New, and with gas to liquid chemical

In summary: Yes, the chloramine gas can be washed out of paper. The residual chemicals might be difficult to get rid of, but Joy dish soap is not a strong base and cannot cause this to happen.
  • #1

I was led here when I did a search on "Chloramines".

This is what has happened.

I moved into an apartment. I was cleaning off my stove with Joy dish soap and a scrubby sponge, and tap water.

I kept getting a really strong bleach smell. I found out the maintence used a product called Mr. Muscle, which had ammonia in it. The ammonia mixed with the chlorine in the water, and whatver was in the dishsoap, or maybe a chemical in the sponge and created chlormaine gas. I'm obviously still alive, this was a almost 3 months ago.


It was hot and sticky, and steamy from the hot water I was using. So what I'm thinking is, I must have turned a gas into a liquid via the humidity and steam in the air.

Because long story short, that bleachy smell spread to all my clothes, I had my computer tower and some papers sitting on carpet in the dining room ajacent to the stove/kitchen area. I picked up the computer tower and a laptop case to get my computer serviced. While it was in the car, my eyes kept watering and burning a little. I realized the chemical residue must have been on the surface of the computer and bag somehow.

Well, the chemical got into my clothes, and the clothes of the friend that was helping me, and the interior of his car.

Long story short, the Chloramines are slowly coming out of my clothes, but all my papers I fear are contaminated. I'm afraid to get in my friend's car, because I don't want to pick up that chemical on my clothing or skin again. They think there's nothing wrong, and any chemical smells/gases will burn off in the sun.

I want to know 1) how can I get rid of the Chlormamines? 2) Did the Cloramines spread from the steam and humidity and 3) does it burn off a car interior from sitting in the sun?

Am I going to be stuck with this bleach smell forever spreading in my clothing, burning my eyes, not being able to put other chemicals in my hair for fear of reaction?

I'm not even comfortable in my own apartment but I have no where else to go.

I know this sounds weird, but I don't know where else to turn

How do I get rid of this chemical in my home and belongings?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
There isn't enough chlorine in water to cause the problems you describe. You have been exposed to something else or to chloramine from another source. Also, once the Mr. Muscle dries, there will be no ammonia. There might be residual ammonium compounds which could generate ammonia when exposed to a strong base, but Joy dish soap is not a strong base and cannot cause this to happen. Even if it could, the amounts involved are soooo small that transferring them to your clothes and then to your friend's car would mean that your 'burning eyes' are sensitive to parts per trillion levels of volatiles.

If that were the case you have other serious problems unrelated to chlorinated water and Joy soap... This sounds like a Seinfeld episode.
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  • #3
chemisttree said:
There isn't enough chlorine in water to cause the problems you describe. You have been exposed to something else or to chloramine from another source. Also, once the Mr. Muscle dries, there will be no ammonia. There might be residual ammonium compounds which could generate ammonia when exposed to a strong base, but Joy dish soap is not a strong base and cannot cause this to happen. Even if it could, the amounts involved are soooo small that transferring them to your clothes and then to your friend's car would mean that your 'burning eyes' are sensitive to parts per trillion levels of volatiles.

If that were the case you have other serious problems unrelated to chlorinated water and Joy soap... This sounds like a Seinfeld episode.

Thanks for replying...I have no godly idea as to what I might have been exposed to. The only other thing I can think of is maybe chlorine on my shirt from a bleach gel when I was cleaning the shower. I think I cleaned the bathroom before the stove upon moving in.

All I know it it's been a freak nothing else I've experienced. I'm still washing surfaces, clothes from it. All I know is when I picked up my computer tower, and laptop bag (cloth), I and my friend smelled like bleach, and my eyes were burning.

Im now getting the smell out of my clothes, but my papers are ruined, and my computer monitor probably has that residual WHATEVER on there

Can this stuff be washed out of paper? I have a document I REALLY need, can't throw it out, but it's absorbed whatever chemical was in air at the time.


Does that chemical/smell/whatever burn out of my friend's car interior (carpet and cloth)?

Finally how do I get this stuff out of the carpets where the contaminated stuff was?

I just don't want to be poisoned, exposed, eyes burning, don't want it in my home or life anymore!

I know it sounds freaky, but again, I've NEVER experienced anything like this.

Oh, BTW, some sponges have antibacterial/anti-microbial chemicals on them, such as Triclosan, which should never be mixed with bleach or other chemicals.

Could there have been a chemical on the sponge that caused all of this?

One more thing, When I was cleaning the stove, there was this yellow, oily looking stuff, and I went on Wikipedia, and its a byproduct of chloramine, but forgot the name.

In any case, I just want to get this stuff out of my home, and life!
  • #4
still need help pls

More responses please
  • #5
Chloramines are very reactive compounds and will react with whatever they contaminate pretty quickly. The smell is probably not from that. I would ask the landlord if anybody had been busted for cooking meth in the apartment before you moved in. You might be smelling some of that compound still hanging around. I would check the carpet since I think it is unlikely that you transferred it to your friend's car via your clothes. The carpet and the foam backing under it are likely depots for a spill and would help explain a lot of what you have described. Water damage or pet urine stains followed by deodorizing can also result in some unusual smells. Another thing to ask the landlord about.
  • #6
chemisttree said:
Chloramines are very reactive compounds and will react with whatever they contaminate pretty quickly. The smell is probably not from that. I would ask the landlord if anybody had been busted for cooking meth in the apartment before you moved in. You might be smelling some of that compound still hanging around. I would check the carpet since I think it is unlikely that you transferred it to your friend's car via your clothes. The carpet and the foam backing under it are likely depots for a spill and would help explain a lot of what you have described. Water damage or pet urine stains followed by deodorizing can also result in some unusual smells. Another thing to ask the landlord about.

Someone who cooked Meth...very possible since there are quite a bit of druggies in this complex. However, the management wouldn't know. They just send in the cleaning girl. Now, I just got your response again today. I was just thinking, Wow, all I did was scrub the electric burners with Joy dish soap, and a yellow sponge with the green scrubby tops. Like I mentioned before, some of the sponges have Triclosan, or some anti-bac, anti-microbial chemical that reacts with bleach or other chemicals.

In any case, again what happened was the smell went out the room, but some kind of fumage hung around the surface of my computer tower I had sitting next to the kitchen area, and the cloth laptop case. When I carried the laptop case out the apartment, whatever chemical fumes that got in there stung my eyes really bad, and the bleachy smell got in my clothes.

If I were exposed to Meth compounds, will it get in my system?

In any case, I will throw out all the papers and things that was in the dinning room, next to the kitchen area. I took my computer tower to a shop for repair; I will tell the repair person to scrub the tower down really good with soapy water to get whatever residue off of it. As to my friend's car, he says any chemical residue smells/fumes/whatever should burn off...

I know all this sounds BIZARE but I've NEVER had this happen to me before.

Oh one more thing. I want to get my hair chemically relaxed. It has lye, or lye substitues. I think it also has ammonia, or ammonia like chemicals in it. If there are still traces of this mystery chemical/chloramine in the house, in my things, will it cause a reaction when this chemical is put in my hair?

Related to New, and with gas to liquid chemical

What is the process of converting gas to liquid chemicals?

The process of converting gas to liquid chemicals is known as liquefaction. This involves cooling the gas to a temperature below its boiling point, resulting in the gas condensing into a liquid state. This process is commonly used for gases such as natural gas, propane, and butane.

Why is converting gas to liquid chemicals necessary?

Converting gas to liquid chemicals is necessary for several reasons. It allows for easier transportation and storage of the chemicals, as liquids take up less space and can be transported using tanks or pipelines. In addition, some chemicals may only be usable in liquid form for certain applications. Liquefaction also allows for the separation of different components within the gas, making it easier to purify and extract specific chemicals.

What are some common uses of gas to liquid chemicals?

Gas to liquid chemicals have a wide range of uses in various industries. Some common applications include fuel for transportation, heating and cooking, industrial processes, and production of chemicals such as plastics and fertilizers. Liquid natural gas is also becoming increasingly popular as a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuels.

What are the potential risks or challenges associated with converting gas to liquid chemicals?

One potential risk of converting gas to liquid chemicals is the release of greenhouse gases during the process, which can contribute to climate change. Additionally, the transportation and storage of liquefied gases can pose safety hazards if not properly managed. There may also be technical challenges in the conversion process, such as controlling the temperature and pressure to achieve optimal results.

Is converting gas to liquid chemicals a sustainable practice?

The sustainability of converting gas to liquid chemicals depends on the source of the gas and the methods used for conversion. For example, using renewable sources of gas, such as biogas, can make the process more sustainable. Additionally, advancements in technology and processes are continually being made to make the conversion more efficient and environmentally friendly.

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