Maple problem - matrices and sequences

In summary, the conversation discusses two problems: one involving computing the limit of a sequence and the other involving matrices. For the first problem, the sequence approaches a finite limit despite appearing to approach infinity. To solve for this limit, the "limit" and "evalf" functions in Maple can be used. For the second problem, the "MatrixMultiply" function should be used instead of the "TP.V" command to find the correct answer.
  • #1
Maple problem -- matrices and sequences

Hello there Maple geniuses!

So I've been banging my head against these two problems for days and I was wondering if any of you had any idea how to proceed.

The first involves computing the limit of a series. The problem reads as follows:

"For large n, the sequence defined by

x1 = 2.30

xn = 9 * sqrt(xn-1+ 6)

approaches a limit. Find that limit correct to 15 significant figures, and then select the correct answer below."

The answer is supposedly 86.611... but doesn't this approach infinity? I've attempted plotting the sequence out and computing many iterations of the sequence and as expected, the only thing the sequence does is blow up larger and larger. How can this possibly approach 86? What am I missing here?

My second problem deals with matrices and the problem is stated as follows:

For the matrix T given below, find T to the power of 1000 and then multiply it on the right by the column vector <1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0>.

T := < < 9/100, 19/100, 0, 1/50, 1/100, 0, 27/50, 3/20 > |

< 0, 0, 1/25, 13/100, 1/4, 1/10, 1/100, 47/100 > |

< 27/100, 1/10, 13/25, 0, 1/50, 1/100, 2/25, 0 > |

< 0, 9/50, 21/50, 0, 13/100, 1/10, 1/100, 4/25 > |

< 13/20, 0, 0, 0, 1/100, 3/100, 31/100, 0 > |

< 67/100, 23/100, 0, 1/50, 3/100, 0, 1/20, 0 > |

< 0, 0, 0, 33/100, 23/50, 3/100, 0, 9/50 > |

< 0, 7/10, 0, 0, 1/100, 1/25, 1/4, 0 > >;

So I assigned T to the matrix as shown above, and ran "PT := T^1000" to raise it to the 1000th power and assign it to the variable TP. Then to multiply against the column vector matrix V, I ran "TP.V". This gives me this huge list of numbers, and nothing that even resembles a matrix. The answer is supposedly the column vector <0.157,0.166,0.0872,0.141,0.0413,0.177,0.147> but I don't get anything near that.

Can anybody pleassssee help?
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  • #2

Hi there! I can definitely understand your frustration with these problems. Let's take a closer look at each one and see if we can figure out a solution.

For the first problem, it may seem counterintuitive that the given sequence approaches a finite limit instead of approaching infinity. However, as n approaches infinity, the term within the square root will become smaller and smaller, causing the entire sequence to approach a finite limit. To solve for this limit, you can use Maple's "limit" function to find the limit of the expression as n approaches infinity. Once you have the limit, you can use the "evalf" function to round it to 15 significant figures.

For the second problem, it looks like you are on the right track with finding T to the power of 1000. However, instead of using the "TP.V" command, try using the "MatrixMultiply" function to multiply the resulting matrix by the given column vector. This should give you the correct answer.

I hope this helps! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions. Good luck!

Related to Maple problem - matrices and sequences

1. What is the Maple problem in matrices and sequences?

The Maple problem in matrices and sequences is a mathematical problem that involves the application of Maple, a computer algebra system, to solve problems related to matrices and sequences. It requires knowledge of linear algebra and mathematical sequences, as well as proficiency in using the Maple software.

2. How do I approach solving a Maple problem in matrices and sequences?

To solve a Maple problem in matrices and sequences, you should first understand the problem and its requirements. Then, you can use Maple functions and commands to manipulate matrices and sequences, and use mathematical formulas and algorithms to find the solution.

3. What are some common mistakes made when solving Maple problems in matrices and sequences?

Some common mistakes when solving Maple problems in matrices and sequences include not understanding the problem correctly, using incorrect Maple commands or functions, and making errors in calculations or in the application of mathematical formulas. It is important to double check your work and be familiar with the Maple software to avoid these mistakes.

4. Can I use other software besides Maple to solve problems in matrices and sequences?

Yes, there are other computer algebra systems and mathematical software that can be used to solve problems in matrices and sequences, such as MATLAB, Mathematica, and Python. However, Maple is specifically designed for these types of problems and may have more specialized functions and commands for this purpose.

5. Are there any resources available to help me learn how to solve Maple problems in matrices and sequences?

Yes, there are many resources available online, such as tutorials, guides, and forums, that can help you learn how to solve Maple problems in matrices and sequences. You can also consult textbooks or seek assistance from a math tutor or teacher for additional support.

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