Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients for momentum space wavefunctions

In summary, Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are mathematical coefficients used to describe the transformation of wavefunctions between different coordinate systems, specifically from position space to momentum space. They are calculated using mathematical formulas and are important in physics for analyzing wavefunctions in different coordinate systems. They can also be used for other types of wavefunctions and coordinate system transformations. However, they may have limitations in certain situations, such as dealing with complex or interacting systems.
  • #1
I've found a number of papers about how to calculate Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients. For example W. Tobocman Nucl. Phys A357 (1981) 293-318 and FORTRAN code base on it Y.-P. Gan et al. Comput. Phys. Commun. 34 (1985) 387.
This works well if I want to calculate matrix elements that only depend on the position or relative position, such as ##\sum_{i<j} \frac{1}{2}\mu_{ij}\omega r_{ij}^2##. I also want to use this to calculate momentum dependent terms, like ##\sum_i \frac{p_i^2}{2m_i}##. The end goal is to eventually calculate terms that depend on both momentum and position, such as
$$\left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{p_i^2+m_i^2}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{p_j^2+m_j^2}} \right)^{1/2+\epsilon} V(r_{ij}) \left( \frac{1}{\sqrt{p_i^2+m_i^2}} \frac{1}{\sqrt{p_j^2+m_j^2}} \right)^{1/2+\epsilon}.$$
I could go through Tobocman and recreate what he did step by step in momentum space, and possibly rewrite the Gan et al. code, but I was hoping that someone had already done something similar.

Some background:
The 3D harmonic oscillator hamiltonian has the form ##H=\frac{p^2}{2m}+\frac{1}{2}m\omega^2r^2##, which has the solutions ##\psi_{nlm}(\vec{r})## in position space and ##\phi_{nlm}(\vec{p})## in momentum space.
The positions of the particles in an N-body system can be written in terms of the center of mass coordinate ##\vec{R}## and N-1 Jacobi coordinates ##\vec{\rho}_i##. For N=3, the choice of coordinates are ##\vec{\rho_1^\alpha}=\vec{r_\beta}-\vec{r_\alpha}, \vec{\rho_2^\alpha}=\vec{r_\gamma}-\frac{m_\alpha \vec{r_\alpha}+m_\beta \vec{r_\beta}}{m_\alpha+m_\beta}## where ##\alpha\beta\gamma## could be any of 123,231,312.
The wavefunction of an N-body system can be written as the product of harmonic oscillator basis wave functions in each coordinate $$\Psi_{\{q\}}^\alpha=\left[\prod_{i=1}^{N-1} \psi_{n_i l_i m_i}(\vec{\rho_i^\alpha})\right]_{\{L\}}$$ where ##\{q\}## is the set of quantum numbers, including all ##n_i,l_i## as well as total (and intermediate total) angular momentum while ##\{L\}## is the set of total and intermediate total angular momentum quantum numbers. I can write these wavefunctions in one basis in terms of the wavefunctions in another basis:
$$\Psi_{\{q\}}^\alpha=\sum_{\{q'\}} a_{\{q'\}}^{\{q\}}(\alpha,\alpha') \Psi_{\{q'\}}^{\alpha'}$$
where ##a_{\{q'\}}^{\{q\}}(\alpha,\alpha')## is the Talmi-Moshinsky coefficient.
If I want to calculate the matrix elements in this basis, I simply have to calculate
$$\left<\{q'\}^\alpha\right| V \left|\{q\}^\alpha\right> = \int\left(\Psi_{\{q'\}}^\alpha\right)^* V \Psi_{\{q\}}^\alpha \prod d^3\rho$$.
This is understandably easier for some terms than others. For example ##\vec{r_{21}}=\vec{r_2}-\vec{r_1} = \vec{\rho_1^1}## while ##\vec{r_{32}}=\vec{r_3}-\vec{r_2}= -\vec{\rho_2^1} - \frac{m_2}{m_1+m_2}\vec{\rho_1^1}##. In the ##\alpha\beta\gamma=123## basis, it is nearly trivial to calculate terms that only depend on ##\vec{r_{21}}## only, but you have to account for cross terms when dealing with ##\vec{r_{13}}## and ##\vec{r_{32}}##, making it difficult, if not impossible, to calculate the more complicated terms. That's where Talmi-Moshinsky transformations come in. I can calculate all the terms involving ##\vec{r_{21}}## in the 123 basis, all ##\vec{r_{32}}## terms in the 231 basis, and all ##\vec{r_{13}}## terms in the 312 basis then transform all the matrices into the 123 basis.
The harmonic oscillator basis is ideal because ##\psi_{nlm}= N_{nl} \alpha^{3/2}(\alpha r)^l L_n^{l+1/2}((\alpha r)^2) e^{-(\alpha r)^2/2} Y_l^m(\hat{r})## while ##\phi_{nlm}= (-i)^{2n+l} N_{nl} \alpha^{-3/2}(p/\alpha)^l L_n^{l+1/2}((p/\alpha)^2) e^{-(p/\alpha)^2/2} Y_l^m(\hat{p})## where ##\alpha^2=m\omega/\hbar##. Because the wavefunctions have the same form in both position and momentum space, it makes calculations easier. The only hiccup is that ##\alpha r## transforms differently (much more nicely, getting rid of cross terms) than ##p/\alpha##, which also means that the Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are different in momentum space and position space.
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  • #2
Therefore, I need to find a way to calculate the coefficients in momentum space.
Thank you for sharing your findings on the Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients. It seems that you have put a lot of effort into understanding and utilizing these coefficients in your calculations. I understand your frustration with trying to calculate terms that depend on both momentum and position, as it can be quite challenging.

From my understanding, the Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are used to transform the wavefunction from one basis to another, making calculations easier for specific terms. However, as you mentioned, the coefficients are different in momentum space and position space, which can complicate things.

I suggest looking into the work of Satchler and Love, who have developed a method for calculating Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients in momentum space. Their method involves using a basis of Gaussian wave packets, which allows for a more direct calculation of the coefficients in momentum space.

Additionally, there are other methods for calculating these coefficients, such as the Coulomb-Sturmian basis method. I recommend exploring these different methods and seeing which one works best for your specific calculations.

I understand that it may be tempting to try and rewrite the Gan et al. code to calculate the coefficients in momentum space, but I would caution against this as it may be time-consuming and prone to errors. It would be better to use an established method that has been tested and proven to work.

I hope this helps in your research and calculations. Best of luck to you.

Related to Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients for momentum space wavefunctions

1. What are Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients for momentum space wavefunctions?

Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are mathematical coefficients that are used to describe the transformation of wavefunctions from one coordinate system to another. They specifically refer to the transformation of wavefunctions from position space to momentum space.

2. How are Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients calculated?

Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are calculated using mathematical formulas that take into account the specific properties of the wavefunctions and the coordinate systems involved. These calculations can be complex and often require advanced mathematical knowledge.

3. What is the significance of Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients in physics?

Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are important in physics because they allow for the description and analysis of wavefunctions in different coordinate systems. This is particularly useful in quantum mechanics, where different coordinate systems may be used to describe the same physical system.

4. Can Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients be used for other types of wavefunctions?

Yes, Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients can be used for other types of wavefunctions beyond momentum space wavefunctions. They can also be used for transformations between different coordinate systems, such as from position space to spin space.

5. Are there any limitations to using Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients?

While Talmi-Moshinsky coefficients are a useful tool in physics, there are some limitations to their use. They may not be applicable in certain situations, such as when dealing with highly complex or interacting systems. Additionally, the calculations may become increasingly difficult as the number of particles in a system increases.

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