How Does Energy Affect the Excitation of Electrons in Multi-Electron Atoms?

  • Thread starter UchihaClan13
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In summary: A book that will cover all your questions is W. Demtröder, Atoms, Molecules and Photons.Seriously??Yes, it will definitely do that.
  • #1
Okay guys

So I was reading physical chemistry by atkins and quantum chemistry by ira.n.levine
But there's one thing i am not quite clear with

So it's like this:

I do know that an atom has a definite energy(which is the sum of its potential (which includes the potential and(energy due to interelectronic repulsions and nucleus-electron interactions which i shall tend to neglect for the time being)and kinetic energies(here kinetic energy includes only the transational kinetic energy of the atom)

And let's say that the atom is a multi-electron one
Now let's say we provide some energy to the atom making it excited or allowing it leave its ground state and reach an excited one

As a consequence of this,one of the electrons in its valence shell gets excited(i can't pinpoint which since the excitation of anyone electron is a probability in itself)
this electron after going to its excited state returns to its ground state by releasing a certain quanta of energy
Corresponding to a certain frequency

Now herein lies my question
As we know that electron transfer is feasible for atoms in gaseous state(I am not talking about the photoelectric effect nor am i highlighting the dissociation of an ionic compound/acid/base into cations and anions)

And we also know that gaseous atoms also possesses some thermal energy due to their random motion(which serves as a basis for the total internal energy of the system)
So let's say we energise a gaseous atom!

So will all that energy it receives go into energising its outer shell electron
Or will the energy be expended in parts(some amount of the energy excites the electron,while the rest of it increases the kinetic energy of the atom)

I do know that when you energise the atom
You energise the entire nucleus+ electrons system
And thus can't we say that the energy of the entire atom increases as a result of which its kinetic energy also increases and that too by certain discrete amounts since the energy of the atom is quantized
Some insight is much appreciated!


And could you guys give me a more word/logic-based explanation instead of a numerical one??
My stupid brain refuses to understand quantum mechanics completely

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  • #2
Well, momentum has to be conserved, and the absorbed photon carries some momentum. It will change the motion of the atom. It can increase its kinetic energy or decrease it, depending on its flight direction relative to the direction of the absorbed light.

This is relevant for precision spectroscopy: Atoms that move towards your light source get slowed down and lose some kinetic energy, and the photon needs a lower energy for the excitation. Atoms that move away from your light source get sped up and gain some kinetic energy, and the photon needs a higher energy for the excitation. Overall, this is called "doppler broadening" of spectral lines.
  • #3
mfb said:
This is relevant for precision spectroscopy: Atoms that move towards your light source get slowed down and lose some kinetic energy, and the photon needs a lower energy for the excitation. Atoms that move away from your light source get sped up and gain some kinetic energy, and the photon needs a higher energy for the excitation. Overall, this is called "doppler broadening" of spectral lines.
Photon needs a lower energy for excitation??
How can photons get excited
Aren't they just light quanta??
Do you mean the electrons??
  • #4
The photon needs a lower energy for the excitation of the atom.
  • #5
Your last 4 questions relate esp. to lasers. Read a book on that basics before ocupying Yourself with quantum chemistry. In that field, electrons will dance weird orbitals esp. when " the atom is a multi-electron one"

TheTruth is, nobody "understands complete" QM, because of its weird quantum logic which requires abstract and new mathematical concepts of superposition states beyond normal imagination. QM objects don´t follow classical concepts, nevertheless there are rigid rules and laws, it can be calculated in some fields precisely and it works.
  • #6
Ummm okay
Could you suggest some good books to me about lasers?
  • #8
I mean will it do that for sure?
If yes then thank you so much for allowing me to get rid of my confusion!:)

Related to How Does Energy Affect the Excitation of Electrons in Multi-Electron Atoms?

1. What is an atom?

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that retains the properties of an element. It is composed of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons in orbit.

2. How was the atom discovered?

The atom was first theorized by ancient Greek philosophers, but its modern understanding began with John Dalton's atomic theory in 1803. It was further developed by scientists such as J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr.

3. What is the structure of an atom?

An atom has a central nucleus made up of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons. Surrounding the nucleus are negatively charged electrons in different energy levels or orbitals.

4. What is the difference between an element and an atom?

An element is a substance made up of only one type of atom, while an atom is the smallest unit of that element. Elements can combine to form compounds, but atoms cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

5. Can atoms be seen?

No, atoms cannot be seen with the naked eye. They are too small to be visible even with a microscope. However, their presence and behavior can be observed through scientific experiments and instruments such as electron microscopes.

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