Gaining a PRL Publication: Value and Impact on a Theoretical Physics Career

In summary, the professor supervising my bachelor thesis is happy with the results. However, he needs more general results, which is where I come in. If I want my name on the paper, I will have to put in some work for this in the summer.
  • #1

the professor supervising my bachelor thesis is happy with the results. Together with another co-author, he is currently writing a paper for Physical Review Letters and is considering adding my results to it. However, for this purpose, he needs more general results. In other words, if I want my name on that paper, I would have to put in some work for this in the summer.

I am aspiring to make a career in theoretical physics. I do not mind a little extra work (I also have other academic plans for the summer). However, I will very probably be the last of three in the authors list.

Do you think this is worth the pains? What is the value of one's name appearing on a PRL paper, especially with regard to a career in theoretical physics? May it come in handy e.g. when applying for a doctorate position or possibly even for a master thesis position abroad?
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  • #2
It would not only look good on your applications and CV, it would give you valuable experience in writing, publishing, and working with collaborators to get something up the publishable point. Definitely take advantage of this opportunity.
  • #3
Pengwuino said:
It will look very good. Being the first name on a paper as an undergrad is... well, I've never heard of it, and i doubt others will have heard of many people who have done it either.
The OP said he would likely be third author, but that too would be a good thing to have on a CV.
  • #4
Gokul43201 said:
The OP said he would likely be third author, but that too would be a good thing to have on a CV.

oops, what did I read? :smile:
  • #5
One other thing, it's very common for a paper to have authors listed in order of seniority, but that has the consequence that when people see a junior faculty or graduate student listed as a third author, it's assumed that the grad student likely did most of the work or came up with the idea, and that the first author just reviewed it.
  • #6
twofish-quant said:
it's very common for a paper to have authors listed in order of seniority

Practices vary with the field and possibly with time. When I was a grad student in experimental high-energy particle physics about thirty years ago, the usual practice was to list all collaborators on an experiment, in alphabetical order, regardless of who actually contributed significantly to any particular paper.

When I started to work as a lowly grad student for my research group, which was part of a collaboration with about forty people at four institutions, my name started to appear on all our papers... alphabetically first! It felt a bit weird to see a citation to "J. Bell et al." for a paper that I had little or nothing to do with personally. Some of these were in Phys. Rev. D and Phys. Rev. Letters, too.
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  • #7
jtbell said:
Practices vary with the field and possibly with time.

Yes. One thing that's shocking is to go into a different field and see how different things are. It's like visiting another country. That's one reason that it's a good experience for the OP to get some experience publishing because you learn the rules of your field.

This can involve some nit-picky silly things like how to format a references section and the fact that a references section is called references and not bibliography. Then there are the joys of LaTeX and margin and formatting rules, and how to correctly punctuate formulas.

Then there are the arcane code words. How do you say "I think paper X stinks" ( i.e. X presented unusual results which have not been reproduced (cite other papers) and are inconsistent with the findings of the present paper.)

A lot of it is silly stuff that gets in the way of "real work" but writing and reading papers is useful because it means that the "silly stuff" becomes second nature.

I think one reason that experimental HEP publishes alphabetically is that some of these papers have hundreds of co-authors, and if you had to decide who goes first, you'd never get the paper out.

Astrophysics theory is rather inconsistent. Usually it's by seniority although sometimes it's by actual amount of contribution. I can't think of any paper that is done alphabetically. Because it's inconsistent, the important thing is to get your name on a paper. The order is more or less irrelevant.
  • #8
Not only is it good to have your name on a peer-reviewed published paper, if that publication is for Physical Review Letters all the more reason to put in the work to make it happen.

When I was in grad school, my advisor's practice was to list
  • the senior grad student first,
  • then post-docs, junior grad students, and/or our permanent staff researcher (order depended on level of their contribution to that project)
  • my advisor's name went last
There were usually 3 to 5 names on most papers that our group published, and we were an AMO physics group -- in contrast to the big particle accelerator publications having many dozens of names.
  • #9
In Cond Mat, it's similar. The grad student or postdoc that did most of the work is first author, and any other group members that assisted or shared responsibilities get listed in the order of their contribution. The PI is usually last author, unless there are collaborators from outside the group.
  • #10
powerflow said:
Do you think this is worth the pains? What is the value of one's name appearing on a PRL paper, especially with regard to a career in theoretical physics? May it come in handy e.g. when applying for a doctorate position or possibly even for a master thesis position abroad?

Also remember that it isn't all about the value to other people. It's good for you and your development, too. Writing a paper is a painful process, and getting a chance to start to understand how the system works at undergraduate level is a great experience. If you're involved in the writing itself, you'll also get a great chance to hone your writing skills. Papers need to be concise and have a good understanding of the literature - both very useful skills for you to have.

So, it isn't just about what having a publication will say to other people - it's also about what it means for your development. Of course, these skills are things you would be able to talk about at an interview - but just having the publication will also give a further level of assumed competency.

Related to Gaining a PRL Publication: Value and Impact on a Theoretical Physics Career

1. What is a PRL publication?

A PRL publication refers to a paper that has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters, which is a highly reputable and prestigious scientific journal in the field of theoretical physics. PRL publications are considered to be of high value and impact in the scientific community.

2. Why is gaining a PRL publication important for a theoretical physics career?

Gaining a PRL publication is important because it demonstrates that the research conducted is of significant value and impact in the field of theoretical physics. It also helps to establish the credibility and expertise of the researcher, which can be beneficial for career advancement opportunities such as securing grants and obtaining tenure.

3. How does a PRL publication impact a researcher's reputation?

A PRL publication can greatly impact a researcher's reputation by establishing them as a leading expert in their field. It also demonstrates that their research has been rigorously peer-reviewed and deemed to be of high quality and significance. This can lead to increased collaborations, invitations to speak at conferences, and other recognition within the scientific community.

4. Are there any downsides to focusing on gaining a PRL publication?

While gaining a PRL publication can have positive impacts on a researcher's career, there are also potential downsides to solely focusing on this goal. It can lead to a narrow research focus and neglect of other important aspects of a well-rounded research career, such as teaching and mentorship. Additionally, the intense competition for PRL publications can create a high-pressure environment for researchers.

5. How can a researcher increase their chances of gaining a PRL publication?

To increase their chances of gaining a PRL publication, a researcher should focus on conducting high-quality, innovative research that addresses important and relevant questions in their field. They should also ensure that their research is well-written and properly formatted according to the journal's guidelines. Collaborations with other experts in the field can also enhance the chances of publication in a prestigious journal like PRL.

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