h_1+0h_2\\
&=\begin{pmatrix}(Sg_1)_1 & (Sg_2)_1 & (Sg_3)_1\\ (Sg_1)_2 & (Sg_2)_2 & (Sg_3)_2\end{pmatrix} =\begin{pmatrix}-1 & 0 & 3\\ 0 & 2 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.

That's a copy-and-paste from the edit window. However, if I paste this into a notepad window, and then copy-and-paste it from there, this is the result:

We will denote the matrix of S with respect to (C,D) by .
\begin{align}Sg_1 &=S(1,0,0)=(-1,0) =-1h_1+0h_2\\
Sg_2 &=S(0,1,0) =(0,2)=0h_1+2h_2\\
Sg_3 &=S(0,0,1) =(3,0)=3h_1+0h_2\\
&=\begin{pmatrix}(Sg_1)_1 & (Sg_2)_1 & (Sg_3)_1\\ (Sg_1)_2 & (Sg_2)_2 & (Sg_3)_2\end{pmatrix} =\begin{pmatrix}-1 & 0 & 3\\ 0 & 2 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.

So the code isn't wrong, or at least the part that Notepad can handle isn't, except for that period that isn't supposed to be there. (The period is probably an editing mistake from me from when I wrote this). But there's a line through the code?! Why? And how come that line shows up in the edit window as well as in the published version?

Did any other posts with LaTeX get messed up?

Also (this is an unrelated problem), is everyone else seeing that what I'm seeing? In some of the matrices, only the bottom half of the parentheses are visible. They show up if I highlight the matrix with my mouse, and then click somewhere to remove the highlight. But if I scroll down so that I don't see the matrices anymore, and then scroll back up, the first one is messed up again. I've been having this issue since, I don't know, about a week before the upgrade? Something changed about the LaTeX then. We got a bigger font or something.
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  • #2
I've also noted that the symbols and characters look as though they are being rendered by a crude raster scan compared to the smoother rendering of the previous forum's LaTeX mechanism. Integral signs in particular.

$$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x) \; dx $$

Just in case the issue is resolved in the future, here's a screen capture showing the above in all its jagged glory:

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  • #3
gneill said:
I've also noted that the symbols and characters look as though they are being rendered by a crude raster scan compared to the smoother rendering of the previous forum's LaTeX mechanism. Integral signs in particular.

$$\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x) \; dx $$
That integral looks fine to me. Here's a picture of what it looks like to me:


Cool, I could do that without using img tags.
  • #4
Hmm. Very odd. I wonder what's different for you and me? My browser is Firefox.

I added an image of what I'm seeing to my previous post.
  • #5
Weird. I'm using Firefox too.
  • #6
Fredrik said:
But I would like to understand what's going on.

[ S ] (no spaces) is interpreted as an opening strikethrough tag.
  • #7
[tex]\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x)\,dx[/tex]

This previews terribly, but it looks rather nice with OSX/Safari. This, on the other hand, looks awful:

Fredrik said:


Okay, that didn't work. You'll have to take my word for it that the image posted by Fredrik looks awful. Jaggies galore.
  • #8
Fredrik said:
Weird. I'm using Firefox too.
Okay, not so weird after all. It seems it's my old version of Firefox that's the culprit. Checked it out on another machine with an up-to-date browser and it rendered nicely.
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  • #9
Borek said:
[ S ] (no spaces) is interpreted as an opening strikethrough tag.
I don't see that anywhere in my post. I tried copying the text from the edit window to a Notepad window and then searching for it there, but there were no matches.

Edit: Wait, I get it. The sentence with the weird period at the end must have ended with
by [S].
And now that looks like "by .", with the period being the first strikethrough character. This raises the question of whether it's possible to get the tag to reappear so I can edit it. I think I have seen the option to choose between a rich text editor and a plain text editor somewhere, but I don't seem to get that choice when I try to edit that post.
  • #10
I switched my quick reply editor from rich text to just text somewhere in my personal preferences, as far as I can tell now all edit windows I see use plain text. YMMV

You may have to switch all occurrences of [ S] to latex, and even then to \[S\].
  • #11
Thanks Borek. I made a mistake. There is a simple way to get those tags to appear. The symbol that looks like a piece of paper with some text on it switches to the BB Code editor. I will fix that FAQ post today.
  • #12
Fredrik said:
Thanks Borek. I made a mistake. There is a simple way to get those tags to appear. The symbol that looks like a piece of paper with some text on it switches to the BB Code editor. I will fix that FAQ post today.
The paper icon that Fredrik mentioned is in the upper right corner. To its left is the "Remove formatting" icon.
  • #13
Borek said:
I switched my quick reply editor from rich text to just text somewhere in my personal preferences, as far as I can tell now all edit windows I see use plain text. YMMV

You may have to switch all occurrences of [ S] to latex, and even then to \[S\].
Switching to LaTeX didn't help, and typing \[ wouldn't have helped, because that's the code to start an unnumbered equation on a new line (i.e. it's the same as $$). What did help was to switch to LaTeX and add a space:
##[ S]##

I would say that my FAQ post was messed up by two separate issues: The first one is that BB Code tags don't have to be closed. For example, if you type
somewhere in your post, the rest of it will be in italics. The second issue is that BB Code tags inside LaTeX formulas are not ignored.

If possible, I would like both of these things changed. I don't think it's a good thing that people don't have to close BB Code tags.

Finding these issues was made more difficult by a third issue. When I edited the post, it was impossible to get any LaTeX to show up in the preview. I clicked "edit", and then the "BB Code Editor" button in the upper right corner. Then I made the changes I wanted to make, and tried to find a way to preview. Clicking "more options" gave me a preview button. That button gave me some sort of preview where no LaTeX was rendered.
  • #14
Fredrik said:
I don't think it's a good thing that people don't have to close BB Code tags.

I am afraid all forum engines I know do the same - they automatically close all the opened tags at the end of the post. It is especially irritating in chemistry, where we often use [ B] as concentration of some substance B (like in for the reaction A+B -> C, reaction rate is given by k[A][ B]).

Fredrik said:
The second issue is that BB Code tags inside LaTeX formulas are not ignored.

That's because these are two different, independent systems, each knowing nothing about the other.

Related to Fixing Latex Issues Post-Upgrade on Physics Forums

1. Why am I experiencing issues with my LaTeX after upgrading?

Upgrading your LaTeX installation can sometimes lead to compatibility issues with packages or configurations that were previously working. This is because new versions of LaTeX may have different syntax or features that conflict with older code.

2. How can I troubleshoot and fix LaTeX issues after upgrading?

The first step is to identify the specific issue you are experiencing. Check for any error messages or warnings that may provide clues. You can also try compiling a minimal working example to isolate the problem. Once you have identified the issue, you can search for solutions online or consult the LaTeX documentation for guidance.

3. What should I do if my document no longer compiles after upgrading?

If your document is no longer compiling after upgrading, it is likely due to a package or syntax issue. Try removing any recently added packages or code and see if the document compiles. If it does, then the issue lies with the new additions. You may need to update your packages or make changes to your code to fix the issue.

4. Is it possible to revert to a previous version of LaTeX?

Yes, it is possible to revert to a previous version of LaTeX if you are experiencing compatibility issues with the latest version. However, this may require a complete reinstallation of your LaTeX distribution. It is recommended to first try troubleshooting and fixing the issue before resorting to reverting to an older version.

5. Can I prevent future LaTeX issues after upgrading?

To reduce the chances of experiencing issues after upgrading, it is important to keep your LaTeX distribution and packages up to date. This will ensure that you have the latest features and bug fixes. It is also helpful to regularly check for updates to your packages and adjust your code accordingly to avoid any potential conflicts.

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