Guidance needed -- Physics versus Engineering

In summary, the conversation revolves around the individual's struggle in choosing a career path between physics and engineering. They have a passion for physics and dream of making an important discovery or invention in the field, but are now questioning their decision after hearing a successful physicist say that engineering may be a better option. Some suggest following their passion, while others advise against choosing a career for fame and recognition. Ultimately, the individual is advised to pursue engineering as they may have a better chance of success and recognition in that field.
  • #1
I have been posting lately very heavily about this subject but still i have no clue about what i want to do. But on the bright side i know now what was the problem and what my interests are.

I love science and physics is my favorite so i took my last year of high school specific in physics and maths with no biology and some chemistry and i have been doing really fine.What i always wanted was to achieve something . I dream about being someone who is valued and respected for his intellectual power everywhere .

My most important dream and the one i dream about the most is to make an important discovery or invention in the physics field and earn a physics nobel for example. So i thought that logically in order to arrive there i have to study physics and so i applied to the American University of Beirut which is a top university here in Lebanon.

And so i was determined (but of course that's after a lot of thinking and asking and searching in every field ever) . But then on the internet came a video of an interview with Elon Musk ( famous physicist and economist (Paypal SpaceX SolarCity Tesla Motors)) and he was asked who is better in making contributions these days between physics and engineering so he said engineering although he is the most successful person i know and is in fact a physicist.

So this interview shook my whole decision and now i am really afraid that i chose the wrong major. I have no problem with engineering but I think it is very specific and physics is more of my thing. I already made a post about the differences between physics and engineering and i learned the thing.

But just hearing a successful physicist saying that engineering is better , in addition to every one i know not liking that i am letting engineering for physics and even an applied physics doctor contacted me telling me not to do it (and he explained so much about the struggle and the thing that engineers have better working potential ), just made me afraid of what i wanted to do. The only people who push me for physics are 4 or 5 of my friend who believe in me and know my passion . So i need some help choosing and some life advice please.
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  • #2
Hello jamalkoiyess,
i just want you to say" follow your passion".you are just going to live in this you just want to choose your career.i am an engineer but never felt satisfaction in this field.i used to have passion for english literature.but i have situation to choose engineering it's really hard for me And i really felt regret for choosing this option by hearing other's words.follow your passion don't change your path.other's may say but they are not going to live your happy life. All the best.choose your happy life.
  • #3
Going into physics because your dream is to win the Nobel Prize is the WRONG reason to go into it. You appear to want to do it for the fame and fortune and recognition. Why not just be a movie star?

You will find that physics is too difficult and too demanding to do for the wrong reason.

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Likes Thewindyfan, axmls, QuantumQuest and 1 other person
  • #4
First of all, no one can be good at everything and everyone wants to be respected for his intellectual power - to use your own words, and maybe to be eligible for a Nobel prize. But real life - talking accordingly to my own experience of about fifty years, does not work as such.
What is the point of pursuing a career you don't like or have passion for? Can you ever get good at this? Usually not. You have to ask yourself what you like most to do and begin a path of learning according to this. I think it's better to pursue something you like and not end up abandoning the whole career thing altogether, someday. Don't get me wrong here: I don't mean to discourage you, but in my opinion, you have to think in more "real" terms. Don't begin your thinking as a Nobel Laureate, but as a person who has the passion and will to pursue something. Putting a lot of effort in the way, you can start thinking about being famous, although I don't think that this could be a healthy motivation for anyone to achieve his goal.
  • #5
ZapperZ said:
Going into physics because your dream is to win the Nobel Prize is the WRONG reason to go into it. You appear to want to do it for the fame and fortune and recognition. Why not just be a movie star?

You will find that physics is too difficult and too demanding to do for the wrong reason.

I really have to agree. I think it is important to have dreams and aspirations -- however, I also think choosing your major based on which one you think could potentially make you more famous is a oneway ticket to a very disappointing future. I don't know what else to say other than that, with this mindset, you will most certainly fail to obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering or physics -- much less reach your goals of earning a Nobel Prize (which would require a PhD). I highly doubt any of the Nobel Laureates set out to study physics for the purpose of becoming famous...

My advice: Do engineering. They are probably more highly praised by the general public, and that seems to be what you're after.
  • #6
praveena said:
Hello jamalkoiyess,
i just want you to say" follow your passion".you are just going to live in this you just want to choose your career.i am an engineer but never felt satisfaction in this field.i used to have passion for english literature.but i have situation to choose engineering it's really hard for me And i really felt regret for choosing this option by hearing other's words.follow your passion don't change your path.other's may say but they are not going to live your happy life. All the best.choose your happy life.
i see... i am sorry for you . you really encouraged me now to follow what i like thanks very much and i hope that someday you complete that english literature dream . :)
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  • #7
ZapperZ said:
Going into physics because your dream is to win the Nobel Prize is the WRONG reason to go into it. You appear to want to do it for the fame and fortune and recognition. Why not just be a movie star?

You will find that physics is too difficult and too demanding to do for the wrong reason.

I may have badly explained myself here . I am not going to do physics to win a nobel prize. That would be too idiot . I am going actually with a dream of making life better, of creating something that could help like a better energy system , a better safer and cleaner travel method , etc. ... the nobel an exemple. Because you know what ? I am really frustrated by all the physicists and there causes behind doing physics : all of them liked maths and liked to know how the world works . It looks now to me that if i don't like the same things so i should not pursue it. In my opinion that's wrong. You can like a girl for her hair and i can like her for her eyes but we both like her . I am not that interested in knowing how everything works , but i love physics, it appeals to me , i am thr kind of person who likes hard work . My passion is actually to learn. I like how much physics can give you . Thats all.
  • #8
jamalkoiyess said:
I may have badly explained myself here . I am not going to do physics to win a nobel prize. That would be too idiot . I am going actually with a dream of making life better, of creating something that could help like a better energy system , a better safer and cleaner travel method , etc. ... the nobel an exemple. Because you know what ? I am really frustrated by all the physicists and there causes behind doing physics : all of them liked maths and liked to know how the world works . It looks now to me that if i don't like the same things so i should not pursue it.

What the... ?

I'm a physicist. Please tell me why you are "really frustrated" with me. What did I, or my profession, do to you?

  • #9
QuantumQuest said:
First of all, no one can be good at everything and everyone wants to be respected for his intellectual power - to use your own words, and maybe to be eligible for a Nobel prize. But real life - talking accordingly to my own experience of about fifty years, does not work as such.
What is the point of pursuing a career you don't like or have passion for? Can you ever get good at this? Usually not. You have to ask yourself what you like most to do and begin a path of learning according to this. I think it's better to pursue something you like and not end up abandoning the whole career thing altogether, someday. Don't get me wrong here: I don't mean to discourage you, but in my opinion, you have to think in more "real" terms. Don't begin your thinking as a Nobel Laureate, but as a person who has the passion and will to pursue something. Putting a lot of effort in the way, you can start thinking about being famous, although I don't think that this could be a healthy motivation for anyone to achieve his goal.
Also you understood me wrong. Sorry i didn't express my self good enough . All i am seeking is advice on the engineering vs physics dilemma that i am having right now . The nobel priza was just a wrong way to express my dreams of being successful in the field . :)
  • #10
jamalkoiyess said:
I may have badly explained myself here . I am not going to do physics to win a nobel prize. That would be too idiot . I am going actually with a dream of making life better, of creating something that could help like a better energy system , a better safer and cleaner travel method , etc. ... the nobel an exemple. Because you know what ? I am really frustrated by all the physicists and there causes behind doing physics : all of them liked maths and liked to know how the world works . It looks now to me that if i don't like the same things so i should not pursue it. In my opinion that's wrong. You can like a girl for her hair and i can like her for her eyes but we both like her . I am not that interested in knowing how everything works , but i love physics, it appeals to me , i am thr kind of person who likes hard work . My passion is actually to learn. I like how much physics can give you . Thats all.

What? I'm confused. Do you want to make discoveries/learn or help society? You contradicted yourself.
  • #11
jbrussell93 said:
I really have to agree. I think it is important to have dreams and aspirations -- however, I also think choosing your major based on which one you think could potentially make you more famous is a oneway ticket to a very disappointing future. I don't know what else to say other than that, with this mindset, you will most certainly fail to obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering or physics -- much less reach your goals of earning a Nobel Prize (which would require a PhD). I highly doubt any of the Nobel Laureates set out to study physics for the purpose of becoming famous...

My advice: Do engineering. They are probably more highly praised by the general public, and that seems to be what you're after.
I am not looking for fame ... please forget about the nobel prize thing . And give me advice on the physics and engineering. Thank you.
  • #12
For example, I'm majoring in physics with the hopes of going to grad school for experimental particle physics because I want to understand the fundamentals of nature. Pop science isn't enough for me. And what if I can't get a job at a national lab? That's fine because a degree in physics is very valuable for other jobs (finance, consulting, etc).

I don't care about the practical application of physics. I want to understand the physics. If you do care about the practical applications then go into engineering or applied physics.
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  • #13
Amrator said:
For example, I'm majoring in physics with the hopes of going to grad school for experimental particle physics because I want to understand the fundamentals of nature. Pop science isn't enough for me. And what if I can't get a job at a national lab? That's fine because a degree in physics is very valuable for other jobs (finance, consulting, etc).

I don't care about the practical application of physics. I want to understand the physics. If you do care about the practical applications then go into engineering or applied physics.

OK, now that's rather ignorant. Physics isn't just the LHC, the Big Bang, etc. Physics is also your iPhone, your MRI, etc. The LARGEST section, in terms of membership, in the American Physical Society, is the condensed matter/material science division. This is often considered as the "applied" part of physics, the one where we can go to politicians that award huge research grant, and point to the valuable applications that can come out of those areas of study!

Furthermore, such "applied" area often have impact on fundamental physics. Where do you think the Higgs mechanism came from? Where do you think the first sign of Majorana fermions, Weyl fermions, topological effects, etc.. came from? And do you think you can make advances in experimental HEP without contribution from Accelerator physics, detector physics, etc?

  • #14
ZapperZ said:
What the... ?

I'm a physicist. Please tell me why you are "really frustrated" with me. What did I, or my profession, do to you?

What you do to me is that whenever someone asks me why i love physics i have none to say . Thats what kills me . There is nothing between us but you know when everyone loves what they do and have these amazing experiences it really hurts when someone asks you finally and you have nothing you say. I get so depressed . Sorry i am a little bit sad now and the replies are a little wrong of me .
  • #15
ZapperZ said:
OK, now that's rather ignorant. Physics isn't just the LHC, the Big Bang, etc. Physics is also your iPhone, your MRI, etc. The LARGEST section, in terms of membership, in the American Physical Society, is the condensed matter/material science division. This is often considered as the "applied" part of physics, the one where we can go to politicians that award huge research grant, and point to the valuable applications that can come out of those areas of study!

Furthermore, such "applied" area often have impact on fundamental physics. Where do you think the Higgs mechanism came from? Where do you think the first sign of Majorana fermions, Weyl fermions, topological effects, etc.. came from? And do you think you can make advances in experimental HEP without contribution from Accelerator physics, detector physics, etc?

Thats is the reply i wanted from this post . Thanks . I just wanted to know the opportunities i have from physics degree. That's all then . Thank you.
  • #16
Amrator said:
What? I'm confused. Do you want to make discoveries/learn or help society? You contradicted yourself.
Yeah the thing is that i want to do all of this .
  • #17
ZapperZ said:
OK, now that's rather ignorant. Physics isn't just the LHC, the Big Bang, etc. Physics is also your iPhone, your MRI, etc. The LARGEST section, in terms of membership, in the American Physical Society, is the condensed matter/material science division. This is often considered as the "applied" part of physics, the one where we can go to politicians that award huge research grant, and point to the valuable applications that can come out of those areas of study!

Furthermore, such "applied" area often have impact on fundamental physics. Where do you think the Higgs mechanism came from? Where do you think the first sign of Majorana fermions, Weyl fermions, topological effects, etc.. came from? And do you think you can make advances in experimental HEP without contribution from Accelerator physics, detector physics, etc?

I was not glorifying HEP if that's what you thought I was doing.
  • #18
Amrator said:
I was not glorifying HEP if that's what you thought I was doing.

No, you were not. Instead, you were belittling the other parts of physics that have a direct impact on our lives.

  • #19
jamalkoiyess said:
Yeah the thing is that i want to do all of this .
Have you looked into medical physics. @Choppy
  • #20
ZapperZ said:
No, you were not. Instead, you were belittling the other parts of physics that have a direct impact on our lives.


I'm so confused.
  • #21
jamalkoiyess said:
Thats is the reply i wanted from this post . Thanks . I just wanted to know the opportunities i have from physics degree. That's all then . Thank you.

Then you should have been more direct in the very beginning and not add all those distractions.

I had already made a thread a long time ago on the field of Accelerator Physics (it is an applied field, horrors!), and included in that, the field of detector/device physics.

  • #22
Amrator said:
Have you looked into medical physics. @Choppy
No actually but i am interested but is it a separate major ?
  • #23
ZapperZ said:
Then you should have been more direct in the very beginning and not add all those distractions.

I had already made a thread a long time ago on the field of Accelerator Physics (it is an applied field, horrors!), and included in that, the field of detector/device physics.

Yeah i should've. But some people can't give advice until you tell them the story of your life. And i am looking at your threat. Looks interesting. But why "horrors"?
  • #24
I never made any implications that I look down on applied physics or any profession. We all have a place here in society. Some people become healthcare professionals or therapists because they're passionate about helping other people. Some people become engineers because they have a passion for societal/technological advancement and stability. Some people, like myself, become scientists/mathematicians because we have passion for learning/understanding how the universe/life/mathematics work. Some people become writers because they're simply passionate about writing (questioning moral standards, empathy, political, etc.).

Just follow your passion.
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  • #25
jamalkoiyess said:
No actually but i am interested [re: medical physics] but is it a separate major ?

No, you don't need a separate major as an undergrad to get into medical physics. There are some schools that will have medical physics- specific undergraduate programs, but you need to be cautious with these as some of them can present a watered-down physics curriculum that may not qualify you for admissions to all graduate medical physics programs.

Medical physics graduate programs are sometimes run outside of the physics department though. Often they fall under the oncology department.

For further reading:
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  • #26
jamalkoiyess said:
Yeah i should've. But some people can't give advice until you tell them the story of your life. And i am looking at your threat. Looks interesting. But why "horrors"?
He was just being snarky. It was probably directed at me since he thinks that I was degrading applied fields. I was really just using myself as an example to help you find out what you should do. Some people care about practical applications, and some don't. If you care about the practical applications, then go into engineering or applied physics. If you care more about the fundamentals, then go into pure physics.
Good luck.

Related to Guidance needed -- Physics versus Engineering

What is the difference between physics and engineering?

Physics is a branch of science that deals with the study of matter, energy, and their interactions. It focuses on understanding the fundamental laws and principles that govern the natural world. Engineering, on the other hand, is the application of scientific and mathematical principles to design, build, and maintain structures, machines, devices, and systems. In simple terms, physics is the science behind understanding how things work, while engineering is the practical application of that knowledge to solve real-world problems.

What subjects are included in physics and engineering?

Physics includes subjects such as mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and relativity. Engineering, on the other hand, includes subjects such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, and computer engineering. Both fields also require a strong foundation in mathematics and other sciences such as chemistry and biology.

Can someone be both a physicist and an engineer?

Yes, it is possible for someone to have knowledge and expertise in both physics and engineering. In fact, many engineers have a background in physics and use their understanding of fundamental principles to design and create innovative solutions. However, the focus of their work may differ, as physicists tend to focus more on theoretical research, while engineers focus on practical applications.

Which field offers better job opportunities, physics or engineering?

Both physics and engineering offer a wide range of job opportunities in various industries such as research and development, manufacturing, technology, and consulting. However, the demand for engineers is typically higher, as they are directly involved in the design, development, and implementation of new technologies and products. On the other hand, physicists may have more opportunities in academic and research roles.

Do physics and engineering require different skill sets?

While there is some overlap in the skills required for physics and engineering, there are also some significant differences. Physics requires strong analytical and mathematical skills, as well as the ability to think critically and creatively. Engineering, on the other hand, also requires strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work with others in a team to bring ideas to life. Additionally, engineers may need to have practical skills in areas such as design, prototyping, and testing.

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