Relativistic Effects on our Observations of the Universe

In summary, when observing objects in the universe, such as the Sun or distant stars, the information we receive is delayed due to the finite speed of light. This means that we are essentially seeing these objects as they were in the past, sometimes thousands or even millions of years ago. This can make modeling and comparing objects at different times challenging, especially when considering the effects of redshift. There is also the possibility that this delay could affect our understanding of dark matter, as it may be created but not observable due to the time delay. However, the concept of newly created matter is still a subject of debate and further research is needed.
  • #1
Ralph Spencer
While observing the Sun, which is 8 light-minutes 12 light-seconds away from us. We (by visible and invisible spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation) observe its state 8.20 minutes ago. Special relativity forbids any information to travel at speeds greater than that of light. This should apply to the information that a mass exists at a particular distance, which is mediated by gravitons. Thus, by all means, the information about Sun that we have is 8.2 minutes old.

If we apply this to Deneb, a star 1.4k light-years away from Earth, its state at a time 1.4k years will we see. Then to the M87 galaxy - 55 ± 1 Mly - its state at a time 55 ± 1M years ago.

How do we model the universe at present (for computations) when we have information that is older further the body away from us? More importantly, how can we compare two objects at different times?
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  • #2
Correct! EM radiation emitted by all objects in the universe are time delayed due to the finite speed of light. The computation process is, as you surmised, complicated - and further complicated by redshift.
  • #3
The computation process is, as you surmised, complicated - and further complicated by redshift.

I would like to have a basic idea of the concept. What would be the error graph when approximate data is extrapolated to such large values?

Maybe I'm thinking far ahead of my current knowledge (which I would rate as beginner), however, if the newly created matter is not accounted in this model, by any chance could our mysterious dark matter be what is created but cannot be observed because of the time delay, which, I could expect to get answer to even in my thread about" , which I could relate to motion of the spin-2 and massless gravitons in "certain" conditions.
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  • #4
Ralph Spencer said:
I would like to have a basic idea of the concept. What would be the error graph when approximate data is extrapolated to such large values?

Maybe I'm thinking far ahead of my current knowledge (which I would rate as beginner), however, if the newly created matter is not accounted in this model, by any chance could our mysterious dark matter be what is created but cannot be observed because of the time delay, which, I could expect to get answer to even in my thread about" , which I could relate to motion of the spin-2 and massless gravitons in "certain" conditions.

Exactly what "newly created matter" are you referring to?.

Even if we accepted the idea of such matter springing from nothing, we wouldn't see the effect it has on other objects any sooner than we would see it.
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  • #5

As a scientist, it is important to understand the concept of relativistic effects on our observations of the universe. The theory of special relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein, states that the speed of light is the maximum speed at which any information can travel. This means that any information we receive from distant objects in the universe is already outdated by the time it reaches us.

In the example given, we observe the Sun as it was 8.20 minutes ago, because that is how long it takes for light to travel from the Sun to Earth. Similarly, when we observe Deneb, a star 1.4k light-years away, we are seeing it as it was 1.4k years ago. This also applies to the M87 galaxy, which is 55 ± 1 million light-years away, meaning we are seeing it as it was 55 ± 1 million years ago.

This raises the question of how we can model the universe at present, when the information we have is already outdated. The answer lies in our understanding of the laws of physics and our ability to make predictions based on those laws. We can use mathematical equations and computational models to predict the current state of objects in the universe, even if the information we have is from the past.

In terms of comparing two objects at different times, we must take into account the speed at which information travels and the distance between the objects. This allows us to make accurate comparisons and understand the changes that have occurred over time.

In conclusion, while relativistic effects may complicate our observations of the universe, as scientists, we have the tools and knowledge to account for these effects and make accurate predictions and comparisons. It is through our understanding of the laws of physics and our ability to use mathematical models that we can continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of the universe.

Related to Relativistic Effects on our Observations of the Universe

1. What are relativistic effects on our observations of the universe?

Relativistic effects refer to the changes in measurements and observations that occur when objects are moving at speeds close to the speed of light. These effects can impact our understanding of the universe and its objects.

2. How do relativistic effects impact our measurements of distance in the universe?

Relativistic effects can cause distortions in the measurements of distance in the universe. This is due to the phenomenon of length contraction, where objects moving at high speeds appear shorter in the direction of motion, making them seem closer than they actually are.

3. What is gravitational lensing and how does it relate to relativistic effects?

Gravitational lensing is a phenomenon where the gravity of a massive object, like a galaxy, bends the path of light from an object behind it. This can be caused by the relativistic effects of space and time being curved near massive objects, as described by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

4. Can relativistic effects impact our perception of time in the universe?

Yes, relativistic effects can cause time dilation, which is the slowing down of time for an object moving at high speeds. This means that time can pass at different rates for different observers, depending on their relative motion. This can impact our understanding of the age and evolution of the universe.

5. Are there any practical applications of understanding relativistic effects on our observations of the universe?

Yes, understanding relativistic effects is crucial for accurate calculations and predictions in fields such as astrophysics and cosmology. It also has practical applications in technologies like GPS, which rely on precise measurements of time and space that are affected by relativistic effects.

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