Strange Behavior on MY PF - Bug or Database Issue?

  • Thread starter DataGG
  • Start date
In summary, the poster had a valid question that was not answered. The response was rude and dismissive.
  • #1
Gold Member

So, there's something happening that might be a bug. The answer is probably "we can't fix it", but ya, I think I should report it either way.

If I go to MY PF and there are threads in my subscribed threads that have new replies, the thread title will be bold and an "N" will be placed after the title.

Until now everything's fine. I click on the topic and read it. Go to MY PF again and it no longer has the "N" nor is it bold.

However, if I close the browser and go to "MY PF" again, it'll appear bold and with the "N", even though no new posts have been added since the last time I visited it.
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  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
Indeed, just something goofy with the thread read cookies.

And can you fix it? It pisses me off a little bit..
  • #4
I have also seen the bug described by DataGG but it doesn't bother me since I don't close my browser that often. On the server side, it still appears that you're tracking the last visit such that those bolded, visited links go away after a certain amount of time.

Greg, if it helps, whenever I use the back button to return to MyPF or search results, I have to reload the page in order for my visited pages to not be bolded. The site didn't previously do that. It seemed to start after an upgrade over a year ago. And, for all I know, it could have been due a browser upgrade. As a programmer, I understand how low something like this falls on the priority list... :-p
  • #5
DataGG said:
And can you fix it? It pisses me off a little bit..

I'm sorry you are frustrated. We tentatively plan on upgrading the software next year.
  • #6
Greg Bernhardt said:
I'm sorry you are frustrated. We tentatively plan on upgrading the software next year.

Is PF going to lose the database?
  • #7
DataGG said:
Is PF going to lose the database?

Do we look THAT stupid?
  • #8
Borek said:
Do we look THAT stupid?

I asked a question, which to me seems to be perfectly valid. No idea where you're coming from..

As far as I know, when changing forum software (for example vbulletin to ipboard) one cannot keep the database, but I don't know much so that's why I asked.

But ya, whatever, I apologize for making a question.
  • #9
Do you really, really think that anyone would switch to a different software if it would mean losing 630k threads and 4.5M posts collected over 11 years?
  • #10
Well, we did loose the database before Borek, when upgrading to new software. Greg put the database on a CD and I think I received one. I once searched for it, but unfortunately couldn't find it. Do you still have it Greg? :biggrin:
  • #11
Monique said:
Well, we did loose the database before Borek, when upgrading to new software.

I am not talking about software that was on the market 13 years ago, when the very idea of the internet forum was quite new. I am not talking about small forum and an inexperienced admin (sorry Greg :-p). I am not talking about accidents - it happens. I am also not talking about panic mode situations - other forum I am administering lost large part of the database when we were forced to move to another provider (and the previous one proved to be a jerk).

I am talking about today and about planned upgrades of a huge, professionally run site as todays' PF definitely is (all hail Greg :-p).
  • #12
Just don't imply that the question is stupid and not worth asking. I myself was under the impression that the reason PF is not running the latest software is because of database issues.

The railway company in the Netherlands switched to electronic tickets and a ticket I used to buy went up in price from 1,70 to 25,00. Of course the company claims the price stayed the same and the technological advancement is for the good of the customers. I'm always for asking questions and not assuming anything.
  • #13
The administrator response was extremely rude. The poster had a valid question. No need to scare members from the site.
  • #14
Not rude. I thought it was a good response. :mad:
  • #15
dlgoff said:
Not rude. I thought it was a good response. :mad:

I think answering a question with a question and an attitude, twice, is rude. Borek could have answered with "You are right for your concern, we'd never upgrade if the database would be lost.". Exactly the point where PF could improve its attitude to members.
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  • #16
DataGG said:
Is PF going to lose the database?

Have no fear, the database will be preserved. Just a couple weeks ago I even did a test import and it went smoothly. But as I said, we don't plan on moving/upgrading platforms any sooner than next summer. A lot of preparations will need to take place. It will be a big project.

Monique said:
Well, we did loose the database before Borek, when upgrading to new software. Greg put the database on a CD and I think I received one. I once searched for it, but unfortunately couldn't find it. Do you still have it Greg? :biggrin:

I do still have the CD for PF1 :) For a few years I put them online, not sure if you saw :)
  • #17
Monique said:
Exactly the point where PF could improve its attitude to members.
Sorry. I don't see it that way.
  • #18
dlgoff said:
Sorry. I don't see it that way.

Borek claims: "professionally run site as todays' PF definitely is".
His answer as an admin is FAR from professional. I like Borek a lot, but it just needs to be said.
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  • #19
Greg Bernhardt said:
I do still have the CD for PF1 :) For a few years I put them online, not sure if you saw :)
If there's ever a chance to get another copy I'd like to have one :smile:
  • #20
Monique said:
If there's ever a chance to get another copy I'd like to have one :smile:

This could be arranged :)
  • #21
Monique said:
Just don't imply that the question is stupid and not worth asking. I myself was under the impression that the reason PF is not running the latest software is because of database issues.
Converting the main data (posts, threads, private messages, user settings, ...) is easy, vBulletin provides tools for that where it is not a simple 1:1 copy. Converting things added by Greg can be more problematic.

Related to Strange Behavior on MY PF - Bug or Database Issue?

What is "MY PF" and why is it important?

"MY PF" stands for "My Personal File" and it is a database used to store personal information and records. It is important because it allows individuals to access and manage their own personal data in a secure and organized manner.

What kind of strange behavior can occur on "MY PF"?

Some examples of strange behavior on "MY PF" include unexpected error messages, slow loading times, missing or incorrect data, and unauthorized access to personal information. These issues can be caused by technical glitches, software bugs, or security breaches.

How can strange behavior on "MY PF" be fixed?

If you encounter strange behavior on "MY PF", the first step is to try refreshing the webpage or clearing your browser's cache. If the issue persists, you can contact the technical support team for "MY PF" or the website administrator for assistance. It is also important to regularly update your login credentials and enable two-factor authentication for added security.

What are the potential risks of strange behavior on "MY PF"?

The risks of strange behavior on "MY PF" include compromised personal information, identity theft, and data loss. If unauthorized users gain access to your personal file, they may be able to use your personal information for malicious purposes. Additionally, if the data on "MY PF" is lost or corrupted, it can be difficult to retrieve or restore.

How can I prevent strange behavior on "MY PF"?

To prevent strange behavior on "MY PF", make sure to use strong and unique passwords, regularly update your login credentials, and enable two-factor authentication. It is also important to be cautious when accessing "MY PF" on public or shared devices and to log out after each session. If you notice any unusual activity on your account, report it immediately to the appropriate authorities.

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