Special relativity thought experiment

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of relativity and how it relates to time dilation and symmetry in different frames of reference. The participants discuss a thought experiment involving two frames of reference, each with synchronized clocks and children of the same age. They also mention the twin paradox and the relativity of simultaneity. Finally, they touch on the idea that although children in the opposite frame will appear to age slower, the amount of dilation may vary for each child.
  • #1
The subject of relativity has been haunting me for while now. Everytime i feel i understand a concept, there comes questions withtin that contradict the undestanding. Have been trying to digest the time dilation & symmetry of how it is felt mutually by observers in two different frame of reference. Let me try and present a simple thought experiment below.

Let there be 2 frames of references Fa & Fb. Each of these reference frames be infinite in length. Now let us line up kids who are 5 years old in both the reference frames with clocks in their hand. Assume we have them lined up infinitely on each reference frame facing each other, with all their clocks synchronized.

Let Frame Fa & Fb be moving in oppposite directions each with velocity v/2 (for an external observer), which makes each reference frame feel that other one is traveling with velocity v towards the opposite direction. At the origin of the corindates we have KidA (on frame A) and KidB (on Frame B). While they pass each other, we set Ta=Tb=0 (clocks are synchronized).

Question is: Looks like everything is symmetric here. After time passes by, will KidA see all opposite frame kids to be growing younger than him? What about KidB then? Will he see the same symmetry when he looks at kids on the other frame. How can both be correct here when kids within the same frame of reference be all of the same age.

May be the very way i am thinking of the problem itself is wrong. Would like to see some explanation to understand the correct experience in such a scenario.
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  • #2
tkmanutk said:
May be the very way i am thinking of the problem itself is wrong.
It seems to me you have the basic understanding correct, perhaps searching this forum for "twin paradox" might lead to the answers you seek. I myself only have a basic understanding as well.
  • #3
thanks! twin paradox has other issues like accelaration/decelaration etc., however with this one, i wanted to keep the frames inertial..
  • #4
tkmanutk said:
thanks! twin paradox has other issues like accelaration/decelaration
I remember there being a thread about the twin paradox without acceleration
  • #5
Oh yeah and acceleration has no effect on time dilation, only relative velocity...
  • #6
tkmanutk said:
Now let us line up kids who are 5 years old in both the reference frames with clocks in their hand. Assume we have them lined up infinitely on each reference frame facing each other, with all their clocks synchronized
Due to the relativity of simultaneity this is not possible. You could say the A kids are all 5 and synchronized in the A frame, and the B kids are all 5 and synchronized in the B frame. In that case in the A frame the B kids would be all different ages and have unsynchronized clocks. All of the B kids would be aging slower in the A frame.

Both A and B kids will agree on the age of any pair of kids when they meet. The relativity of simultaneity will correctly offset the time dilation in each case.
  • #7
Dale beat me to the answer here, but there is one additional point I wanted to bring up:
tkmanutk said:
Let Frame Fa & Fb be moving in oppposite directions each with velocity v/2 (for an external observer), which makes each reference frame feel that other one is traveling with velocity v towards the opposite direction.
This is not correct. Velocities do not add this way in relativity - look up the relativistic velocity addition formula. This doesn't matter for your scenario, since you do no further maths with it, but is worth mentioning.
  • #8
Thanks Dale & lbix. I think i have a food for thought now to go back and spend more time. Thanks for the point on simultaneity. Probably i should practice more spacetime diagrams :).

So what i understand is KidA should see kids on other frame younger to him at any point in time. Same goes with KidB from his frame. Right? It is just that the amount of dilation with different kids in the opposite frame will look different.
  • #9
tkmanutk said:
So what i understand is KidA should see kids on other frame younger to him at any point in time.
KidA will see kids on the other frame aging slower. However, because of the relativity of simultaneity some will start out older and some will start out younger, and then they will all age slowly from there.

Related to Special relativity thought experiment

What is the Special Relativity thought experiment?

The Special Relativity thought experiment is a hypothetical experiment used to explain the principles and consequences of Einstein's theory of special relativity. It involves imagining a scenario where two observers are moving at different speeds relative to each other and observing the same event or object.

What is the purpose of the Special Relativity thought experiment?

The purpose of the Special Relativity thought experiment is to help us understand the unusual and counterintuitive concepts of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction. It also allows us to explore the consequences of these concepts, such as the relativity of simultaneity and the equivalence of mass and energy.

How does the Special Relativity thought experiment work?

In the Special Relativity thought experiment, two observers are placed in a scenario where they are moving at different speeds relative to each other. They each measure the same event or object, but due to their different velocities, they will observe different measurements and experiences. This helps us understand the effects of relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction.

What are some common misconceptions about the Special Relativity thought experiment?

One common misconception is that the Special Relativity thought experiment is just a thought experiment and does not have any real-world applications. In reality, many experiments and observations, such as the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, have confirmed the predictions of special relativity. Another misconception is that the thought experiment only applies to objects moving at near-light speeds, when in fact its principles are applicable to any relative motion.

How has the Special Relativity thought experiment impacted our understanding of the universe?

The Special Relativity thought experiment has greatly impacted our understanding of the universe by revolutionizing our understanding of time, space, and the relationship between matter and energy. It has also led to the development of technologies such as GPS, which rely on the principles of special relativity to function accurately. The thought experiment has also paved the way for further research and theories, such as general relativity, which have further expanded our understanding of the universe.

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