Inverted Piano Action: Benefits and Drawbacks

In summary, the conversation discusses the potential effects of changing the design of grand piano actions, specifically by making the key levers longer and positioning the hammers in the back of the piano. It is suggested that this could result in increased force and speed when playing, making it difficult to control dynamics and fine details. However, someone who has owned such a piano claims that it was easier to play and allowed for greater control. It is also noted that the vertical displacement of the keys may also be a factor to consider in this design change.
  • #1

I have a question about grand piano action design. As a quick primer, the way a piano works is basically that each key is a lever mounted on a fulcrum, so when a player presses a key, the other end of that lever rises. A hammer is attached to the other end of the key, and when that end rises, the hammer swings up and hits a string, which produces a sound.

On all grand pianos, as far as I can tell, the other end of the key levers are very short, so the hammer is positioned near the player. The length of the lever is approximately equal on both sides of the fulcrum (the player presses the key, and the other end which the player does not press is also about as long as the key). What I am wondering is:

1. Suppose someone made a piano with much longer key levers so that the hammers could be positioned in the back of the piano, but leaving the fulcrum where it was. What effect would that have on the player? They would be pushing the short end of a lever (the key) with a much longer back end, which would seem to me to be more unwieldily (and is perhaps why pianos aren't designed like this), but it's been a while since I've taken physics and I'm not quite sure.

2. Suppose someone made a piano with much longer key levers so that the hammers could be positioned in the back of the piano, and also moved the fulcrums so now the player is pushing on a very long key to move the relatively short other end of the lever. What effect would that have on the player? It would seem to me that it could result in louder song (longer lever arm=more torque=hammer hits the string harder), but again, I'm rusty and not quite sure.
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  • #2
BlueAndGreen said:
1. Suppose someone made a piano with much longer key levers so that the hammers could be positioned in the back of the piano, but leaving the fulcrum where it was. What effect would that have on the player? They would be pushing the short end of a lever (the key) with a much longer back end, which would seem to me to be more unwieldily (and is perhaps why pianos aren't designed like this), but it's been a while since I've taken physics and I'm not quite sure.

I think the main effect would be on the increased force with which the key has to be pressed to lift the hammer. If the hammer weighs the same but is 10 times longer the required key force would be 10 times higher. In addition the speed with which the hammer hits the string would be about 10 times faster. I think it would be very hard to play softly and consistently. You would have to apply a larger force but slower to keep the hammer speed the same.

2. Suppose someone made a piano with much longer key levers so that the hammers could be positioned in the back of the piano, and also moved the fulcrums so now the player is pushing on a very long key to move the relatively short other end of the lever. What effect would that have on the player? It would seem to me that it could result in louder song (longer lever arm=more torque=hammer hits the string harder), but again, I'm rusty and not quite sure.

No the torque would be the same because the ratio of key length to hammer length would still be roughly 1:1. There might be an issue with the moment of inertia of the keys making it harder to play fast. I suppose the weight of the key and hammer arms could be reduced to keep the moment of inertia the same but I think they are already quite light. Might be a problem finding light enough materials to make them 10 times longer but just as stiff?
  • #3
BlueAndGreen said:
2. Suppose someone made a piano with much longer key levers so that the hammers could be positioned in the back of the piano, and also moved the fulcrums so now the player is pushing on a very long key to move the relatively short other end of the lever. What effect would that have on the player?
I have owned such a piano. It was incredibly easy to play, since you could control everything from piano to forte just by using your fingers.
  • #4
Svein: That's really interesting. Do you happen to remember if that piano was a certain brand/type/something searchable? I'd love to be able to look up pianos like that.

If it was easier to play, I wonder why it wouldn't be more common? Did you notice any disadvantages? Maybe it was harder to control fine details since your dynamic range was so much wider?

CWatters: If changing the system so the key side of the lever were much shorter would make it harder to play (due to more force), then I'd think that, if the system were instead changed so that the key side of the lever were much longer than the other side, it would be easier to play (needing less force, like Svein described above). Or am I forgetting something?
  • #5
Keep in mind also the vertical displacement it takes to push the key. On the string side you want to keep a certain safe distance from the string when not being played. If the fulcrum is very far back into the piano that would mean you would have to push down the key very far.
  • #6
BlueAndGreen said:
Svein: That's really interesting. Do you happen to remember if that piano was a certain brand/type/something searchable? I'd love to be able to look up pianos like that.
Well, that kind of piano you are not likely to get anymore. It was a "player piano", which meant that it could play those perforated paper rolls that were popular around 1920. Due to the player mechanism, the piano was very deep, with long levers. Also (and here I am speculating) the player mechanism could not provide much force, so the playing action had to be light and responsive.

The brand of that particular piano was Behning. It was very large and heavy - about 750kg (the same mass as three modern pianos).

Related to Inverted Piano Action: Benefits and Drawbacks

1. What is an inverted piano action?

An inverted piano action is a type of mechanism that controls the movement of the piano keys and hammers. It involves placing the hammer above the key instead of below it, allowing for a more direct and responsive connection between the key and hammer.

2. What are the benefits of an inverted piano action?

One of the main benefits of an inverted piano action is improved control and responsiveness. This can result in a more precise and dynamic sound, as well as a lighter touch for the player. It also allows for quicker repetition of notes, making it easier to play fast and intricate passages.

3. Are there any drawbacks to an inverted piano action?

While there are many advantages to an inverted piano action, there are also some potential drawbacks. Some people may find it takes some time to adjust to the different feel of the keys and hammers. Additionally, inverted actions may require more frequent maintenance and adjustments to keep them functioning properly.

4. Is an inverted piano action suitable for all types of music?

An inverted piano action can be used for playing a wide range of musical styles, but it may be particularly beneficial for certain genres such as classical or jazz. The increased control and responsiveness can be especially useful for complex and nuanced pieces of music.

5. How does an inverted piano action compare to a traditional action?

An inverted piano action differs from a traditional action in the placement of the hammer relative to the key. While traditional actions have the hammer below the key, inverted actions have the hammer above the key. This can result in a different feel and sound, with inverted actions often being more responsive and precise.

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