Satellite Clocks: General & Special Relativity Time Variations

In summary: The equation for time dilation for a clock in a non-circular orbit(as measured by a distant observer) is:$$ T = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}+\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$$where r is the radius of the orbit. This could also be expressed as$$ T = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}+\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$$Orbital velocity for a non-circular orbit is: $$ v = \sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}
  • #1
Zack K
Something that crossed my mind recently; I know that satellites have to adjust their clock due to their relativistic time variations in relation to us. I was wondering do they adjust their times in accordance to general relativity or special relativity or both? Or is their speed so insignificant since they are traveling way too slow for special relativity to be factored in. If the former is the case, how would one go about and add the time dilation due to special and general relativity? Is it just a simple addition of the time dilation due to both gravity and speed?
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  • #2
Zack K said:
Something that crossed my mind recently; I know that satellites have to adjust their clock due to their relativistic time variations in relation to us. I was wondering do they adjust their times in accordance to general relativity or special relativity or both? Or is their speed so insignificant since they are traveling way too slow for special relativity to be factored in. If the former is the case, how would one go about and add the time dilation due to special and general relativity? Is it just a simple addition of the time dilation due to both gravity and speed?
GPS satellites need to account for -7 microseconds/day due to SR (motion) and +45 microseconds/day due to GR (gravity):

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  • #3
Zack K said:
I know that satellites have to adjust their clock due to their relativistic time variations in relation to us. I was wondering do they adjust their times in accordance to general relativity or special relativity or both?
I think what you probably intend to ask is if there is a correction needed for gravitational time dilation and a separate correction for velocity-related time dilation. The answer is that it depends how you want to look at it. It is perfectly possible to just use GR tools to calculate the appropriate correction to clock rates for a clock in a particular orbit without considering it as two separate elements. So you could say "no". Alternatively, you could split the correction into a correction for gravitational time dilation and a correction for velocity-related time dilation (as I see @phinds has done) and handle them separately, in which case the answer is "yes" - although I would say that it's a mistake to call the former a GR correction and the latter an SR correction because that would imply that GR doesn't handle velocity-related time dilation. It does.

Note that satellites in general don't bother. It's only where a really high precision clock measurement is needed - i.e., the GPS system - that anyone makes such a correction.
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  • #4
Ibix said:
... I would say that it's a mistake to call the former a GR correction and the latter an SR correction because that would imply that GR doesn't handle velocity-related time dilation. It does.
I agree. I was being simplistic for a first-cut answer.
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Likes Zack K, Ibix and russ_watters
  • #5
the correction is to be implemented in the user's device when the calculation of the position is being performed
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  • #6
Zack K said:
Something that crossed my mind recently; I know that satellites have to adjust their clock due to their relativistic time variations in relation to us. I was wondering do they adjust their times in accordance to general relativity or special relativity or both? Or is their speed so insignificant since they are traveling way too slow for special relativity to be factored in. If the former is the case, how would one go about and add the time dilation due to special and general relativity? Is it just a simple addition of the time dilation due to both gravity and speed?
The equation for time dilation for a clock in circular orbit(as measured by a distant observer) is:
$$ T = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{3GM}{rc^2}}}$$
where r is the radius of the orbit.
This could also be expressed as
$$ T = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}- \frac{GM}{rc^2}}}$$
Orbital velocity for a circular orbit is:
$$ v = \sqrt{\frac{GM}{r}}$$
$$ \frac{GM}{r} = v^2$$

Substitute into the second equation and you get:
$$ T = \frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{2GM}{rc^2}- \frac{v^2}{c^2}}}$$

For a non-circular orbit, you would have to add another term under the radical which contains the radial motion component of the orbital velocity at the point of the orbit you are interested in.
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Related to Satellite Clocks: General & Special Relativity Time Variations

What are satellite clocks and how do they work?

Satellite clocks are atomic clocks that are used to keep time for satellites in orbit around the Earth. These clocks use the oscillation of atoms to measure time and are extremely accurate. They work by counting the number of oscillations that occur within a certain period of time and using this to keep track of time.

How do satellite clocks account for the effects of general and special relativity on time?

Satellite clocks must account for the effects of both general and special relativity on time. General relativity predicts that time will run slower in a strong gravitational field, while special relativity predicts that time will run faster for objects in motion. To account for these effects, satellite clocks are programmed with specific algorithms that adjust for these variations in time.

Why are satellite clocks important for GPS systems?

Satellite clocks are crucial for GPS systems because they provide accurate time measurements for the satellites in orbit. These precise time measurements are necessary for calculating the distance between the satellite and a receiver on Earth, which is used to determine the receiver's location. Without accurate satellite clocks, GPS systems would not be able to provide accurate location data.

How do scientists ensure the accuracy of satellite clocks?

Scientists use a process called clock synchronization to ensure the accuracy of satellite clocks. This involves comparing the time measurements of multiple clocks and making adjustments as needed. Additionally, satellite clocks are regularly calibrated and checked against ground-based atomic clocks to maintain their accuracy.

What are some potential challenges with satellite clocks and how are they addressed?

One potential challenge with satellite clocks is the impact of solar flares on their accuracy. These flares can disrupt the signals from the satellites and cause errors in time measurements. To address this, satellite clocks are equipped with shielding and algorithms that can detect and correct for these disruptions. Additionally, regular maintenance and updates are done to ensure the clocks are functioning properly.

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