Java Fibonacci Sequence: Finding the Sum of Even-Valued Terms Under 4 Million

In summary: It does work for smaller numbers but for large numbers it doesn't. I tried with long and double and it still produces different negative numbers?Yes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:

1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...

By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure what is wrong with my code? The code produces a negative number when I type in 4000000 into the fib method parameter.

public static void fib(int k) {
    int result = 0;
    int[] array = new int[k];
    array[0] = 1;
    array[1] = 2;
    for (int i = 2; i < k; i++) {
        array[i] = array[i - 2] + array[i - 1];      
    for (int even: array) {
         if (even % 2 == 0) {
             result += even;
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  • #2
Does it work for smaller numbers? If so then your algorithm is correct but you are exceeding the limit of integers. Try long instead of int for all variables.
  • #3
scientific601 said:
Does it work for smaller numbers? If so then your algorithm is correct but you are exceeding the limit of integers. Try long instead of int for all variables.

It does work for smaller numbers but for large numbers it doesn't. I tried with long and double and it still produces different negative numbers?
  • #4
You sure? If result is also long... (I said all variables).

Also I wonder if "find the sum of the even-valued terms" meant you are to find some shortcut formula.
  • #5
scientific601 said:
You sure? If result is also long... (I said all variables).

Also I wonder if "find the sum of the even-valued terms" meant you are to find some shortcut formula.

Yup, I changed all the int to long and the method produced a different negative number.
  • #6
It may be in the System.out.println statement. Try using formatting and use ll for "long long" sized integers.
Something like
System.out.printf("%ll", result)
  • #7
Robben said:
The code produces a negative number when I type in 4000000 into the fib method parameter.

You may want to re-read the problem statement:)). There is a VERY significant difference between the 4 millionth term in the Fibonacci Sequence and the highest term that does not exceed 4 million: so significant that using long or double can't possibly save you in the case of the former. Try adding a println to print the last term (array[k-1]) to see how quickly the series grows... compare for example k=10 ,20,30,40...can you imagine how large the 4 millionth term in the sequence must be?
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Likes Robben
  • #8
You are correct. The OP and I did not read the problem statement carefully.
The problem statement does not ask to go to the 4 millionth term but the term that does not exceed 4 million.
So the loop limit should check the value of
array[i] = array[i - 2] + array[i - 1];
instead of the index.
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Likes Robben
  • #9
Fibonacci numbers, fib(0) = 0, fib(1) = 1, fib(2) = 1, fib(3) = 2, fib(4) = 3, ...
max values for 32 bit signed, unsigned, and 64 bit signed, unsigned integers:

fib(46) = 1836311903 = hex 6D73E55F
fib(47) = 2971215073 = hex B11924E1

fib(92) = 7540113804746346429 = hex 68A3DD8E61ECCFBD
fib(93) = 12200160415121876738 = hex A94FAD42221F2702

every 3rd fibonacci number is even (since pattern is even+odd, odd+even, odd+odd)
fib(0) = 0
fib(3) = 2
fib(6) = 8
fib(9) = 34
fib(12) = 144
fib(15) = 610
fib(18) = 2584
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Likes Robben
  • #10
That's a good observation! Using that sequence according to other sources we only have to go as high as about fib(33) which is well below our integer limits. Anything beyond that and the terms are above 4,000,000 anyway.
  • #11
On a side note, Fibonacci for negative numbers can be determined by noting:

fib(i-2) = fib(i) - fib(i-1)

fib(6) = 8
fib(5) = 5
fib(4) = 3
fib(3) = 2
fib(2) = 1
fib(1) = 1
fib(0) = 0
fib(-1) = 1
fib(-2) = -1
fib(-3) = 2
fib(-4) = -3
fib(-5) = 5
fib(-6) = -8

You can also calculate fibonacci sequence using only two local variables:

unsigned int fib(unsigned int n)
unsigned int f0, f1;
    f0 = n & 1;         /* if n even, f0=0=fib(0), f1=1=fib(-1) */
    f1 = 1 - f0;        /* else       f1=0=fib(0), f0=1=fib(-1) */
            f1 += f0;
          case 1:
            f0 += f1;
          case 0:
        }while(0 <= (int)(n -= 2));
    return f0;
  • #12
scientific601 said:
Does it work for smaller numbers? If so then your algorithm is correct but you are exceeding the limit of integers. Try long instead of int for all variables.
I'm more familiar with the sizes of types for C and C++ than with Java, but it seems likely to me that a long and an int are the same size (i.e., 32 bits).

Related to Java Fibonacci Sequence: Finding the Sum of Even-Valued Terms Under 4 Million

1. What is the "Fibonacci Sequence" in Java?

The Fibonacci Sequence in Java is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers, starting with 0 and 1. It is a popular mathematical concept used in programming to demonstrate the use of loops and recursion.

2. How do I generate the Fibonacci Sequence in Java?

To generate the Fibonacci Sequence in Java, you can use a loop or recursion. In a loop, you would start with two variables set to 0 and 1, and then use a for loop to generate the next numbers in the sequence by adding the two variables. In recursion, you would create a method that calls itself with the previous two numbers in the sequence as arguments.

3. What is the maximum number in the Fibonacci Sequence in Java?

There is no specific maximum number in the Fibonacci Sequence in Java, as it continues infinitely. However, since Java uses data types with finite sizes, the maximum number that can be represented in the sequence depends on the data type used. For example, an int data type can hold up to 2,147,483,647, so the maximum number in the sequence would be the closest Fibonacci number below this value.

4. Can I use the Fibonacci Sequence in Java for practical applications?

Yes, the Fibonacci Sequence has practical applications in various fields such as mathematics, biology, and finance. In programming, it can be used to solve problems such as finding the optimal solution for a given scenario or to generate random numbers.

5. What is the difference between the iterative and recursive approach in generating the Fibonacci Sequence in Java?

The iterative approach uses a loop to generate the next numbers in the sequence, while the recursive approach uses a method that calls itself with the previous two numbers as arguments. Generally, the recursive approach is more elegant and concise, but the iterative approach may be more efficient in terms of time and space complexity.

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