Implicit Differentiation: How Do I Solve \dfrac{x^2}{x+y}=y^2+8?

In summary: You confuse yourself when dy/dx appears on both sides. It has no sense dividing by dy/dx. Multiply the original equation by (x+y), then you need to differentiate the equation...Ok, I'll start over and update.In summary, the conversation discusses solving the equation \dfrac{x^2}{x+y}=y^2+8 using the quotient and product rules. The participant attempts to use the quotient rule to solve for \dfrac{dy}{dx} and factor the left side, but there are errors in the differentiation and factoring process. The expert suggests multiplying the original equation by (x+y) and then differentiating to solve for \dfrac{dy}{dx}.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Quotient Rule: [itex]\dfrac{g(x)\cdot f'(x)-g'(x)\cdot f(x)}{(g(x))^2}[/itex]

Product Rule: [itex]f(x)\cdot g'(x)+g(x)\cdot f'(x)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[itex]\dfrac{(x+y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(2x)-(1\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(x^2)}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]

I feel like there are a couple of ways to go about this. Would it be easier to flip the denominator and use the product rule? I just used the quotient from here on out.

What you see my trying to do is get [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex] on the left side and everything else on the right, then factor [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex] out. This is my first encounter with this type of problem so I get confused very fast.

[itex]\dfrac{(x+y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(2x)-(1\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(x^2)}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]

[itex]\dfrac{(2x^2+2xy\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})-(x^2\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]






I don't want to go much farther because I could be doing this wrong. On the left side, I want to factor, but I'm curious if this is right so far or have I made any errors?
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  • #2
FritoTaco said:

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Quotient Rule: [itex]\dfrac{g(x)\cdot f'(x)-g'(x)\cdot f(x)}{(g(x))^2}[/itex]

Product Rule: [itex]f(x)\cdot g'(x)+g(x)\cdot f'(x)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[itex]\dfrac{(x+y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(2x)-(1\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(x^2)}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]

I don't want to go much farther because I could be doing this wrong. On the left side, I want to factor, but I'm curious if this is right so far or have I made any errors?

Where does the ##y y'## come from on the left?
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  • #3
Ray Vickson said:
Where does the yy′yy′y y' come from on the left?

Are you talking about where I have [itex](x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})[/itex] or [itex]-(1\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})[/itex]?
  • #4
FritoTaco said:

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

Quotient Rule: [itex]\dfrac{g(x)\cdot f'(x)-g'(x)\cdot f(x)}{(g(x))^2}[/itex]

Product Rule: [itex]f(x)\cdot g'(x)+g(x)\cdot f'(x)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[itex]\dfrac{(x+y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(2x)-(1\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(x^2)}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]

The differentiation of the left side is wrong. What are f and g ? Just apply the Quotient Rule properly.
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  • #5
ehild said:
The differentiation of the left side is wrong. What are f and g ? Just apply the Quotient rule properly.

Oops, here they are:

Edit: Oh, I need it to say [itex]\dfrac{(x+y)(2x)-(1\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(x^2)}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]
  • #6
FritoTaco said:
Oops, here they are:
The last equation is wrong. The derivative of a sum is the sum of derivatives. What is dx/dx? and dy/dx is not yy'.
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  • #7
Would it just be [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]
  • #8
FritoTaco said:
Oops, here they are:

Edit: Oh, I need it to say [itex]\dfrac{(x+y)(2x)-(1\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx})(x^2)}{(x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})^2} = 2y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]
Still wrong. What should be the denominator? Is not it g2?
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  • #9
FritoTaco said:
Would it just be [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]
Of course.
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  • #10
ehild said:
Of course.

Ok, thanks, let me update the work and go from there.
  • #11
I started moving the [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex] to the right side instead, but didn't finish just yet.




  • #12
FritoTaco said:
Are you talking about where I have [itex](x+y\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})[/itex] or [itex]-(1\cdot \dfrac{dy}{dx})[/itex]?

I am talking about the ##y \frac{dy}{dx}## part.
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  • #13
Ray Vickson said:
I am talking about the ydydxydydxy \frac{dy}{dx} part.

That was my fault. It was supposed to be [itex](x+y)[/itex]
  • #14
FritoTaco said:
I started moving the [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex] to the right side instead, but didn't finish just yet.

Wrong denominator on the left side.
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  • #15
You confuse yourself when dy/dx appears on both sides. It has no sense dividing by dy/dx.
Multiply the original equation by (x+y), then you need to differentiate the equation ##x^2=(x+y)(y^2+8)##.
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  • #16
ehild said:
You confuse yourself when dy/dx appears on both sides. It has no sense dividing by dy/dx.

I fixed that after that, it should've been like the rest.

ehild said:
Multiply the original equation by (x+y), then you need to differentiate the equation x2=(x+y)(y2+8)x2=(x+y)(y2+8)x^2=(x+y)(y^2+8).

Are you saying that after getting rid of that (x+y) in the denominator, I would distribute on the right side and use the product rule?

See this is my problem in math, I follow the pattern I first learn from when introduced into something new. When you said to multiply the original equation by (x+y), I wouldn't have thought of that because I've been following what I've been previously doing, by using the quotient rule because there's a fraction on the left side.

I want to clarify on something, after doing this:


In the second step after distributing,


When I get here, am I using the chain rule on xy^2 and the product rule on 8x and 8y?
  • #17
FritoTaco said:
I fixed that after that, it should've been like the rest.
The rest was also wrong. There is no derivative in the denominator on the left side. Why did you put dy/dx there again? And I do not follow what you did.
FritoTaco said:
Are you saying that after getting rid of that (x+y) in the denominator, I would distribute on the right side and use the product rule?
No need to distribute. Use the product rule, but differentiate both sides!
FritoTaco said:
See this is my problem in math, I follow the pattern I first learn from when introduced into something new. When you said to multiply the original equation by (x+y), I wouldn't have thought of that because I've been following what I've been previously doing, by using the quotient rule because there's a fraction on the left side.

It is all right to differentiate the original equation, but you get a more complicate equation for dy/dx, and you looked confused. You need to use basic rules of multiplication and addition, instead of "following patterns".
the left side is x2. What is the derivative?
The right side is (x+y)(y2+8). Apply product rule to get the derivative with respect x.
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  • #18
ehild said:
The rest was also wrong. There is no derivative in the denominator on the left side. Why did you put dy/dx there again? And I do not follow what you did.

My professor was saying whenever there's a "y", you need to multiply by [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]. He never showed us an example of a problem given a fraction so I don't know about that.








Would you distribute like I just did on the last part there? Doesn't seem correct.
  • #19
FritoTaco said:
My professor was saying whenever there's a "y", you need to multiply by [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex].
You might have heard your professor incorrectly. When you're doing implicit differentiation, where there's a y, upon differentiation you get ##\frac{dy}{dx}##. You aren't multiplying by ##\frac{dy}{dx}##.

For example, if there's a term of ##y^2##, differentiating it gives ##\frac d{dx}\left(y^2\right) = 2y\cdot \frac {dy}{dx}##. That last factor comes from the chain rule. ##\frac d{dx}\left(y^2\right) = \frac d {dy} \left(y^2\right) \cdot \frac {dy}{dx}##.
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  • #20
FritoTaco said:
My professor was saying whenever there's a "y", you need to multiply by [itex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]. He never showed us an example of a problem given a fraction so I don't know about that.







You have to differentiate both sides! so the left side is d(x2)/dx = ?
About the saying of your professor, whenever you differentiate a function of y, differentiate it with respect to y first, then multiply by y'. But in case of a fraction, it is f'g-fg' divided by the square of the original denominator.
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  • #21
I have a question, does [itex]y'[/itex] mean the same as [itex]y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]?
  • #22
FritoTaco said:
I have a question, does [itex]y'[/itex] mean the same as [itex]y\cdot\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/itex]?
Absolutely not. y' is alternate notation for ##\frac{dy}{dx}##. With the y' notation, the context should make clear that it is the derivative with respect to x.
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  • #23
Ok, thanks. I'm working on it.

Related to Implicit Differentiation: How Do I Solve \dfrac{x^2}{x+y}=y^2+8?

1. What is implicit differentiation?

Implicit differentiation is a mathematical method used to find the derivative of a function that is written in an implicit form, where the dependent variable is not isolated on one side of the equation. This technique is commonly used in multivariable calculus and is especially useful when finding the derivative of equations that cannot be easily solved for the dependent variable.

2. When is implicit differentiation used?

Implicit differentiation is used when the dependent variable is not explicitly written in terms of the independent variable, making it difficult to find the derivative using traditional methods like the power rule or product rule. It is also useful when dealing with equations that involve multiple variables.

3. How do you perform implicit differentiation?

To perform implicit differentiation, you must first differentiate both sides of the equation with respect to the independent variable. Then, use the chain rule and product rule as needed to simplify the expression. Once the derivative is found, you can solve for the dependent variable if needed.

4. What are the advantages of using implicit differentiation?

One advantage of implicit differentiation is that it allows us to find the derivative of an equation without having to solve for the dependent variable. This can be particularly helpful when the equation is complex or difficult to manipulate. It is also useful in cases where the dependent variable is not explicitly written in terms of the independent variable.

5. Are there any limitations to implicit differentiation?

One limitation of implicit differentiation is that it can be more time-consuming and complicated compared to finding the derivative using traditional methods. It also may not be possible to solve for the dependent variable, depending on the complexity of the equation. In addition, implicit differentiation is not always applicable, as it requires the equation to be differentiable.

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