Quantization of classical strings - a beginner's question

In summary: and there are no restrictions on the shape of the string. the only restriction is that the string has small vibrations. there is no assumption about the tension.thanks for the comment.
  • #1
Hey all. I've started to read and watch lectures on string theory. usually everyone starts with a classical relativistic particle action, and then goes to a classical relativistic string action. after they finish with the classical string they start the quantization process.

my question is somewhere before the quantization itself, but i don't see anyone mention this in the lectures or books i am reading so i thought to ask it here. I remember that when we where deriving the wave equation for a classical string, we had to use the assumption that the string have only small vibrations, and that it has to be tense. if the string have no tension then the equation of motion is not very wavelike.. and it is also very intuitive that if i just take a loose string, its motion is not only described by a simple wave equation. the same goes for a closed string - since if it is closed then it is usually loose and have less tension.
when looking at the derivations in the books, i don't see any mentions to the restrictions of the strings. it looks like the relativistic action that they provide is used to completely describe a a loose or open strings that are not tense, but can loosely move through space and everything. they provide some function that is used to provide the location of every point of the string in space, and there is no restriction on the shape that the string can have.
my question is regarding the nature of these strings - what are the restriction used to derive the relativistic (soon to be quantized) action? can these strings move however they want? can they wobble around themselves? can they have knots? because from what i see, they can ONLY have small vibrations propagating through them, provided they have tension, and that's it. at least that is what you get if you start from a classical string that is described by a wave equation. am i wrong?

Thank's in advance
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  • #2
Strings can wobble, have knots, and move however they want, as long as the total energy and momentum are conserved. The vibrations do not need to be small. But due to tension, larger vibrations and stretches take more energy, so such larger deformations occur less frequently.
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  • #3
thanks for the comment.
how is this possible if the string has tension? if you need to assume small vibrations to derive the wave equation of stings, and then you build a lagrangian that gives you the wave equation, shouldn't the restrictions still be valid?
please explain why do you say that there are no restrictions and how is this implied from the way we derived the action for the classical string.
  • #4
A string in string theory has intrinsic tension just like a particle has intrinsic mass. In fact, tension is the same as mass per unit length.

This means that yes, strings prefer to have zero length, and stretching them out has some energy cost. This could be stretching an open string by pulling on its endpoints, or stretching a closed string by giving it some angular momentum. The string also couples to the B field, which can cause it to stretch in different ways.
  • #5
Qturtle said:
thanks for the comment.
how is this possible if the string has tension? if you need to assume small vibrations to derive the wave equation of stings, and then you build a lagrangian that gives you the wave equation, shouldn't the restrictions still be valid?
please explain why do you say that there are no restrictions and how is this implied from the way we derived the action for the classical string.

Well, consider that fundamental strings are relativistic objects, so some of your assumptions here are not valid. In particular, disturbances in the string profile propagate at the speed of light. If you look at your classical, non-relativistic stretched string, and take the limit of parameters where the speed of wave propagation approaches the speed of light, you should arrive at the fundamental string.
  • #6
so if i understand you right, the example of a nonrelativistic string which its equation of motion is derived using the assumptions of small oscillation and that can not do much other then oscillate with constant tension, is just a privet case of the more general relativistic string (that can do almost anything and get any shape) with its endpoints constrained to stay in one place and with its propagation speed taken to a value smaller enough then c?
if so, then i guess that what got me confused is that textbooks introduce you to this constrained non-relativistic string, and then move on to the non-constrained relativistic string (instead of starting with a non-constrained non-relativistic string)
the nonrelativistic string action is actually derived from simple Newtonian mechanics (which i guess is more intuitive and less abstract), where the nonrelativistic one is derived simply by assuming that the action is proportional to the string's surface are in spacetime.

so now i guess that my questions are:
1. how can i find an equivalent desription of a classical nonrelativistic string that can do more stuff and get in more complicated shapes like the relativistic one (and not the like the common textbook example)?
2. is there a more "mechanical" derivation of the relativistic string action, that uses relativistic dynamics and not the functional analysis of string surface area in spacetime?
3. are the solutions for the relativistic string that is not constrained in its end points (or have angular momentum) always leads for a string shrinking into a dot?
4. how can i get the relativistic string by taking the limit of the speed to c? i would expect to get the nonrelativistic string by letting the propagation be smaller then c, but not the other way around.

Related to Quantization of classical strings - a beginner's question

1. What is quantization of classical strings?

Quantization of classical strings is the process of converting a classical string, which is a continuous object, into a quantum object with discrete energy levels. This is done by replacing the classical equations of motion with quantum operators and imposing boundary conditions on the string.

2. Why is quantization of classical strings important?

Quantization of classical strings is important because it is a fundamental concept in string theory, which is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile general relativity and quantum mechanics. It also has applications in other areas of physics, such as condensed matter physics and particle physics.

3. How is quantization of classical strings different from quantization of point particles?

Quantization of classical strings is different from quantization of point particles because strings have an intrinsic length scale, while point particles do not. This results in a different set of equations and different physical interpretations.

4. What are the challenges in quantizing classical strings?

One of the main challenges in quantizing classical strings is the fact that they have an infinite number of degrees of freedom. This makes the calculations and resulting theories highly complex and difficult to work with. Additionally, the mathematical framework for string theory is still under development, making it a challenging area of research.

5. How does quantization of classical strings relate to the theory of everything?

Quantization of classical strings is a key component of string theory, which is often considered a candidate for the theory of everything. The theory of everything is a hypothetical framework that seeks to unify all fundamental forces and particles in the universe. By quantizing classical strings, we are attempting to describe the fundamental building blocks of the universe and understand the underlying laws of nature.

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