Qs re the behavior of atoms after decoupling completed

In summary: Additionally, the expansion of the universe does not affect the temperature of individual atoms, but rather the temperature of the overall system. Therefore, the conclusion that the temperature of hydrogen atoms may be the same as the predicted effect of universe expansion is not valid. In summary, the values of certain variables obtained from the references cited include Ωm = 0.315, H0 = 70.0 (km/s)Mpc = 1/(4.408 × 1017) s, tdc ~= 487,000 yr = 1.537 × 1013 s, zdc = 913, adc = 0.001094, and TCMB(a=1) = 2.725 K. The temperature of
  • #1
Buzz Bloom
Gold Member
TL;DR Summary
I assume the temperature of the CMB and H atoms both start at about the same temperature of 2491 K at the time decoupling completed when the universe was 487,000 years old. The RMS value of the velocity of hydrogen atoms was 7852 m/s.
Q1: Was there any significant subsequent interactions of the hydrogen atoms with the CMB photons?
Q2: How did the H atom temperature vary with time due to the expansion of the universe?
I begin with the values of certain variables obtained from the references cited.
Ωm = 0.315
H0 = 70.0 (km/s)Mpc = 1/(4.408 × 1017) s
H0 was calculated from [2] as a weighted average of 30 values dated between 2001 and 2020. I used the inverse square of the error range as weights.
tdc ~= 487,000 yr = 1.537 × 1013 s
". . . decoupling took place over roughly 115,000 years, and when it was complete, the universe was roughly 487,000 years old."​
Note: 1 yr = 3.1556952 × 107 s.
zdc = 913
This was calculated using [4] with values H = 70.0 varying z until the age was 487,000 years.
adc = 0.001094
This was calculated using a = 1/(1+z).
TCMB(a=1) = 2.725 K

I am guessing there was no significant interaction between H atoms and the CMB after decoupling completed, but I have no confidence that this is correct. If someone knows of a reference discussing this question, I would much appreciate seeing a link.

My math in the remainder of this post (if it has no errors) shows that the temperature of H atoms does not vary with the expansion of the universe in the same way that CMB temperature varies. If this is correct, then any batch of hydrogen which did not end up in galaxies might have a current temperature approximately the same as that predicted by the effect of the universe expansion on the H temperature.

The calculated temperature results for today (a=1) are as follows.

TCMB(a=1) = 2.725 K
TH(a=1) = 0.002959 K

The remainder of this post is the calculations for TH(a=1).

It is assumed that the temperature of both CMB and H atoms were the same, at the time that decoupling completed.
(Eq 1) TH(a=0.001094) = TCMB(a=0.001094)​
= TCMB(a=1)/0.001094 K = 2.725/0.001094 = 2491 K​
The H atom RMS velocity is calculated using the equation:
(Eq 2) VRMS = (3kT/M)1/2.​
Using Eq 1, the RMS velocity of H atoms at decoupling completion is calculated as follows.
(Eq 3) VRMSdc = (3kTdc/M)1/2 = 7883 m/s
k = Boltzmann constant​
= 1.380649 ×10−23 J/K​
= 1.380649 ×10−23 kg m2 s-2/K,​
M = molecular mass m of H atom = 1.008 dalton, where​
1 dalton = 1.66053906660(50) ×10−27 kg.​

Let x be the coordinate in which an H atom moves. V is the speed which an atom is moving:
(Eq 4) V = dx/dt.​
As the particle moves from x to x+dx, there is a reduction in velocity due to the expansion of the universe:
(Eq 5) dV = - H dx.​
Combining Eq 4 and Eq 5 yields:
(Eq 6) dV/V = - H dt​
The definition of H is:
(Eq 7) H = (da/dt)/a.​
This yields:
(Eq 8) dt = (1/H) (da)/a.​
Combining Eq 4 and Eq 7 yields:
(Eq 9) dV/V = - da/a.​
Integrating Eq 9 yields:
(Eq 10) V = C/a,​
where C derives from a constant of integration.
The value for C is calculated from Eq 10:
(Eq 11) C = adc VRMSdc
= 0.001094 x 7852 m/s = 8.59 m/s.​
I now calculate the average H atom velocity V(a=1) using Eq 10 and Eq 11:
(Eq 12) V(a=1) = 8.59 m/s.​
I now use Eq 1 and Eq 2 to calculate TH(a=1).
(Eq 13) TH(a=1)/ TH(a=0.001094) = V2(a=1)/V2(a=0.001094)​
(Eq 14 TH(a=1) = 2491 K × (8.59 m/s)2 / (7883 m/s)2
= 0.002959 K​
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  • #2
It's not really possible to calculate the temperature of hydrogen atoms in this way. Perhaps it works for the intergalactic medium prior to reionization, but after reionization the temperature of the intergalactic medium is dominated by interactions with photons from stars.
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Related to Qs re the behavior of atoms after decoupling completed

1. What is decoupling and how does it affect atomic behavior?

Decoupling is the process in which atoms in a gas or plasma transition from being tightly coupled to each other to being decoupled and free to move independently. This typically occurs at high temperatures and densities. After decoupling, atoms are able to interact with each other through electromagnetic forces rather than being bound together.

2. How long does it take for decoupling to occur?

The duration of decoupling varies depending on the specific conditions of the gas or plasma. It can range from a few seconds to several minutes. However, in the early universe, decoupling is estimated to have taken place approximately 380,000 years after the Big Bang.

3. What happens to the temperature of atoms after decoupling?

After decoupling, the temperature of atoms decreases as the universe expands. This is due to the expansion of the universe causing a decrease in the density of the gas or plasma, leading to a decrease in the average energy of the atoms. This decrease in temperature is what allowed atoms to form and eventually led to the formation of stars and galaxies.

4. How does decoupling affect the distribution of matter in the universe?

Decoupling plays a crucial role in the formation of the large-scale structure of the universe. As atoms become decoupled, they are able to form clumps and clusters, which eventually grow into galaxies and galaxy clusters. The distribution of matter in the universe is a result of the initial conditions set by decoupling and the subsequent gravitational interactions between matter.

5. Can we observe the effects of decoupling in the present-day universe?

Yes, the effects of decoupling can be observed through the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. This radiation is the remnants of the hot, dense plasma that existed before decoupling. By studying the fluctuations in the CMB, scientists can gain insights into the behavior of atoms and the evolution of the universe after decoupling.

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