Help with 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom

In summary: I would recommend checking out the tutorials on that website first to get a better understanding of how it works though.
  • #1
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
I decided to do a 3D simulation/visualisation of the behavior of a hydrogen atom in various energy states. However I am not a programmer and I don't know what the best way to go about doing that would be.
First of all, I got to decide what I'm going to use to make the simulation. I know Fortran, Matlab etc but I'm pretty sure these won't help me much. I learned some C++ a couple years ago but my knowledge is rusty, however I think I'm going to use that combined with Unreal Engine, since it makes it easier to create the environment. Of course that means I'm going to have to learn some UE basics.

My idea was fixing the nucleus, and then splitting up the 3d space into discrete points, with probabilities assigned to them according to the wave function. I'm going to have one image of the electron representing the mean position which will be hardcoded, and then and then at each time step the program will pick random points all over the space and checking if it succeeds or fails in finding an electron there according to the probabilities. It will stop when a predetermined number of electrons has been found, say 20. At that point it will display ghost images of all these electrons all at once, to give the user a rough idea of the probability distribution. The actual algorithm may need some tweaks since it sounds like it might be somewhat intensive for a complicated wavefunction if I am to do this in every time step. Or maybe not, idk. I do have an idea to maybe make it more efficient though. Then maybe I could have another algorithm calculating the mean position of the ghost images and create another ghost image to compare it with the hardcoded result.

Is this a good approach? What else would you suggest? Could I potentially expand it for even more complicated states/atoms while maintaining any accuracy whatsoever? Is using Unreal Engine a good idea or are there better options?
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  • #2
Also I just realized that maybe this isn't the best section for this...

I also have an additional question, are there any libraries that could prove useful?
  • #3
The platform depends on your goals (short term and long term) and your audience.

These days, I lean towards visualizations that I can easily share with others.
So, I prefer web-based platforms [in spite of some limitations].
If the limitations are too severe, then I'll opt for a specialized library.

Some possibly useful ideas:
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Likes pbuk and AndreasC
  • #4
I'm trying to understand your objective. It sounds like you want to be able to generate figures like the following. Is that correct?

  • #5
anorlunda said:
I'm trying to understand your objective. It sounds like you want to be able to generate figures like the following. Is that correct?

View attachment 266835
Well, sorta. I want to do this except I want to visualise the concept by "ghost" electrons appearing randomly in 3d space that the user can navigate around.
  • #6
robphy said:
The platform depends on your goals (short term and long term) and your audience.

These days, I lean towards visualizations that I can easily share with others.
So, I prefer web-based platforms [in spite of some limitations].
If the limitations are too severe, then I'll opt for a specialized library.

Some possibly useful ideas:
I do want to share it with others, that is my goal. However I am not familiar with online platforms. What would you recommend?

I am more or less familiar with the math required to solve the problems either numerically or analytically, my issue is primarily with the implementation. Although I may discover more problems as I go along.

I can't check it right now but on the surface your final link looks like it might be pretty useful.

Related to Help with 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom

What is a 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom?

A 3-D interactive QM (quantum mechanics) visualisation of a hydrogen atom is a computer-generated simulation that allows users to explore and interact with the behavior and structure of a hydrogen atom in three-dimensional space. It is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

Why is a 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom useful?

A 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom can help scientists and students better understand the complex and abstract concepts of quantum mechanics. It allows for a more intuitive and hands-on exploration of atomic behavior, which can aid in the learning and discovery process.

What are the key features of a 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom?

A 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom typically includes features such as the ability to manipulate and observe the atom's energy levels, wave functions, and probability distributions. It may also allow for the visualization of different atomic orbitals and the interactions between the atom and external fields.

How can I access a 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom?

There are various software programs and online tools available that offer 3-D interactive QM visualisations of hydrogen atoms. Some may require a subscription or purchase, while others may be freely accessible. It is also possible to create your own visualisations using programming languages and software libraries.

What are the limitations of a 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom?

A 3-D interactive QM visualisation of a hydrogen atom is a simplified representation of a complex quantum mechanical system. It may not accurately depict the behavior of real atoms in all situations, and the level of detail and precision may vary depending on the software or tool used. It is important to use these visualisations as a learning aid and not rely on them as a completely accurate depiction of atomic behavior.

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