PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy Thanksgiving (11/16-11/22)

In summary, PF PHOTO CONTEST is holding a Happy Thanksgiving theme from November 16 to 22. Participants are encouraged to submit photos representing what they are thankful for during this holiday season. The contest is open to all photographers and the winner will be chosen based on creativity, originality, and relevance to the theme. The prize for the winner is a $50 gift card to a photography store. Good luck to all participants and have a happy Thanksgiving!
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Happy Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving holidays in North America at this time of the year. Rather than pick a theme that depicts such a holiday (which will restrict it very much to those only in N. America), I have decided to expand the theme.

So for this week's contest, the pictures must depict locations, things, or people that you are thankful for. Include a brief description why.

Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a grey area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 or 490 x 650 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. But other than that, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.

Physics news on
  • #3

Need I say more?
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  • #4
Now how can anyone compete with that?! Oh, wait, here's how! :biggrin:
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  • #5
Oh moonbear that's a dirty trick...combining pf with a cute little kitty...who can resist that!
  • #6
Moonbear said:
Now how can anyone compete with that?! Oh, wait, here's how! :biggrin:
omfg sweet computer! I think it'll be until Christmas for me.
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  • #7
Mk said:
omfg sweet computer! I think it'll be until Christmas for me.
What a sweet looking kitty too.
What does omfg mean? Wait...don't tell me. :mad: When did you start cussing young man??
  • #8
I'm thankful for the beauty of the world around me.

- Warren
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  • #9
Amazing photo chroot :D Is it your own?
  • #10
Thanks Murky.. Yep, I took it in North Carolina a couple of weeks ago, on a trail near the Blue Ridge Parkway.

- Warren
  • #11

Playful Puppies...They show us what is truly important in life.
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  • #12
Moonbear said:
Now how can anyone compete with that?! Oh, wait, here's how! :biggrin:

Wow she's pretty.

PS, your room is disgusting, pleaaaaaaaase file all those papers. :cry:
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  • #13
cyrusabdollahi said:
Wow she's pretty.

PS, your room is disgusting, pleaaaaaaaase file all those papers. :cry:
:smile: It wasn't so bad until Ember jumped onto the stack of papers on the desk and toppled them. That was taken while I was working on my last grant proposal. It's currently a disaster again, because I'm working on another one, but it does get cleaned and the papers filed away in between proposals. And if the brat cat didn't keep knocking over the piles of papers and stealing pens from the pen holder, it really wouldn't even be that much of a disaster. :rolleyes:
  • #14
You have 2 days left to enter a picture for this contest.

  • #15

This photo means a few things to me. It's of York Minster, but it represents the city of York as a whole. Aside from being a beautiful and wonderful place in itself, it's become something of a second home to me over the past few months. Its a place I feel welcome and safe, where i can come to escape or relax, where I've always got people who care about me and who I care about. The church has sort of become iconic to me in that way, reminding me about the wonderful people who live there and the memories i have of the place.
  • #16
Hey, I'm in North America and Thanksgiving holidays were several weeks ago :-p

I'll up the ante on pet photos to one adult cat and two 3-4 month old kittens. I'm thankfull that the adult has accepted the kittens very quickly (4 days or so after bringing them) and that this acceptance goes well beyond just ignoring them. He plays with them, cleans their little kitten heads, let's them sleep by and/or on him, and he doesn't destroy them when they make a move for his food. This is remarkable as he generally hates change and anything or anyone that isn't me and I was expecting months of slow introductions to get him to the 'not hissing all the time' stage.

Their relative sizes are obscured by this photo, much to the flattery of the adult. He's about 18lbs and the kittens are about 2lbs each.

I'm not so thankfull that they are doing this on my laptop.
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  • #17
I'm thankful that our harvest is in and was good in both quantity and quality. I am unable to work due to a medical condition, but that let me put in a lot of time tending our vegetable garden and picking wild berries, so we are well-stocked for the coming year, with two chest freezers full of food plus lots of canned goods, about 30 buttercup squash in the cellar, and 6 cords of seasoned wood to keep us warm. It's hard to figure out how to illustrate all that, so here is a picture of one cabinet full of canned chili sauces - the jars are 3 deep and there are a lot more in the pantry. We have lots and lots of pickles, too.

The little red sauces are 100% ripe habaneros (HOT!), the little orange ones are a mix of ripe and green habaneros (still HOT). A few jars of bread-and-butter pickles sneaked into the shot because we made one batch with lots of jalapenos and we want to keep them segregated so we don't accidentally give them away. Missing from the shot is the best batch of green-tomato salsa I've ever tasted - no room in the cupboards, the last few batches of salsa had to overflow into the pantry.
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  • #18
turbo-1 said:
I'm thankful that our harvest is in and was good in both quantity and quality. I am unable to work due to a medical condition, but that let me put in a lot of time tending our vegetable garden and picking wild berries, so we are well-stocked for the coming year, with two chest freezers full of food plus lots of canned goods, about 30 buttercup squash in the cellar, and 6 cords of seasoned wood to keep us warm. It's hard to figure out how to illustrate all that, so here is a picture of one cabinet full of canned chili sauces - the jars are 3 deep and there are a lot more in the pantry. We have lots and lots of pickles, too.

The little red sauces are 100% ripe habaneros (HOT!), the little orange ones are a mix of ripe and green habaneros (still HOT). A few jars of bread-and-butter pickles sneaked into the shot because we made one batch with lots of jalapenos and we want to keep them segregated so we don't accidentally give them away. Missing from the shot is the best batch of green-tomato salsa I've ever tasted - no room in the cupboards, the last few batches of salsa had to overflow into the pantry.
Wow that's a lot of chili peppers!
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  • #19
shmoe said:
Hey, I'm in North America and Thanksgiving holidays were several weeks ago :-p

I'll up the ante on pet photos to one adult cat and two 3-4 month old kittens. I'm thankfull that the adult has accepted the kittens very quickly (4 days or so after bringing them) and that this acceptance goes well beyond just ignoring them. He plays with them, cleans their little kitten heads, let's them sleep by and/or on him, and he doesn't destroy them when they make a move for his food. This is remarkable as he generally hates change and anything or anyone that isn't me and I was expecting months of slow introductions to get him to the 'not hissing all the time' stage.

Their relative sizes are obscured by this photo, much to the flattery of the adult. He's about 18lbs and the kittens are about 2lbs each.

I'm not so thankfull that they are doing this on my laptop.

Cute kitties! You caught that shot at just the right moment!
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  • #20
I am thankful for natural beauty(especially waterfalls).
  • #21
larkspur said:
I am thankful for natural beauty(especially waterfalls).

I have to say you have excellent photographic technique I really admire this entry in many ways.
  • #22
Kurdt said:
I have to say you have excellent photographic technique I really admire this entry in many ways.

Thanks Kurdt!

Related to PF PHOTO CONTEST - Happy Thanksgiving (11/16-11/22)

1. What is the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving?

The PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving is a competition organized by the science community PF. It is a platform for scientists and researchers to showcase their photography skills by submitting photos related to the Thanksgiving theme.

2. Who can participate in the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving?

The PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving is open to all scientists, researchers, and science enthusiasts. Anyone with a passion for photography and a Thanksgiving-themed photo can participate in the contest.

3. How do I submit my photo for the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving?

To submit your photo for the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving, you need to follow a few simple steps. First, visit the official website of PF and look for the contest announcement. Then, click on the submission link and fill out the required information along with your photo. Finally, submit your entry and wait for the results to be announced.

4. Can I submit more than one photo for the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving?

Yes, you can submit multiple photos for the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving. However, each participant can only win one prize, so submitting more photos does not increase your chances of winning.

5. What are the prizes for the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving?

The prizes for the PF Photo Contest - Happy Thanksgiving include cash prizes, recognition and exposure within the science community, and the opportunity to have your photo featured on the PF website and social media pages. The exact prizes and number of winners will be announced on the contest announcement page.

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