Nice introduction and overview of superalloys

In summary, the conversation discusses superalloys, which are metallic alloys used at high temperatures with high creep and oxidation resistance. Nickel is the preferred base for aeroengine applications. The microstructure of nickel based superalloys consists of gamma (γ) and gamma-prime (γ') phases, with the latter providing strength and creep resistance. The use of precious metals, such as rhenium and ruthenium, in superalloys has become increasingly important, but their high cost and limited availability may hinder the development of new high temperature systems.
  • #1
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Here is a nice introduction and overview of superalloys.
Nickel Based Superalloys
H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
A superalloy is a metallic alloy which can be used at high temperatures, often in excess of 0.7 of the absolute melting temperature. Creep and oxidation resistance are the prime design criteria. Superalloys can be based on iron, cobalt or nickel, the latter being best suited for aeroengine applications.

The essential solutes in nickel based superalloys are aluminium and/or titanium, with a total concentration which is typically less than 10 atomic percent. This generates a two-phase equilibrium microstructure, consisting of gamma (γ) and gamma-prime (γ'). It is the γ' which is largely responsible for the elevated-temperature strength of the material and its incredible resistance to creep deformation.
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  • #2
The cost of raw materials used in producing superalloys has become an increasingly important issue. The precious metal rhenium confers enhanced performance in Cannon-Muskegon's second and third generation single crystal alloys like CMSX-4 and CMSX-10 used extensively in gas turbine engines. Meanwhile, the effects of ruthenium additions are being studied across the world and new alloys containing ruthenium for increased temperature capability are under testing and evaluation. Unfortunately, the costs of these precious metal additions are staggering, representing increasing fractions of the total raw materials costs. . . .

Rhenium (Re) has a density of 21.04 grams per cubic centimeter (surpassed only by platinum, iridium, and osmium) and a melting temperature of 3,180°C (surpassed only by tungsten and carbon). Its atomic number is 75 and its atomic weight is 186.207. It is extremely rare, present in the Earth's crust at only 1 part per billion.1 It is basically a byproduct of a byproduct, being extracted from flue dusts from molybdenum sulphide concentrates, which are derived from purifying copper concentrates. . . .

Superalloys that contain rhenium include CMSX-4, CMSX-10, CM186LC, CMSX486, PW1484, Rene N5, Rene N6, TMS-75, TMS-138, and TMS-162. Levels are typically in the range of 3% to 6%. According to Bhadeshia, rhenium is an expensive addition, but it provides enhanced creep resistance by promoting rafting, making lattice misfit more negative, and by reducing the overall diffusion rate in the nickel-base superalloys. . . .

Ruthenium (Ru) has a melting temperature of 2,334°C, an atomic number of 44, and an atomic weight of 101.07. Ruthenium is ten times more rare than platinum and is difficult to refine and extract, . . . .

As of January, 2007, rhenium occupied the eighth position (of precious metals) at a value of $5,500 per kg. According to the Metal-Pages website, the price per kg of rhenium (in the form of ammonium perrhenate) has increased from about $5,500 in January 2007 to more than $7,000 in May 2007!

Ruthenium occupied the eighth position in 1999 with a value of $1,225 per kg and has risen to the third position with its value of $21,540 per kg.
from (8/01/07)

The cost and limited quantities of these materials will necessarily limit the development of exotic high temperature systems.
  • #3

Thank you for providing this informative and comprehensive introduction and overview of superalloys. It is interesting to learn that these alloys can withstand high temperatures and have excellent creep and oxidation resistance. The use of nickel as the base material for aeroengine applications is also intriguing. The explanation of the two-phase equilibrium microstructure and the role of gamma-prime in providing strength and resistance is helpful in understanding the properties of these alloys. I appreciate the additional resources provided at the bottom of the page for further reading. Overall, this is a great introduction to superalloys and I look forward to learning more about them.

Related to Nice introduction and overview of superalloys

1. What are superalloys and why are they important in scientific research?

Superalloys are a group of high-performance materials that possess exceptional mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and high-temperature stability. They are important in scientific research because they are used in critical applications such as aircraft engines, gas turbines, and nuclear reactors.

2. How are superalloys different from regular alloys?

Superalloys are different from regular alloys because they are specifically designed to withstand extreme conditions, such as high temperatures, pressure, and corrosive environments. They also have a complex microstructure that allows them to maintain their mechanical properties at elevated temperatures.

3. What are the main elements present in superalloys?

The main elements present in superalloys are nickel, cobalt, and iron, which make up the base of the alloy. Other elements, such as chromium, tungsten, and molybdenum, are also added to enhance specific properties, such as corrosion resistance and high-temperature strength.

4. How are superalloys produced?

Superalloys are typically produced through a process called casting, where the molten alloy is poured into a mold and cooled to form a solid shape. This is followed by various heat treatments to refine the microstructure and improve the mechanical properties of the alloy.

5. What are some current research trends in the field of superalloys?

Some current research trends in the field of superalloys include developing new compositions and processing techniques to improve their performance, understanding the fundamental mechanisms of their high-temperature behavior, and exploring the potential of using them in other industries, such as additive manufacturing and energy storage.
