Resume website would love some feedback

In summary, this person is planning to create a website where they will post music recordings, videos of their competitive kickboxing matches, proof writeups, and blog articles. They also plan to have a "Friends" section where they will post media from friends who want to have their material up on the website. They are considering creating different alter egos for different fields of work.
  • #1
"Resume" website... would love some feedback!

Hello to all,

It's coming to be about that time when I'm going to start applying for both jobs and graduate school. Instead of just having a standard resume for jobs, I was thinking of perhaps having something a little bit more interactive and informative.

In addition to mathematics, I am also a performing musician, with my primary instrument being the sitar. I have a good deal of recordings that I've made (jam sessions, shows, collaborations, etc.), and also some masterclasses that I've posted up on youtube. As well, I do competitive kickboxing and have competed in quite a few boxing matches with good results. Also, I do quite a bit of recreational mathematics, in the sense that I prove different theorems that I find interesting or that I find particularly challenging regarding some areas of mathematics that I've studied (for my own interest and skill building). Finally, I do a good bit of blogging about philosophy, music, mathematics, and boxing and I keep anything that I like, has spurred a good discussion, and that others have liked.

So, I was thinking about creating my own website where I post up music recordings that I've made, videos of my kickboxing matches, some proof writeups, and some blog articles. As well, I was also thinking of having another "Friends" section, where I'll post media (music, poetry, etc.) from any of my friends who'd like to have some material of theirs up on the web.

Finally, whenever I apply for a job / send my graduate school package to a school, I can just simply include a link to my website so anyone on the application committee interested in my resume can take a further look and see that I have more to offer than what's just on a piece of paper.

I know this won't be an easy project, but I see it as a labor of love. Would any of you have any advice that you can offer me / constructive criticism regarding this idea? How can I make this site both marketable and entertaining and still interesting for graduate schools to look at?
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  • #2

ssayani87 said:
Finally, whenever I apply for a job / send my graduate school package to a school, I can just simply include a link to my website so anyone on the application committee interested in my resume can take a further look and see that I have more to offer than what's just on a piece of paper.

This is a great way to get your application put in the circular file. If you are considering this as a supplement to a paper resume that's fine; but it should not be a substitute. Admissions departments and especially hiring managers will not bother to go to your website when there are plenty of other candidates who bothered to send them a standard resume.
  • #3

fss - Thanks for your response, I'm very happy for the encouragement. :-) You did however point out something that I should've been more specific about...

I don't intend for this to be a resume substitute, just an additional thing that I'll attach with my resume. (As well, I'm also planning to put my resume ON my site...)
  • #4

Actually, from what I understand, these days employers are increasingly screening potenatial candidates be evaluating their online presence - particularly through social networking websites such as facebook. As a result, candidates who post pictures of themselves engaging in the kinds of activities a company may not want associated with its image are denied opportunities that they may otherwise have been given out of benefit of the doubt.

To me it makes a lot of sense that if you're trying to market yourself, to establish a 'professional' web-presence. A resume can inclulde a link to this address.

It's hard to comment on specifics. You sound like a well-rounded person with a diverse set of interests. My only suggestion might be to make sure that you focus your web-presence towards the particular fields that you're job hunting in. For example, music videos that you've made may not come across as particularly important if you're applying for jobs in banking. On the other hand they might make you might come across as someone a marketing firm might be interested in.
  • #5

Be careful about what you post online! The internet has a LONG memory. I knew one woman who was a headhunter (yes - I know about their bad rap - and mostly deserved).

She was also interested in alternative medicine and had a part-time radio show and blogs about this. When she needed a new job, they turned her down because she "was obviously not dedicated to her career"! At least they had the courtesy to let her know a reason.

You might consider various alter egos for each of your interests. Erasing a net presense is not at all easy.

Related to Resume website would love some feedback

1. How should I format my resume on a website?

It is important to keep your resume website clean and organized. Use a simple and professional layout with easy-to-read fonts and consistent formatting throughout the website. Make sure to include your contact information, work experience, education, and any relevant skills or achievements. You may also consider adding a professional photo or a link to your LinkedIn profile.

2. Should I include all of my work experience on my resume website?

It is recommended to only include relevant work experience on your resume website. Choose the most recent and impactful positions that showcase your skills and accomplishments. Avoid listing every job you have had, as it can make your resume website cluttered and less effective.

3. How much detail should I include in my resume website?

Your resume website should provide enough information for potential employers to get a sense of your qualifications and experience. However, it is important to keep it concise and to the point. Use bullet points and brief descriptions to highlight your achievements and responsibilities in each position. Avoid using long paragraphs or excessive details.

4. Can I use a resume template for my resume website?

Yes, you can use a resume template for your resume website. However, make sure to customize it to fit your personal brand and qualifications. Avoid using generic templates that may make your resume website look unoriginal. You can also consider hiring a web designer to create a unique and professional website for you.

5. Is it necessary to include a cover letter on my resume website?

Including a cover letter on your resume website is not necessary, but it can be a great addition. A cover letter allows you to personalize your application and highlight your interest in the specific company or position. If you choose to include a cover letter, make sure it is well-written and tailored to the job you are applying for.

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