Lie-Detector Glasses: Future of Security Tech by R. Colin Johnson

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary, lie-detector glasses, developed by Nemesysco in Israel, are being repackaged and retargeted by V Entertainment for personal and corporate use. The technology, which is being used by military, insurance claim, and law enforcement, claims to be able to detect if someone is a terrorist by analyzing their answer to a simple question in real-time. However, the accuracy of this technology is questionable and there are concerns about it violating constitutional rights such as the 5th amendment and the right to legal counsel. Additionally, the effectiveness of voice-pattern recognition technology is also uncertain.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Lie-detector glasses offer peek at future of security

By R. Colin Johnson
EE Times
January 16, 2004 (2:05 p.m. ET)

Portland, Ore. — It may not be long before you hear airport security screeners ask, "Do you plan on hijacking this plane?" A U.S. company using technology developed in Israel is pitching a lie detector small enough to fit in the eyeglasses of law enforcement officers, and its inventors say it can tell whether a passenger is a terrorist by analyzing his answer to that simple question in real-time.

The technology, developed by mathematician Amir Lieberman at Nemesysco in Zuran, Israel, for military, insurance claim and law enforcement use, is being repackaged and retargeted for personal and corporate applications by V Entertainment (New York).[continued]
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  • #2
considering "Lie-detectors"-esp. polygraph--not allowed in court--

i consider it 'techno-BS"- "in whose hands"--does this 'work' at 90% accuracy?---

what about the 5th amendment prohibition against self incrimination, the right to have legal counsel present during questioning, prohibition against interrogation without probable cause...i've canceled my 'flight'-i already know i ain't going to get through the gates...i'm afriad it might be reading my subconscious thoughts about Nixon!

'voice-pattern recognition'--what about it?--proven or not?

i've found that magic 8 Ball to be amazingly accurate!
  • #3

Lie-detector glasses certainly offer an intriguing glimpse into the future of security technology. The potential to quickly and accurately identify potential threats in a non-invasive manner is a promising development. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications and potential limitations of this technology. For example, how will the accuracy of the glasses be verified and what measures will be in place to ensure false accusations or privacy violations do not occur? Additionally, the use of lie-detector glasses raises questions about the line between security and invasion of privacy. While the potential benefits are undeniable, it is important to carefully consider the implementation and regulation of this technology to ensure it is used responsibly and ethically.

Related to Lie-Detector Glasses: Future of Security Tech by R. Colin Johnson

1. How do lie-detector glasses work?

Lie-detector glasses use advanced technology such as eye-tracking, pupil dilation, and body temperature sensors to detect changes in a person's physiological responses while they are being questioned. These changes can indicate when a person is lying or being deceptive.

2. Are lie-detector glasses accurate?

While lie-detector glasses have shown promising results in detecting deception, they are not 100% accurate. Factors such as environmental conditions, individual differences, and the ability to manipulate physiological responses can affect the accuracy of the results.

3. Can lie-detector glasses be fooled?

As with any technology, it is possible for individuals to find ways to deceive or manipulate lie-detector glasses. For example, someone can intentionally control their physiological responses or wear contact lenses to alter their eye movements. However, researchers are constantly working to improve the technology and make it more difficult to deceive.

4. How can lie-detector glasses be used in security?

Lie-detector glasses have the potential to be used in security settings, such as airports or government facilities, to screen individuals for potential threats. By detecting deception, these glasses can help identify individuals who may be withholding information or planning to commit a crime.

5. Are there any privacy concerns with lie-detector glasses?

As with any technology that collects personal data, there are privacy concerns with lie-detector glasses. The use of this technology raises questions about consent, data storage, and potential misuse of the collected information. It is important for regulations and ethical guidelines to be in place to address these concerns.

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