The Big Leak, Universe Equilibrium, Time

In summary, the concept of expansion in the universe can be compared to the idea of equilibrium, but the end result is not a static system. The night and day cycle is essential for life on Earth, and without it, life may not have been able to form.
  • #1
Wouldn't an expansion be sort of like the effect of equilibrium? What is it that disagrees with this idea? Of a 'Big Leak' rather than a Big Bang. Does not all matter in the universe tend to reach a state of equilibrium? Why wouldn't the Universe as a whole try to do such? And I think, wouldn't Space be sort of like a container? Also Time be made of the Space/Distance within the container? (spacetime). When you add Water to a Container, the Container does not expand. When you add sugar to this water, the effect I am thinking of occurs.

Do you think Life would occur without Night time? Would our sleeping schedule be the same? The way I think of time, biological clock, and the idea of physical time is that what happens if you sleep only 2 hours when you're used to sleeping 8 hours? You feel the effects of the time right?

Some questions.. Hope to get some replies.
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  • #2
Erus said:
Wouldn't an expansion be sort of like the effect of equilibrium? What is it that disagrees with this idea? Of a 'Big Leak' rather than a Big Bang. Does not all matter in the universe tend to reach a state of equilibrium? Why wouldn't the Universe as a whole try to do such? And I think, wouldn't Space be sort of like a container? Also Time be made of the Space/Distance within the container? (spacetime). When you add Water to a Container, the Container does not expand. When you add sugar to this water, the effect I am thinking of occurs.

Do you think Life would occur without Night time? Would our sleeping schedule be the same? The way I think of time, biological clock, and the idea of physical time is that what happens if you sleep only 2 hours when you're used to sleeping 8 hours? You feel the effects of the time right?

Some questions.. Hope to get some replies.

there is this great line about limitation of thinking in metaphors, it is in the movie As Good as it Gets and Jack Nicholson speaks the line in a restaurant.
Thank you for these speculations. I will try to get back to you about the Big Leak at a later time, when I have thought about it a little.

Please read smolin's paper "Scientific Alternatives to the Anthropic Principle" which has an empirically testable model of how one universe may leak into another. the paper has no formulas to speak of so it
should be readable (to a first approximation) by any literate person.

just click on "PDF" it is only about 40 pages and the first 10 or so should give you the idea.
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  • #3
This isn't exactely a the right forum for those questions but I'll do my best to answer nevertheless.

I'm am not positive what exactely you are asking about the big bang. In case of the big bang, it is space that is expanding, so yes the "container" is in fact expanding. The most probable end result of such exapansion will be something of an equilibrium as expanding space will spread matter out so thiny and far apart, the universe will basically just be a very thin soup of dead star matter, with smatterings of black hole remanants and dark cold matter.

The biggest challenge to the statement that the big bang is a process of equilibrium is the fact that the very word equilibrium implies that the system is unchanging, I know of no models of the universe that lead to a static system.

As far as the night issue. It is far more complex than simply an issue of time. If Earth did not have night, it would certainly be a very different place, and indeed life may never might of had the chance to form, yet it would be very impossible for Earth to not have a night time in our solar system.

The only way I can think of a planet not having a night is to be a binary star system(a solar system with two stars) and for the orbits to somehow work out for the light of both stars to strike all the parts of a planet at the same time. A planet in such a situation would most likely be a scorched, uninhabitable place, such as Venus. So if Earth had no night, I would guess that life would not be possible and that the view on time would be very different, different as in non-existant.

Related to The Big Leak, Universe Equilibrium, Time

1. What is the Big Leak theory?

The Big Leak theory proposes that the universe is constantly leaking energy and matter, leading to a gradual decrease in the overall energy and mass of the universe over time.

2. How does the Big Leak theory affect the equilibrium of the universe?

The Big Leak theory suggests that the universe is in a constant state of imbalance due to the continuous leakage of energy and matter. This leads to an ever-changing equilibrium as the universe tries to maintain a balance between its internal forces.

3. Is there any evidence to support the Big Leak theory?

There is currently no direct evidence for the Big Leak theory, but it is supported by various observations and scientific principles such as the laws of thermodynamics and the expansion of the universe.

4. Can the Big Leak theory explain the origin of time?

The Big Leak theory does not directly address the concept of time itself, but it suggests that the gradual decrease in energy and matter over time could lead to a potential end of the universe, known as the "Big Crunch." This could potentially reset the cycle of the universe, and time along with it.

5. How does the Big Leak theory compare to other theories about the universe?

The Big Leak theory is just one of many theories attempting to explain the origin and eventual fate of the universe. It differs from other theories such as the Big Bang and Steady State theories in its focus on the constant leakage of energy and matter rather than a singular event or a continuous creation of matter. However, it is important to note that many of these theories are not mutually exclusive and may overlap in certain aspects.

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