Theorem behind Archimedes principle of buoyancy?

In summary: I will add the evaluation for completeness, but it is not relevant for the discussion.The integral was already evaluated in the OP. The question was about the relation to the divergence... I will add the evaluation for completeness, but it is not relevant for the discussion.In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the buoyant force on an object and its volume and shape. It is noted that the divergence theorem, which involves integrating scalars, can be related to finding the buoyant force by integrating a vector. This leads to the conclusion that the net force due to fluid pressure can be found using a generalization of the divergence theorem. Different versions and examples of this theorem are discussed, and it is ultimately shown that the divergence theorem can be derived from
  • #1
I was thinking about why the buoyant force on an object should depend solely on it's volume and not shape. It seems loosely like the divergence theorem in that an integral over the surface is determined by the volume. There is a big difference though; in the divergence theorem we integrate scalars (flux/divergence) but to find the buoyant force we must integrate a vector.

By making the vector-analogous arguments behind the divergence theorem, I am led to the following conclusion. Suppose you have a scalar field P, and a volume V with surface S(V), then I believe:
S(V)∫∫ P dA = V∫∫∫ ∇P dV (where dA is the outward pointing area-element)

In the example of buoyancy, the scalar field P is the pressure P = C-ρgz with C being constant, ρ being the fluid density, g being the gravitational field strength, and +z being vertically upwards. Then ∇P = -ρgez.
The net force due to fluid pressure is F = ∫∫ P (-dA) = -∫∫∫ ∇S dV = -∫∫∫(-ρgez) dV = ρgez∫∫∫ dV = (ρV)gez; Which is Archimedes principle.
(The -dA is because force comes from integrating P over the inward pointing normal.)I am wondering what is the name of this theorem I have stated? Is it somehow just a restatement of the divergence theorem? (If so; how to get between the two?) I cannot find anything about it.
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  • #2
It is a generalisation of the divergence theorem. It can be easily derived from the divergence theorem by multiplying it with each of the Cartesian basis vectors in turn or derived using the same argumentation that leads to the divergence theorem. In fact, the divergence theorem is just a collection of a number of integrals of this form.
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  • #3
Hiero said:
I was thinking about why the buoyant force on an object should depend solely on it's volume and not shape.
I think this is counter intuitive, in the same way that it doesn't depend on orientation, either. The reason for this unsatisfactory nagging in the back of one's mind is that it is easy to confuse Force with Potential. Potential depends both on shape and orientation and I think the intuitive abjection is based on this ( and subjective experience, of course).
  • #4
Thank you @Orodruin, I now see the connection... a vector field is just a collection of 3 (in 3-Dim.) scalar fields. Let us choose Cartesian (orthonormal & coordinate independent) basis vectors ex, ey, ez. The divergence of a vector field P = Pxex + Pyey + Pzez can be written as ∇⋅P = ex⋅∇Px + ey⋅∇Py + ez⋅∇Pz ... So to get the 'original' flux/divergence theorem from my version, we do like this:

∫∫∫ ∇⋅P dV = ∫∫∫ (ex⋅∇Px + ey⋅∇Py + ez⋅∇Pz) dV = ex⋅∫∫∫ ∇Px dV + ey⋅∫∫∫ ∇Py dV + ez⋅∫∫∫ ∇Pz dV =*(by my version of the theorem)*= ex⋅∫∫ Px dA + ey⋅∫∫ Py dA + ez⋅∫∫ Pz dA = ∫∫ (exPx+eyPy+ezPz)⋅dA = ∫∫ P⋅dA

The other direction (showing my version results from the original) is eluding me. :\@sophiecentaur Sorry, I did not catch your drift :\ (what potential are we speaking of?)
  • #5
Hiero said:
The other direction (showing my version results from the original) is eluding me. :\
It is not much more difficult. Given the divergence theorem, you have that
\vec e_i \cdot \oint_S p\, d\vec S = \oint_S p\vec e_i \cdot d\vec S = \{\mbox{divergence theorem}\} = \int_V \nabla \cdot p\vec e_i \, dV = \vec e_i \cdot \int_V \nabla p \, dV,
since ##\nabla\cdot \vec e_i = 0##. Thus, all components of ##\oint_S p\, d\vec S## and ##\int_V \nabla p \, dV## are the same and the integrals must therefore be the same.
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  • #6
I have a different version. The normal force exerted by the surrounding fluid on a differential section of the object surface is ##-p\mathbf{n}dA## where ##\mathbf{n}## is the local outward directed unit normal. The upward component of this force is ##-p(\mathbf{n}\cdot \mathbf{e_z})dA=-(p\mathbf{e_z})\cdot \mathbf{n}dA##. So, applying the divergence theorem, we get:
$$F=\int_A{-(p\mathbf{e_z})\cdot \mathbf{n}dA}=-\int_V{\nabla \cdot }(p\mathbf{e_z})dV=\rho g V$$
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  • #7
Chestermiller said:
I have a different version. The normal force exerted by the surrounding fluid on a differential section of the object surface is ##-p\mathbf{n}dA## where ##\mathbf{n}## is the local outward directed unit normal. The upward component of this force is ##-p(\mathbf{n}\cdot \mathbf{e_z})dA=-(p\mathbf{e_z})\cdot \mathbf{n}dA##. So, applying the divergence theorem, we get:
$$F=\int_A{-(p\mathbf{e_z})\cdot \mathbf{n}dA}=-\int_V{\nabla \cdot }(p\mathbf{e_z})dV=\rho g V$$
This is actually nothing else than the ##i = 3## case in post #5.
  • #8
I think I could add something to this=perhaps it was already mentioned: There is a force per unit volume in the fluid given by ## \vec{f}_V=-\nabla p ##. If there is equilibrium, this force per unit volume due to the pressure gradient must be equal and opposite the gravitational force per unit volume ## \vec{f}_g=-\delta g \hat{z} ## where ## \delta ## is the density of the fluid. Thereby, we have ## \nabla p=-\delta g \hat{z} ##. This is used in evaluating the integrals of post #5 by @Orodruin to compute the total buoyant force .
  • #9
Charles Link said:
This is used in evaluating the integrals of post #5 by @Orodruin .
No it isn't. All that was used was the divergence theorem. The scalar field ##p## does not need to be the pressure, the theorem is general.
  • #10
Orodruin said:
No it isn't. All that was used was the divergence theorem. The scalar field ##p## does not need to be the pressure, the theorem is general.
I agree, but you didn't evaluate your last integral. In @Chestermiller version, (post #6), he wrote the final result (he evaluated the integral), but didn't show where it comes from.
  • #11
Charles Link said:
I agree, but you didn't evaluate your last integral. In @Chestermiller version, he wrote the final result, but didn't show where it comes from.
The integral was already evaluated in the OP. The question was about the relation to the divergence theorem.
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  • #12
Orodruin said:
It is not much more difficult. Given the divergence theorem, you have that
\vec e_i \cdot \oint_S p\, d\vec S = \oint_S p\vec e_i \cdot d\vec S = \{\mbox{divergence theorem}\} = \int_V \nabla \cdot p\vec e_i \, dV = \vec e_i \cdot \int_V \nabla p \, dV,
since ##\nabla\cdot \vec e_i = 0##. Thus, all components of ##\oint_S p\, d\vec S## and ##\int_V \nabla p \, dV## are the same and the integrals must therefore be the same.
Brilliant! Thank you Orodruin, you are consistently insightful when I come to PF, so thank you for your time invested.

@Chestermiller I like and dislike your method. Firstly why I dislike it; because you used the symmetry of that particular field to claim that only the z component (of force) will survive. I prefer the form in the OP which works regardless of simplifying symmetries. But I like your presentation because it makes very clear the connection between the two forms of the theorem... (If Orodruin had not yet posted#5, your presentation would have inspired me towards it.) For the general case we just do what you did, in each component.
  • #13
Orodruin said:
This is actually nothing else than the ##i = 3## case in post #5.
Oops. I reinvented the wheel...again.
  • #14
Hiero said:
@sophiecentaur Sorry, I did not catch your drift :\ (what potential are we speaking of?)
The Potential Energy by virtue of its shape or orientation will change (which is why a stick floats horizontally and an iceberg rolls over occasionally etc. etc..). This is despite the displaced volume being the same. That's all.
  • #15

(##\:h\:## = depth of immersed horizontal surface from the rest open surface of the fluid)

(1) Firstly : Horizontal hydrostatic pressure force cancels out

Cut your body horizontally and take any section with infinitesimal height ##\:\mathrm{d}h_{1}\:## as in Figure. Then
\mathbf{F}_{\text{horizontal}}&=\sum_{m=1}^{m=N}\left(- p\right)\Delta\mathbf{s}_{m}=\sum_{m=1}^{m=N}\left(- p\right)\left[\Delta\mathbf{r}_{m}\boldsymbol{\times}\left( \mathrm{d} h_{1}\mathbf{k}\right)\right]
&=\left(- p\right)\underbrace{\left(\sum_{m=1}^{m=N}\Delta\mathbf{r}_{m}\right)}_{=\mathbf{0}}\boldsymbol{\times}\left( \mathrm{d}h_{1}\mathbf{k}\right)=\mathbf{0}
Don't worry if the perimeter of your cross section is a closed curve instead of a closed polygon. Then we have differentials ##\:\mathrm{d}\:## in place of Deltas ##\:\Delta \:## and integrals instead of sums
\mathbf{F}_{\text{horizontal}}&=\oint\left(- p\right)\mathrm{d}\mathbf{s}=\oint\left(- p\right)\left[\mathrm{d}\mathbf{r}\boldsymbol{\times}\left(\mathrm{d}h_{1}\mathbf{k}\right)\right]
&=\left(- p\right)\underbrace{\left(\oint \mathrm{d}\mathbf{r}\right)}_{=\mathbf{0}}\boldsymbol{\times}\left( \mathrm{d}h_{1}\mathbf{k}\right)=\mathbf{0}
(2) Secondly : Any object, wholly or partially immersed in a fluid, is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

Of course if this was a plate alone in a fluid then the upward buoyant force exerted by the fluid would be
\mathbf{B}_{\text{buoyant}}= p\left(h\right)\mathbf{S}_{A}-p\left(h-\mathrm{d} h_{1}\right)\mathbf{S}_{A}
=\rho g\underbrace{\mathrm{d} h_{1}S_{A}}_{V_{A}}\mathbf{k}=\left(\rho g V_{A}\right)\mathbf{k}
Now, on the first plate ##\:A\:##of horizontal surface ##\:S_{A}\:## and infinitesimal height ##\:\mathrm{d}h_{1}\:## put the next plate##\:B\:## of the body of horizontal surface ##\:S_{B}\:## and infinitesimal height ##\:\mathrm{d}h_{2}\:##. Then
\mathbf{B}_{\text{buoyant}}&= \underbrace{\left[-p\left(h\right)\left(-\mathbf{S}_{A}\right)\right]}_{A\: bottom}+\underbrace{\left[-p\left(h-\mathrm{d} h_{1}\right)\left(\mathbf{S}_{A}-\mathbf{S}_{B}\right)\right]}_{step}+\underbrace{\left[-p\left(h-\mathrm{d} h_{1}-\mathrm{d} h_{2}\right)\mathbf{S}_{B}\right]}_{B\: top}
&=\rho g\underbrace{\mathrm{d} h_{1}S_{A}}_{V_{A}}\mathbf{k}+\rho g\underbrace{\mathrm{d} h_{2}S_{B}}_{V_{B}}\mathbf{k}=\rho g \left(V_{A}+V_{B}\right)\mathbf{k}
Any body could be cut in horizontal plates of finite surface area and infinitesimal height.


Related to Theorem behind Archimedes principle of buoyancy?

1. What is Archimedes principle of buoyancy?

The Archimedes principle of buoyancy states that the upward buoyant force exerted on an object immersed in fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces.

2. How is Archimedes principle applied in everyday life?

Archimedes principle is applied in everyday life in various ways, such as in the design of ships and submarines, in hot air balloons, and in determining the density of objects. It is also the principle behind why objects feel lighter when immersed in water compared to in air.

3. What is the mathematical equation for Archimedes principle?

The mathematical equation for Archimedes principle is FB = ρVg where FB is the buoyant force, ρ is the density of the fluid, V is the volume of the displaced fluid, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

4. How does the density of an object affect its buoyancy?

The density of an object affects its buoyancy because the more dense an object is, the more weight it has per unit volume. This means that it will displace more fluid and experience a greater buoyant force, making it more likely to float.

5. What is the significance of Archimedes principle in the field of physics?

Archimedes principle is a fundamental concept in fluid mechanics and is used to explain the behavior of objects in fluids. It is also used in many engineering and scientific applications, making it a crucial principle in the field of physics.

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