Initial development of set theory and determinism in QM

In summary, the conversation between Rutherford and Bohr focused on the issue of determinism in quantum mechanics from its early stages. This was similar to the relationship between set theory and real numbers, where set theory was seen as a companion to the more rigorously defined real numbers. The concept of constructibility and countability were also brought up in relation to the rationals and the real numbers. The dispute over the definition of real numbers is still ongoing, which suggests that there is a problem with defining them. This issue was also present in the time of Cantor and Dedekind, when the axiom of choice was not yet widely accepted. Dedekind's approach to the real numbers, as described by Reck, involved working with the
  • #1
I am considering the following question and I want you to agree (but perhaps you don’t):Rutherford wrote a letter to Bohr, as an answer to a previous letter from Bohr containing one of the first of Bohr’s descriptions of the atomic model, saying that he understood the atom model Bohr advocated. He commented further that there was a question he understood that Bohr had no doubt considered himself: when does an electron “know how to jump?”.

From this exchange, it is obvious that the issue of determinism was something that accompanied quantum mechanics from its very first formulation. It was not “discovered” later as a separate entity.

Although not versed in history, I now offer what I believe to be a historical equivalence, regarding set theory and the real numbers. Cantor discussed the fact that real numbers was unaccountable as opposed to rational. The rational was constructible, and easily understood as the solution to simple integer equations such as x*b=a, but the real numbers cannot be defined in a similar simple way, being were more easily defined as a collection of numbers such as (intuitively) all numbers on a number line or all limits of Cauchy sequences.

Playing the role of Rutherford, I would have written to Cantor that I easily understand many mechanisms from rational numbers, but the real numbers cannot be defined as easily. In lieu of an simple general point-wise definition such as a/b above, the question pops naturally up: what can we say about the whole “collection” of the real numbers?

I propose that set theory was a companion of - the recently more rigorously defined - real numbers, just the way as problems of determinism was for quantum physics. Observe that this is not the way it is being portrayed today. (In fact nobody agrees with me on MATH.SE).
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  • #2
Mickey1 said:
Although not versed in history, I now offer what I believe to be a historical equivalence, regarding set theory and the real numbers. Cantor discussed the fact that real numbers was unaccountable as opposed to rational.


The rational was constructible, and easily understood as the solution to simple integer equations such as x*b=a, but the real numbers cannot be defined in a similar simple way, being were more easily defined as a collection of numbers such as (intuitively) all numbers on a number line or all limits of Cauchy sequences.

Can you elaborote? In what way are the rationals constructible that the real numbers are not.

Playing the role of Rutherford, I would have written to Cantor that I easily understand many mechanisms from rational numbers, but the real numbers cannot be defined as easily. In lieu of an simple general point-wise definition such as a/b above

What is your definition of the rationals? You might be surprised that it is not as easy as you think.
  • #3
I would certainly like for you to expand on the complexity of rational numbers (being an mathematical amateur in the first place).

However, in my view you haven’t addressed my main question. I will therefore try to restate it more concisely (avoiding also constructability):

The rationals, however strange you find them, have some features the reals have not. One is countability. (Pointwise) definition of real numbers poses problems not found for the rational numbers. See a discussion on

The very fact that this issue is still disputed (mainly by Prof. Hamkins from City University of New York) testifies to a problem. At the time of Cantor and Dedekind, i.e. before the need of an axiom of choice was generally accepted, the idea of choosing a real number was also a problem, although I am not certain they speculated in this direction. I include Dedekind for I consider cantor and Dedekind close on this issue and I don’t want to get into accreditation issues,. Simply view this as something in the air, just as for my example with Rutherford and Bohr. Let me quote a passage from an article on Dedekind”

“As indicated, Dedekind starts by considering the system of rational numbers seen as a whole. Noteworthy here are two aspects: Not only does he accept this system as an “actual infinity”, in the sense of a complete infinite set that is treated as a mathematical object in itself; he also considers it “structurally”, as an example of a linearly ordered set closed under addition and multiplication (an ordered field). In his next step—and proceeding further along set-theoretic and structuralist lines—Dedekind introduces the set of arbitrary cuts on his initial system, thus working essentially with the bigger and more complex infinity of all subsets of the rational numbers (the full power set). It is possible to show that the set of those cuts can, in turn, be endowed with a linear ordering and with operations of addition and multiplication, thus constituting a totally new “number system”.

It is not the cuts Dedekind wants to work with in the end, however. Instead, for each cut—those corresponding to rational numbers, but also those corresponding to irrational quantities—he “creates” a new object, a “real number”, determined by the cut.”

(Reck, Erich, "Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL =

I therefore speculate that the real numbers were treated as an initial case by Cantor as a tool to approach some the unique properties of real numbers. According to Reck, “Dedekind was proceeding further along set-theoretic and structuralist lines”. Why should we not be surprised that (a more formal version of) set theory sees the light of day in this environment?
  • #4
Closed pending moderation.
  • #5
@Mickey1: This looks like pure philosophy, I don't see science to talk about. I discussed this with other mentors and we don't think our forums are the right place for such a discussion.

Related to Initial development of set theory and determinism in QM

1. What is set theory and how is it related to determinism in quantum mechanics?

Set theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of sets, which are collections of objects. In the context of quantum mechanics, set theory is used to represent the possible states of a quantum system. Determinism in quantum mechanics refers to the idea that the future behavior of a system can be predicted with certainty based on its current state. Set theory is related to determinism in quantum mechanics because it allows for the precise description of the possible states of a quantum system, which is essential for making deterministic predictions.

2. Who were the key figures in the initial development of set theory and determinism in quantum mechanics?

The key figures in the initial development of set theory and determinism in quantum mechanics were mathematician Georg Cantor and physicists Max Planck and Albert Einstein. Cantor developed the foundations of set theory in the late 19th century, while Planck and Einstein made significant contributions to the development of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century.

3. What are the main principles of set theory that are relevant to determinism in quantum mechanics?

The main principles of set theory that are relevant to determinism in quantum mechanics include the concept of a set, which is a collection of distinct objects, and the concept of a subset, which is a set that contains only elements from another set. These principles allow for the precise description and manipulation of quantum states, which is essential for making deterministic predictions in quantum mechanics.

4. How has the understanding of set theory and determinism in quantum mechanics changed over time?

The understanding of set theory and determinism in quantum mechanics has evolved significantly over time. Early developments in set theory focused on mathematical foundations and techniques, while later developments in quantum mechanics revealed the probabilistic nature of quantum systems and the limitations of deterministic predictions. Today, there is ongoing research and debate about the role of set theory and determinism in understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

5. What are some current applications of set theory and determinism in quantum mechanics?

Set theory and determinism in quantum mechanics have a wide range of applications in modern physics, including in the development of quantum algorithms for computing, in quantum cryptography, and in the study of quantum entanglement and other quantum phenomena. These concepts also have implications for fields such as quantum biology and quantum computing, which are still in their early stages of development.

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