Increasing energy scale in an expanding Universe?

In summary, the FLRW metric describes a homogeneous and isotropic Universe with a scale factor and an interval of uniformly curved co-ordinate 3-space. The interval of proper distance between two points is given by the scale factor. By setting the scale factor at the present time to 1, we can eliminate the co-ordinate interval and relate proper length to cosmic time. Using the Compton wavelength and the energy associated with one meter, we can calculate the energy at a future time. When solving the FLRW equations, distance scales are referred back to the present time, and the energy density of a co-moving volume of dust should be proportional to 1/a^2. The Planck mass and Newton's constant are no longer constant,
  • #1
A homogeneous and isotropic Universe is described by the FLRW metric:
ds^2 = c^2dt^2 + a^2(t)\ d\Sigma^2,
where ##a(t)## is the scale factor and ##d\Sigma## is an interval of uniformly curved co-ordinate 3-space which is independent of cosmic time ##t##.

If we set ##dt=0## then we find that the interval of proper distance, ##ds##, between two points with co-ordinate space separation, ##d\Sigma##, is given by:
ds = a(t)\ d\Sigma.
Now at the present time ##t_0## we can define the scale factor ##a(t_0)=1##. Therefore, at time ##t_0##, the co-ordinate separation, ##d\Sigma##, is equal to an interval of proper distance, ##ds_0##, given by:
ds_0 = d\Sigma.
Therefore we can eliminate the co-ordinate interval ##d\Sigma## in the two equations above to give:
ds = a(t)\ ds_0,
where ##ds## is a proper length at time ##t## and ##ds_0## is the corresponding proper length at the present time ##t_0##.

Imagine that we have a rigid ruler of length one meter at the present time ##t_0##.

Let us transport that ruler into some future time ##t##. Since the ruler is rigid it remains one meter in length. But the corresponding length of the future ruler, at our present time ##t_0##, ##l_0##, is given by the above formula with ##ds=1## and ##l_0=ds_0## so that we have:
l_0 = \frac{1}{a(t)}\ \hbox{meters}.
Energy and length are related by the Compton wavelength:
E = \frac{\hbar c}{\lambda}.
Thus the energy associated with one meter measured at time ##t## by a contemporary observer is:
E = \hbar c\ \hbox{joules}.
However the energy of one meter measured at time ##t##, when described in the co-ordinate system of an observer at the present time ##t_0##, is given by:
E_0 = \frac{\hbar c}{l_0}\\
E_0 = a(t)\hbar c\ \hbox{joules}.
When solving the FLRW equations one refers distance scales back to the present time by using ##a(t_0)=1##. Thus everything should be in terms of an observer at the present time ##t_0##.

For example the energy density of a co-moving volume of dust is conventionally taken to be given by:
\rho \propto \frac{1}{a^3}.
Given the above discussion I would say that the energy density of a co-moving volume of dust (whose atoms always have a fixed size), from the perspective of an observer at the present time ##t_0##, should be given by:
\rho \propto \frac{a}{a^3}\\
\rho \propto \frac{1}{a^2}.
Rather than assuming that energy density is increasing, I would explain this effect as an increase in Universal energy scale from the perspective of an observer at the present time.

The Planck mass, ##M_{Pl}##, is the fundamental energy scale.

Newton's constant ##G## is related to the Planck mass by definition:
G \propto \frac{1}{M_{Pl}^2}.
Instead of the Planck mass being a constant let us assume that it is proportional to ##a(t)##.

Thus, from the perspective of an observer fixed at the present time, Newton's constant is no longer constant but given by the expression:
G = \frac{G_0}{a^2(t)}.
The Friedmann equation for a spatially flat Universe would then be given by:
\left(\frac{\dot{a}}{a}\right)^2 = \frac{8 \pi G_0 \rho}{3\ a^2(t)}.
Instead of the density ##\rho## varying with time let us assume that it is constant ##\rho=\rho_0## and instead ##G## varies with time.

The Hubble constant at the present time, ##H_0##, is given by:
H^2_0 = \frac{8 \pi G_0 \rho_0}{3}.
Therefore we have:
\left(\frac{\dot{a}}{a}\right)^2 = \frac{H^2_0}{a^2(t)}.
This equation has the simple linear solution:
a(t) = H_0\ t\\
a(t) = \frac{t}{t_0},
where ##t_0## is the current age of the Universe.

Therefore we obtain a remarkably elegant cosmology with the following features:
  • The density ##\rho## is constant (in accord with the perfect cosmological principle)
  • The scale factor ##a(t) \propto t##
  • The Planck mass ##M_{Pl} \propto t##
All from the perspective of an observer at the present time ##t_0##.

I realize that current observations favor an accelerating universal expansion. But even so this model is a lot closer to observations than a conventional matter-dominated Einstein-de Sitter Universe.
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Closed pending moderation.

Related to Increasing energy scale in an expanding Universe?

1. How does the expansion of the Universe affect the energy scale?

The expansion of the Universe does not directly affect the energy scale. However, as the Universe expands, the energy density decreases due to the dilution of matter and radiation. This means that the energy scale decreases over time.

2. Can the energy scale of the Universe ever increase?

Yes, the energy scale of the Universe can increase during processes such as inflation or phase transitions. These events can cause a rapid expansion of the Universe, resulting in an increase in the energy scale.

3. How does the increase in energy scale affect the behavior of particles in the Universe?

The increase in energy scale can lead to the creation of new particles, as well as changes in the behavior of existing particles. For example, at high energy scales, fundamental particles may exhibit different interactions and properties.

4. Is there a limit to how high the energy scale can reach in the expanding Universe?

There is no known limit to how high the energy scale can reach in the expanding Universe. However, it is theorized that at extremely high energy scales, the laws of physics may change and new fundamental forces may emerge.

5. How do scientists study the energy scale in the expanding Universe?

Scientists study the energy scale in the expanding Universe through observations of cosmic microwave background radiation, which provides information about the early Universe. They also use particle accelerators to recreate high energy conditions and study the behavior of particles at different energy scales.

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