Volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates.

In summary: And what sort of thing does the x^2 represent?Well, if we are looking at the volume of an ellipsoid, then x^2 represents the squared distance from the origin in the x direction. Is that what you were asking?-EpiclierIn summary, by making two successive changes of variables and using the Jacobian, the integral of x^2 inside the volume of an ellipsoid can be rewritten as a simpler integral over the variables u, v, and w. By solving this integral and substituting back in the original variables, the final answer is found to be 4πa^3bcR^5/15. The integral represents the sum of the function at every point in the volume
  • #1

Homework Statement

By making two successive simple changes of variables, evaluate:

I =[itex]\int\int\int x^{2} dxdydz[/itex]

inside the volume of the ellipsoid:


Homework Equations

dxdydz=r^2 Sin(phi) dphi dtheta dr

The Attempt at a Solution

I will post more here if needed.

So I let x=au y=bv z=cw
then I calculated the jacobian which gave |J|=abc

I then manipulated the integral to get:

[itex]a^{3}bc \int\int\int r^{4} sin^{2}(phi}cos{theta} dphi dtheta dr[/itex]

where r is from 0->R
theta is from 0->2π
phi is from 0->π

Following this through got me the answer of:


Would anybody be able to confirm this answer for me?

Thanks in advance!

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  • #2
First you need a way to check your answer ... consider: what is a volume?
If a, b, and c were in meters - the volume should be in m3 ... is that what you got?

note: what you have for the equation of the ellipse will give a sphere if a=b=c=1 - so maybe you need a term in R there?
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  • #3
If the Jacobian is abc, where did that [itex]a^3[/itex] come from?
  • #4
Lets see if I can get that relation to render...
epiclier said:
[itex]a^{3}bc \int\int\int r^{4} sin^{2}(phi}cos{theta} dphi dtheta dr[/itex]
... I see what happened: sin^{2}(phi} won't render because you have closed a ( with a }. It will also render better with extra backslashes: \sin^2(\phi)

[tex]a^{3} bc \int \int \int r^{4} \sin^{2}(\phi) \cos(\theta) d\phi d\theta dr[/tex]... I'm guessing you used the built-in equation editor for part and hand edited a part.
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
Lets see if I can get that relation to render...
... I see what happened: sin^{2}(phi} won't render because you have closed a ( with a }. It will also render better with extra backslashes: \sin^2(\phi)

[tex]a^{3} bc \int \int \int r^{4} \sin^{2}(\phi) \cos(\theta) d\phi d\theta dr[/tex]... I'm guessing you used the built-in equation editor for part and hand edited a part.

Yep, that's exactly what happened thanks simon.

Simon Bridge said:
First you need a way to check your answer ... consider: what is a volume?
If a, b, and c were in meters - the volume should be in m3 ... is that what you got?

note: what you have for the equation of the ellipse will give a sphere if a=b=c=1 - so maybe you need a term in R there?

Its not actually a volume though, its the integral of a function inside of the volume. I started again anyway because the answer I posted above was way off --> I didnt multiply by the jacobian from cartesian u-v-w to spherical u-v-w properly. So I am just going to write the whole lot out again.

So this was the equation for the boundary volume:

[itex]\frac{x^{2}}{b^{2}} + \frac{y^{2}}{b^{2}} + \frac{z^{2}}{c^{2}} = R^{2}[/itex]

Next I substitute to make this all a lot easier:
let: x=au

where u,v,w are variables.

Hence: [itex]u^{2} + v^{2} + w^{2} = R^{2}[/itex]

Now, the Jacobian from x-y-z space to u-v-w space is [itex]abc[/itex]

AND [itex]x^{2} = a^{2} u^{2}[/itex]
AND [itex]u^{2} = r^{2} \sin^{2}(\phi) \cos^{2}(\theta)[/itex]

Therefore, the original integral becomes:

[itex]\int\int\int a b c a^{2} r^{2} \sin^{2}(\phi) \cos^{2}(\theta) r^{2} \sin(\phi) d\theta d\phi dr[/itex]

with the following limits(these will be the same throughout): (0≤r≤R),(0≤[itex]\phi\leq \Pi[/itex]) and (0≤θ≤2 Pi)

I get the following integrals for between stages:

[itex]\int cos^{2}(\theta) d\theta = \frac{1}{2}(\theta + Sin(\theta)Cos(\theta)) [/itex]

[itex]\int Sin^{3}(\phi) d\phi = \frac{1}{12}(Cos(3 \Phi) - 9Cos(\Phi))[/itex]

[itex]\int r^4 dr = r^5/5[/itex]

Then yada yada yada, we solve the integral for said limits and get:

I = [itex]\frac{4 \Pi a^{3} b c R^{5}}{15}[/itex]

Does this seem right to anyone?

Once again, thanks in advance, and sorry for the mess around.-Epiclier
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  • #6
Its not actually a volume though, its the integral of a function inside of the volume.
And what sort of thing does that kind of integral normally give you?

Isn't dxdydz a volume element?
So what sort of thing does the x^2 represent?
(You are right - but that is still the way to think about it.)

At least you've got an R in this one.
What would happen to the units if you'd integrated it inside a rectangular volume?
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  • #7
Simon Bridge said:
And what sort of thing does that kind of integral normally give you?

Isn't dxdydz a volume element?
So what sort of thing does the x^2 represent?
(You are right - but that is still the way to think about it.)

At least you've got an R in this one.
What would happen to the units if you'd integrated it inside a rectangular volume?

Erm... No idea, the sum of the function at every point in the volume?

Yes, it is the volume element, so I would guess it represents a scalar field inside of the volume?

Sorry, but I just feel really lost now, I felt good about the last answer I gave, now I am just confused :(

  • #8
If you don't understand what you are doing, you will need outside support to tell you when you have the right answer. I could just tell you - which will do until next time. But what you are training for is to be able to deal with the situation where nobody knows the right answer so you need to wrap your head around self-checking.

This is an integral over a volume.
g(xyz)dxdydz is something multiplied by a small volume ... gdV if you like.
An easy analogy for that in physics is density .. g is a volumetric density function.
It does not have to be a mass-density but that is one that is easier to think about.
It is as if you have a gas which is weirdly compressed along the x direction so that the density varies with the square of the distance.

Then x2dV is the mass, dm, of the volume element.

The integral signs are just telling you to add up all the masses.

That should sort-of help ease some of the "magic box" effect of the problem statement.

If you want to know if the result you got from all that tricksey adding masses makes sense ... try it over a simple volume. Repeat the calculation, only for a box with length a in the x direction, b in y and c in z. Now you don't need the coordinate shift it should be easy.

The final forms should be similar even though the actual details will be different.
If you can account for the differences in terms of differences in the calculations then you have good reason to be confident in your answer.

Related to Volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates.

1. What is the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates?

The volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates is a mathematical calculation used to find the volume of an ellipsoid represented by spherical coordinates. It involves using a triple integral to integrate over the entire volume of the ellipsoid.

2. How is the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates different from a regular volume integral?

The volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates is different from a regular volume integral because it takes into account the shape of the ellipsoid and uses spherical coordinates instead of rectangular coordinates. This allows for a more accurate calculation of the volume of the ellipsoid.

3. What are the equations used to calculate the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates?

The equations used to calculate the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates are based on the parametric equations for an ellipsoid and the spherical coordinate system. These equations involve the use of trigonometric functions and a triple integral.

4. What is the significance of the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates in science?

The volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates is significant in science because it is used to calculate the volume of many physical objects such as planets, moons, and stars. It is also used in various fields of physics and engineering to solve problems involving ellipsoidal shapes.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of the volume integral of an ellipsoid with spherical coordinates. It is used in geodesy to calculate the volume of the Earth, in astronomy to calculate the volume of planets and other celestial bodies, and in engineering to design and analyze ellipsoidal structures such as satellites and spacecraft.

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