Muslim world and the largest city liberated

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  • Thread starter russ_watters
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In summary, American troops were greeted with open arms and smiles by thousands of Iraqis as they moved through the holy city of Najaf, the third holiest city in the Muslim world and the largest city liberated to date. Despite the excitement and hope for a better future for Iraq, there are still concerns for the innocent Iraqi citizens caught in the crossfire and the potential for retaliation from Saddam and his followers. However, many believe that Iraq will rise as a democratized economic superpower and a shining example to its Arab neighbors in the aftermath of the war.
  • #1
As American troops moved through this holy city Wednesday, thousands of Iraqis lined the streets and greeted them with smiles, chants and advice about the whereabouts of Iraqi forces.
The third holiest city in the Muslim world and the largest city liberated to date greets the liberating troops with open arms.

Note also the "related story." That one's pretty sickening.

I also saw on the news tonight a video clip of a uniformed marine standing on top of a hummer, leading a group of 15 or so giggling kids in a rap/song. Not sure if it was the same city or not.
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  • #2
More important than validation is knowing that the Iraqis might forgive us for stabbing them in the back in 1991. We owe them this victory over Saddam.

Before we start to celebrate, let's keep praying for the poor Iraqi conscript that has the US in front of him, Saddam's gun behind him, and a family at home. That guy is just as much a hero as our boys and girls.

It makes me hate Saddam and his followers even more. It's so frustrating knowing how it's going to end, and realizing that Saddam and Co. are going to take as many innocent Iraqis with them as they can.

And bet. When the dust settles, Iraq will become a democratized economic superpower of the middle east, and a shining example to all of it's Arab neighbors.

I truly believe that Iraq will be the 'Pheonix of Arabian Culture', rising proudly out of the ashes. And they will be our friends.


I know that's a bit corny, but I really am happy with this news.
  • #3
Originally posted by Alias
More important than validation is knowing that the Iraqis might forgive us for stabbing them in the back in 1991. We owe them this victory over Saddam.
Ouch, yes. I agree.

And bet. When the dust settles, Iraq will become a democratized economic superpower of the middle east, and a shining example to all of it's Arab neighbors.

I truly believe that Iraq will be the 'Pheonix of Arabian Culture', rising proudly out of the ashes. And they will be our friends.
We'll just have to wait and see on that one. Its possible, but I'm not sure if I think its going to happen.

Related to Muslim world and the largest city liberated

What is the definition of the "Muslim world"?

The Muslim world refers to the countries and regions where the majority of the population follows Islam as their primary religion. This includes countries in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia and Europe.

What does it mean for a city to be "liberated"?

A city is considered to be liberated when it is freed from the control of a foreign or oppressive force. This can refer to a city that was previously under colonial rule or occupied by a hostile military force.

What is the largest city in the Muslim world that has been liberated?

The largest city in the Muslim world that has been liberated is likely Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. It was liberated from the control of Saddam Hussein's regime by coalition forces in 2003.

What impact does the liberation of a city have on its residents?

The liberation of a city can have a significant impact on its residents, as it often means the restoration of basic rights and freedoms, improved access to resources and services, and the potential for economic and social development.

Is the liberation of a city always a positive event?

While the liberation of a city can bring about positive changes, it is not always a completely positive event. It can also lead to increased violence and instability, as well as the displacement of certain groups of people. The aftermath of a city's liberation must be carefully managed to ensure the well-being of all its residents.

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