PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4)

In summary, Borek takes a picture of a rock from his travels and posts it in the photo contest. He states that the picture is of his favorite rock and that the rocks are "Rocks. Great pictures!"
  • #1
Gold Member
Rock my world
As the self-confessed geology geek that I am, I love rocks. Pictures of stones, rocks, crags, outcrops, clifs, pebbles, etc...

Contest Rules:

1. Any digital photo or digitally-scanned photo relevant to the theme will be accepted within the contest period. In case there's a gray area, or you're not sure if the picture is suitable, check with me first.

2. Please resize your digital photo to no more than 650 x 490 or 490 x 650 pixels. You may also crop your picture if you wish. You are also allowed to adjust the brightness and contrast of your picture but these should not dramatically alter the look of the picture. But other than those, any form of picture editing or modification is not allowed. This is a photo contest, not a picture editing/special effect contest. You may add a watermark or your name/nickname to the photo for identification purposes.

3. Upload your photos to any of the photo servers such as imageshack or photobucket. Then post it the relevant contest thread and link your picture using the img command. PM me if you do not know how.

4. Only ONE picture per member per contest. Once a picture is posted, it cannot be changed other than a total withdrawl by that member from that week's photo contest. Exceptions will be made for modification to comply with the rules, such as resizing.

5. At the end of the contest period, I will open a poll and every PF member can vote for the picture they like best.

6. Note that in case we have a large number of entries, I will do the polling in more than one thread. If that's the case, you can vote in each of the polling threads. The photos will be assigned in the polling threads in the order they were submitted.

7. These pictures must be something that you took, not something taken off someone else's photo albums or taken by someone else. I have no way of checking if you did this, so we'll go by the honor system.

8. You can use a picture only once. Once it is used in a contest, it cannot be reused in another contest.

9. Please post only pictures meant for submission in this thread.
Physics news on
  • #2
Great Falls, VA
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  • #3
Woo just got back from spring break in Moab, Utah. I'll dig something out.
  • #4
OOOOoooo awesome, I've been hiking all weekend and got plenty of pictures. Now time to pick one out of the ton that I took...
  • #5
At McConkie Ranch, near Vernal Utah.


Some amazing pictographs and petroglyphs there. (mostly petroglyphs)

With all the scrapings that show on the wall, we wondered if the natives occupied that cave, but there weren't any stories about that.
  • #6
These rocks are basically 415-million-year-old Devonian granite.
They were swept up 10,000 years ago by the last ice age advancing glacier much farther north of here. As the glacier retreated it deposited the rocks in basically the same location and position as they are today.
This type of topography goes on for 10s of kilometers.
Some of it is amazing. One can find large rock on top of others and in some instanced large rocks levered by much smaller rocks.
  • #8
ZapperZ said:


Sweet picture ZapperZ! :approve: Where did you take it?
  • #9
In the plane.
  • #10
Borek said:
In the plane.

But which plane?
  • #11
Wellesley said:
But which plane?


  • #13
From a trip to the alps last year. Notice the climbers on top.
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  • #14
Is it just me, or have you forgot to post the picture?
  • #15
I was going to post a picture of my favorite rock, but it's just a little rock with fossils in it. These pictures are ROCKS. Great pictures!
  • #16
You cannot see my picture Borek?
Where did the d*** thing go?? Working on it. This Picasa thing is tricky
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  • #17
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  • #18
jowjowman said:
You cannot see my picture Borek?
Where did the d*** thing go?? Working on it. This Picasa thing is tricky

Seems like it may not allow for hotlinking. Once you have the picture in the cache it is displayed. That's why you thought eveyrthing is oK.
  • #19
jowjowman said:
From a trip to the alps last year. Notice the climbers on top.

Borek seems to be right. It will only display once I've already copy-pasted the link to my browser. You could try uploading to somewhere like photobucket and try again. You'll also need to resize it to no larger that 650 by 490 pixels. That is one heck or a rock!
  • #20
Evo said:
I was going to post a picture of my favorite rock, but it's just a little rock with fossils in it. These pictures are ROCKS. Great pictures!

You should share it. Fossils are cool :smile:
  • #21

This particular rock has been in this house longer than I have I think. It's a Jurassic ammonite my dad foun d on the Yorkshire coast years since.
  • #22
Thanks Borek and matthyaouw. Yeah, the hotlinking seems to be the problem allthough I don't understand why, the Picasa thing generates links for this specific purpose, I just cannot seem to figure the right way of using it.
(This also explains why I never won the prestigious PF PHOTO CONTEST.):smile:
The alps are the result of a crash between two tectonic plates and I thought it would be a relatively simple geologic structure - big mistake. This rock is part of the dolomites, one of many spectacular structures.

AAarrrrrgg, turns out that the google picasa does not support shareing your pictures using hotlinks making this product utterly useless to me.:cry: Now what do I do?
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  • #23
Sorry for all the confusion about the hotlinks to picasa. Made a new user at photobucket.
The rock is part of the dolomites in the alps.
  • #24

Also from the Dolomites.
  • #25
Feldspar out cropping in Southern Illinois.
  • #26
matthyaouw said:

This particular rock has been in this house longer than I have I think. It's a Jurassic ammonite my dad foun d on the Yorkshire coast years since.
Ooooh, very nice. Mine are mainly brachiopods, bryozoans and crinoids. They are from the Ordovician Period, about 470 million years ago. I did find a leaf imprint along a river bed from much earlier time.
  • #27

A conglomerate - smaller grains have about 1 mm.
  • #28
jowjowman said:
Sorry for all the confusion about the hotlinks to picasa. Made a new user at photobucket.

Size is still incorrect.
  • #29
I have literally thousands of rocks, ranging from pieces of faceting rough to huge boulders that take at least two healthy people to move. I have dozens of hand-samples on tables, shelves, windowsills, etc, and rotate them through the boxes and boxes of them that are stored in my cellar. Here is one that I picked off a windowsill in a moment of desperation - too many to choose from.

  • #30
Am I in time?


Navajo Nation, AZ.
  • #31

Monitor (or Merrimack) on the Monitor & Merrimack mountain bike trail near Moab, Utah. Spring break of...07?

Related to PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4)

1. What is the theme of the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4)?

The theme of this contest is "Rock my world", meaning that the photos should capture the beauty and wonder of rocks and geological formations.

2. How do I enter the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4)?

To enter the contest, simply submit your photo on the designated contest post on the PF PHOTO Facebook page. Make sure to follow the contest rules and guidelines.

3. Can I submit more than one photo to the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4)?

Yes, you can submit up to three photos for this contest. However, each photo must be unique and not previously submitted to any other PF PHOTO contest.

4. What are the criteria for judging the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4)?

The photos will be judged based on creativity, originality, technical skill, and how well they fit the theme of "Rock my world". The judges' decision is final.

5. When will the winner of the PF PHOTO CONTEST - Rock my world (mar 28 - apr 4) be announced?

The winner will be announced on April 5th on the PF PHOTO Facebook page. Make sure to follow the page to stay updated on the contest results and future contests.

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