The Religion Poll - Part 2: Atheism

In summary, there are many different atheists, and each has their own reasons for not believing in a god. Some people practice religion to comfort themselves, while others do not believe in gods at all.

What type of atheist are you?

  • Gnostic Atheist

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Agnostic Atheist

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • Negative Atheist

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Positive Atheist

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Broad Atheist

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Narrow Atheist

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Unfriendly Atheist

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Indifferent Atheist

    Votes: 7 33.3%
  • Friendly Atheist

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Closet Atheist

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Open Atheist

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Passive Atheist

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Evangelical Atheist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Active Atheist

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Militant Atheist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Religious Atheist

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Non-Religious Atheist

    Votes: 9 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • #1
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Since over 70% did not affiliate with any religion, it would be nice to see what kind of atheists we have here. Here are the explanations of the different categories:
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  • #2
Lol who the hell comes up with all these labels? Why can't people just be happy with "atheist" or "agnostic".
  • #3
You are asking for too much.
  • #4
WannabeNewton said:
Lol who the hell comes up with all these labels? Why can't people just be happy with "atheist" or "agnostic".

People love labels :-p
  • #5
Atheist is a label others apply to me, I do not apply it to myself, therefore, I chose none of the above.
  • #6

I remember we once had a long discussion/argument here about the meaning of "atheist." I think these options cover all those bases and then some!
  • #7
Is there a situation where a religious atheist is not a closet atheist ?
  • #8
montadhar said:
Is there a situation where a religious atheist is not a closet atheist ?

Yes, I would count myself as that case.
  • #9
micromass said:
Yes, I would count myself as that case.

That is very interesting. So you practice religion when most people know that you're an atheist ? What do you mean by practising religion ? and if I may I ask, what is your reason for doing so ?
  • #10
I voted as follows.

Agnostic - I don't believe but obviously cannot know
Negative - Seems almost the same as agnostic, not sure what is the distinction
Broad - Except for the FSM of course
Indifferent - Believe what you want, but don't pass stupid laws restricting others based on your belief
Closet - Unless someone asks
Passive - Again, believe what you want, I don't care
Non-religious - Not sure what a "religious" atheist is - someone who attends a church but doesn't believe?
  • #11
Evo said:
Atheist is a label others apply to me, I do not apply it to myself, therefore, I chose none of the above.
Well said. I'm not big on labels either and I feel the same way as you do about this particular issue.
  • #12
I don't understand what any of the options mean (I think I'm also missing the joke)
  • #13
micromass said:
[...] it would be nice to see what kind of atheists we have here.
Once again your list is missing an important category: Extra-Terrestrialist Atheist. I.e., there's no god in the conventional meaning of the word, but there are highly advanced beings from other worlds who hover around our Earth in spaceships which are invisible because they vibrate in a higher dimension. Oh, and they contact special Earthlings via channeling through receptive minds. Sometimes they're even from the future and channel backwards in time to help us, although they not allowed to warn us of specific events because that might change history.

Pastafarianism is an example of this: those advanced beings are rather different from our human form.
  • #14
I guess, I'm your friendly neighbourhood Atheist.
  • #15
strangerep said:
Once again your list is missing an important category: Extra-Terrestrialist Atheist. I.e., there's no god in the conventional meaning of the word, but there are highly advanced beings from other worlds who hover around our Earth in spaceships which are invisible because they vibrate in a higher dimension. Oh, and they contact special Earthlings via channeling through receptive minds. Sometimes they're even from the future and channel backwards in time to help us, although they not allowed to warn us of specific events because that might change history.

Pastafarianism is an example of this: those advanced beings are rather different from our human form.

I don't think you can advocate for the inclusion of pastafarianism specifically in the religion thread and then advocate for its inclusion here. It's either a religion or it's not! No cheating.
  • #16
Passive, friendly, agnostic atheist... I guess..?
  • #17
I would have to be considered a gnostic atheist, because I would have to say that I can say for certain that there's no Spiderman, and since I can't grant the existence of any gods more merit than the existence of Spiderman, it would be inconsistent for me not to say for certain that no gods exist either.
  • #18
leroyjenkens said:
I would have to be considered a gnostic atheist, because I would have to say that I can say for certain that there's no Spiderman, and since I can't grant the existence of any gods more merit than the existence of Spiderman, it would be inconsistent for me not to say for certain that no gods exist either.

As ridiculous as it seems to believe in spiderman, I can't bring myself to say he definitely does not exist, and it is for that reason I identified as an agnostic atheist.

As they say, proof is for mathematics and alcohol - The existence of spiderman is neither :)
  • #19
To clarify my own position as a Christian Atheist: I wish the Christian God existed, and I like to imagine that he does, for personal reassurance and for the benefit of my excellent Christian friends, but in reality I'm sure he doesn't.

P.S. Christians also have some great music.
  • #20
I'm glad you listed "Evangelical Atheist", as I thought I had made up the term.

One day, I posted the following, somewhat Rodney Kingish image on Facebook:


Most people just clicked on the "Like" button. But two of my "Friends" decided that it was, um...

Om's ex-FB friend said:
... Deity based religions are fantasies and adults who believe in them shouldn't be coddled and treated as if their beliefs were rational. ...

and it went on and on...

I ended the public discussion with the following:

For the life of me, when trying to hold discussions with theists and atheists, I cannot tell them apart. ...
  • #21
I am most likely, like a lot of people, more a follower of Paganism, which is not listed in either survey, since I believe in Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny, amongst the many ancient traditions and rituals, which even though celebrated alongst major religious holidays, is not part of a formal religion.
  • #22
Jonathan Scott said:
To clarify my own position as a Christian Atheist: I wish the Christian God existed, and I like to imagine that he does, for personal reassurance and for the benefit of my excellent Christian friends, but in reality I'm sure he doesn't.

P.S. Christians also have some great music.

Principia Chaotica. Chaos magick!
  • #23
I guess my religion is nihilism. I take for granted that there's no reason humans exist. That meaning is a human construct. That our existence is arbitrary. I'm still agnostic about this; I don't know for certain; sometimes I can't help but wonder if my choices are a test or something.

Though, to clarify, I don't think we should trivialize meaning just because it's subjective. I'm not a fatalist. I think nihilism has an unfairly negative connotation.
  • #24
I guess my religion is nihilism. I take for granted that there's no reason humans exist. That meaning is a human construct. That our existence is arbitrary. I'm still agnostic about this; I don't know for certain; sometimes I can't help but wonder if my choices are a test or something.
I'm the same way. People have always believed humans, and life in general, were special. Our bodies were made of a different material from other matter. Our beginning was magical. Our emotions are spiritual. Our place in the universe is special and humans are the center of it all.
Science has proven every one of those ideas false.
Yes, humans are great... but is that really an objective opinion coming from a human? I'm sure birds think they're great, and that they're the ones who are special. After all, they can fly into the heavens and get closer to their god, while we're stuck on the ground, far away from his glory. As non-birds, that's where we belong. We can't make it into the kingdom of Aven.

Related to The Religion Poll - Part 2: Atheism

1. What is the purpose of conducting a religion poll on atheism?

The purpose of conducting a religion poll on atheism is to gather data and insights on the beliefs and attitudes of individuals who identify as atheists. This information can be used to better understand the demographics, opinions, and experiences of this group.

2. How is atheism defined in this poll?

In this poll, atheism is defined as the absence of belief in the existence of a deity or higher power. This includes individuals who identify as agnostic, skeptic, or humanist.

3. How is the data collected for this religion poll?

The data for this religion poll is collected through surveys and questionnaires that are distributed to a random sample of individuals who identify as atheists. The data is then analyzed and compiled into statistical reports.

4. Who can participate in this religion poll?

Any individual who identifies as an atheist can participate in this religion poll. The poll is open to people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds.

5. How can the results of this poll be used?

The results of this poll can be used for various purposes, such as academic research, marketing and advertising, and policy making. They can also be used to raise awareness and promote understanding of atheism and its impact on society.

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