Should definitions of future computer languages incorporate IDE technologies?

In summary: Depends on whether you are a purist or not.It is easy to tell at the university, but if you actually have to program software, you might consider the library as part of the IDE, since without you really have a problem. On the other hand, it is a software package which enhances the compiler.
  • #36
Much of the discussion about incorporating file system semantics seems like a solution in search of a problem.
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  • #37
pbuk said:
I don't understand what "information retrieval (for the purposes of compiling or interpreting)" or "the data for computer code" are - are you simply talking about source code?
Yes - Aspect 1 refers to source code that is source for objects in the language. Source code as identified by the name of the object, not by the name of the file containing the code.
But these things are entirely implementation dependent:
I agree that in current languages they are. Current languages are not the topic of this post.

in the GNU C++ compiler on Linux the source code for cin is containted somewhere like /usr/include/stdio.h which is compiled into the executable whereas in Microsoft Visual C++ the object code for cin is implemented in the DLL (dynamic link library) C:\Windows\System32\vcruntime140.dll which is linked in at runtime.
I agree that, the design of current languages does not standardize the the relation between source code and the files containing the code. The relation is established by a set of miscellaneous conventions.

So the definition of include in C++ IS systematic,
I agree there is a system to it, but it isn't a modern approach to handling data. It doesn't define any requirement that there be a data structure that tells which program objects are stored in which files.
  • #38
Stephen Tashi said:
I agree there is a system to it, but it isn't a modern approach to handling data. It doesn't define any requirement that there be a data structure that tells which program objects are stored in which files.
It is true that C++ doesn't map what you call 'program objects' to the source files containing them, but that is because C++ does not allow any symbol to be defined more than once in all the files that are included in a compilation so it doesn't need a map. I suppose this approach could be described as not 'modern' since it originated decades ago, but I don't think this is relevant.

Other languages do have such a map, as you have noted with Java this is a 1:1 correspondence with file names although other languages allow the renaming of a modules on import, or the import of specific symbols from a file:

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
Node JS:
const Custom = require('./custom-class');
const { readFileSync } = require('fs');

I still don't see what any of this has to do with an IDE, it is simply about how the source code for the language is separable into different source files, and how you refer to symbols that are defined in the language's core (and managed extension) packages.
  • #39
Stephen Tashi said:
The definition of a future language could assume the basic functions of an IDE exist and define the language in terms of those functions.
I think the way you present this does not reflects on the reason of the existence of IDEs. It's about the complexity of tasks/jobs (as payment basis of a programmer and not as some machine specific abstraction). IDEs were developed to handle complexity. Programing languages (of the future) should be able to handle complexity too, even if they are built around some kind of 'keep it pure' philosophy. It's revolving around the same thing, but it's not a cause and effect relation.

At least, by my opinion.
  • #40
In my view, language specification should always be separate from IDE technology. However, those arguing against the need for IDE's have obviously never written graphical user interface applications. A good IDE will allow the programmer shortcut ways to generate much of the tedious boilerplate code for widget event handling. Another essential-to-me feature of a good IDE is syntax coloring, and auto-completion. But there are many other possible benefits to a good IDE. So--for me--separate but equal in value.
  • #41
pbuk said:
I still don't see what any of this has to do with an IDE, it is simply about how the source code for the language is separable into different source files, and how you refer to symbols that are defined in the language's core (and managed extension) packages.

As I mentioned before, the current model for computer language definition is hardcopy printed documents. In a hardcopy printed document we don't have the concept of links, which we can implement in electronic documents. If one hardcopy document needs to refer to something in another hardcopy document, it does so by some hardcopy text. This practice leads to two extremes.

One one hand, the hardcopy text may refer to a vast document (e.g. #include "vastlib.h"). To know what part of the vast document is relevant, a person must be familiar with the contents of the vast document.

At the other extreme, the text may refer to something very specific (e.g. extern int specialfunt( int k, float w, float v, int rowdim, int coldim); ). Such printed detail is convenient for the task of finding the relevant text in another document, but it is inconvenient to write this type of detailed reference in every document where it is needed.

If we use an electronic document as the model for defining a computer language then we can use the concept of links to implement references to specific places in electronic documents. I consider this to be using IDE technology because IDEs provide limited versions of this concept. They treat code as an electronic document. They allow treating sections of text as links to other text.

Ideally, if I see some object mentioned in computer code then an IDE can let me click on it and bring up the other code that defines that object. This ideal is imperfectly realized, depending on the IDE and the language.
  • #42
Stephen Tashi said:
As I mentioned before, the current model for computer language definition is hardcopy printed documents.
Hardly. All of the documentation for C, C++, C#, and other languages that Microsoft implements compilers for exists purely in electronic form. I'm sure the same is true for the languages implemented under GNU are as well.
As far as language specifications go, such I'm reasonably sure that they are available primarily, if not exclusively, online as PDF files. For example, the ISO C++ standard is available here:
Stephen Tashi said:
If we use an electronic document as the model for defining a computer language then we can use the concept of links to implement references to specific places in electronic documents. I consider this to be using IDE technology because IDEs provide limited versions of this concept. They treat code as an electronic document. They allow treating sections of text as links to other text.
This has nothing to do with IDEs, but instead relates to the use of HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) technologies in electronic documents.
  • #43
Mark44 said:
Hardly. All of the documentation for C, C++, C#, and other languages that Microsoft implements compilers for exists purely in electronic form. I'm sure the same is true for the languages implemented under GNU are as well.
As far as language specifications go, such I'm reasonably sure that they are available primarily, if not exclusively, online as PDF files. For example, the ISO C++ standard is available here:

My remarks do not concern the file formats in which text that defines a computer language is stored. My remarks concern the content of the definition of computer languages.
  • #44
Stephen Tashi said:
My remarks do not concern the file formats in which text that defines a computer language is stored. My remarks concern the content of the definition of computer languages.
Then I am completely lost in trying to understand your point.
This is what you write a couple of posts ago:
Stephen Tashi said:
As I mentioned before, the current model for computer language definition is hardcopy printed documents.
  • #45
Mark44 said:
Then I am completely lost in trying to understand your point.
This is what you write a couple of posts ago:

If we consider the content of a current computer language definition, it describes how non-electronic text documents in that language should be written - e.g. there are certain characters that can be used, they can be used to form certain words, certain phrases using those words are permitted or required. For example, the definition of the C language describes the use of text phrases like "#include "vastlib.h""

The definitions of current computer languages do not describe how electronic documents are written. For example, there is nothing in the C language that says "#include "vastlib.h"" must be a link to some other document. The concept of a link, in that sense, is not used in defining the C language.

So I say that current computer languages use hardcopy text documents as the model for what they are describing. (I am not saying that the text that states the definition of a computer language can't be stored in various electronic file formats. I am saying that what those definitions describe is how to write text that does not have the functionality of electronic documents.)
  • #46
Stephen Tashi said:
The definitions of current computer languages do not describe how electronic documents are written.
Any such documents used by C or C++, say, must adhere to the syntax of the language, which includes, in part the use of such punctuation as semicolons, single and double quotes, pound signs (used by the preprocessor), carriage return characters, end-of-file marks, and others. These documents are exclusively electronic in form.
Stephen Tashi said:
For example, there is nothing in the C language that says "#include "vastlib.h"" must be a link to some other document. The concept of a link, in that sense, is not used in defining the C language.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here. A #include preprocessor directive is absolutely a link to the file named in the directive. How else would the preprocessor "know" to insert the text of the include file into the program that is to be compiled?
Stephen Tashi said:
So I say that current computer languages use hardcopy text documents as the model for what they are describing.
This makes no sense to me.
  • #47
I think I understand what @Stephen Tashi is proposing here. He'd like a language to be defined precisely even beyond Backus-Naur notation. Any references to a function or method within the language would indicate the method name and a unique version number so you could in essence rebuild a program any time in the future and be sure its built with the same code.

I've had cases of code I built and encapsulated in a docker image that works as expected until a new feature is needed. As I try to build a new image, I find pieces missing from my environment, code obsoleted and replaced with new code with a different calling api... newer library versions...

One way folks get around this are Maven builds where the library versions are defined precisely or by doing fat jars in java where all classes needed are encapsulated in a single jar and that jar runs on a specific version of Java.

There is nothing today that ties all components of a program together unambiguously so that you can go back and check a specific version of a function in a library that you once used some time ago.

This kind of metadata can't be encoded in a textual document like a source code listing easily as it would make the document difficult to read. However an IDE like a browser could make every method or function a link to its specific versioned source and its code with links to their versioned source which brings in issues of proprietary code.

I could see a problem here which pops up in Maven where one library has a dependency of a specific version of a library whereas another library has a dependency on another version and the question then is which version dominates.

It happened to me once where I got a fat jar of NetCDF code that had an embedded version of log4j that conflicted with the version I was using in my project. Finally I had to replace the fat jar with references to unbundled code to make things work again. Basically, you could wind up with multiple versions of the same method being used throughout your program with a variety of different hopefully minor behaviors.

I don't think an IDE would fix this problem as its a much bigger and more fundamental problem perhaps needing a common repository/registry of a publicly used source code along with all versions of the code.

Having said all that, I think it's time to close off this thread and to thank @Stephen Tashi for bringing up the issue and for everyone else responding with some great commentary and ideas on the problem.

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