What Are the Best Introductory Resources for SU(5) GUTs?

In summary: I got it now.In summary, there are a few recommended references for learning about reps of SU(5) and embedding the SM, including the textbook by Georgi, an article by Stuart Raby, and Zee's collection of articles. Some other recommended references include Zee's textbook "QFT in a Nutshell" and Veltman/t'Hoft lecture notes. It is also suggested to look up Slansky's work for a comprehensive list of reps and tensor products, but be aware that the SU(5) Dynkin Indices are off by a factor of a half. Additionally, the branchings of SU(5) into the SM can help determine what fields live in what representations.
  • #1
Homework Helper
Can anyone suggest a textbook/paper or two that serves as a good intro/reference to reps of SU(5), SU(5) GUTs and embedding the SM?

I am looking for something that is beginner-ish to medium technicality. A reference of some sort that summaries all basic results and properties.

thanks in advance
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  • #2
Hmmm. The textbook by Georgi (Lie Algebras in Particle Physics) is pretty good---there is a chapter on SU(5) somewhere towards the back. But he presupposes that you have read his book.

SU(5) stuff is tricky. I don't know how ``beginner-ish'' you want:)

Check out this article by Stuart Raby.

If oyu ask questions, I could answer them. I know some of this stuff pretty well, but no promises:)
  • #3
The first volume of the collection of articles by Zee. Also, his textbook has a pretty introduction.
  • #4
thanks guys,... when I said beginner-ish.. I meant for someone who has good knowledge in the SM but not much on properties of SU(5) and GUTs.

thanks BenTheMan, I would ask questions if I know what I can ask! but I guess it is important for me to sit down and go through it semi-thoroughly once first. I have been studying neutrino flavor symmetries and now also trying to study that with a bit of GUT, so need to learn GUT first and foremorst. And starting with SU(5) because that's the simplest ...
  • #5
mjsd, for beginner-ish and isolated study, I'd bet for Zee textbook.
  • #6
arivero said:
mjsd, for beginner-ish and isolated study, I'd bet for Zee textbook.

but Zee has so many books :smile: ... I guess you were referring to Unity of forces in the universe
  • #7
mjsd said:
but Zee has so many books :smile: ... I guess you were referring to Unity of forces in the universe

Hmm no, I refer to Unity as "Zee's book" or better "Zee's collection". For "Zee's textbook" I refer to his "QFT in a nutshell". It has introductory level chapters about SU(5) and SO(10)

I apologise I am somehow cryptic in my references.
  • #8
cool... that's fine. I have a copy of QFT in a nutshell on my shelf.. and yes I forgot it has an entire part on Grand unification. Maybe that will serve as a good intro/revision for me before tackling some hardcore books on GUTs and group embeddings (i did attended some 1-week course on GUT before... but the lecturer didn't have good notes and besides, as usual, if you don't work on the topics,.. you tend to forget after a while...)

anyway, it is always good to know more than a few references on topics like this.
  • #9
About hardcore group theory, I heard that Veltman/t`Hoft lecture notes have been recently translated into english.
  • #10

If you're just interested in GUT phenomenology, I wouldn't worry about ``hardcore group theory''. Most of the stuff you need is pretty basic, and you can pick it up as you go along. Georgi's book is pretty good, but most of what you need can be found in chapter 15 of Peskin's book.

If you want more advanced books on GUTs, Graham Ross has a good book (Grand Unification) that covers the subject in some detail. Less detailed is Mohapatra's ``Unification and Supersymmetry''. This book is very vague in that it presents the results of many calculations, but not the calculations themselves, which are often long and hard. It DOES have extensive references to the literature, though, which is nice.
  • #11
thank guys. very much appreciated. I guess I wasn't so clear on what I really need at the beginning... so just asked a few general questions. But I think in order to investigate what I am trying to investigate, I shall need to know all the reps of SU(5), tensor/kronecker products of them (and their irreducible pieces) and those pesky Clebsch-Gordan Coeffs, possible quantum number assignments for the scalar fields (neutrino flavor sym models always come with a lot of scalar fields)

So, I guess, perhaps I would like to find a reference that give me a summary of the properties of SU(5): its irreps, tensor products, C-G coeffs or perhaps a book that teaches you how to systematically calculate all these. I remember doing some of these for discrete group like A4, Z3. But perhaps the generalisation to Lie Groups may be a bit harder, and I want to have a good ref so that I know if I have made a mistake; besides I am sure that this has been done millions of times before by the experts... that's all.
  • #12
Oh. Just look them up in Slansky. He worked out all the reps and tensor products.


Be careful. All of his SU(5) Dynkin Indices are off by a factor of a half.

You can derive all of those things using Young's Tableaux, but its easier to look them up. Check out the charts at the end (start page 195ish).

As far as what fields live in what representations, those can be determined by the branchings of SU(5) into the SM, which are also in the tabels of slansky.
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  • #13
BenTheMan said:
Oh. Just look them up in Slansky. He worked out all the reps and tensor products.


Be careful. All of his SU(5) Dynkin Indices are off by a factor of a half.

You can derive all of those things using Young's Tableaux, but its easier to look them up. Check out the charts at the end (start page 195ish).

As far as what fields live in what representations, those can be determined by the branchings of SU(5) into the SM, which are also in the tabels of slansky.

thanks a lot. I have to admit that I 've only just realized (after asking ppl in my office) that there is an old copy of Slansky lying around somewhere... the rumors is that it used to be my/their adviser(s) copy (very much damaged with coffee spills as well). :smile:
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  • #14
(very much damaged with coffee spills as well).

Ha. This pretty puch describes my copy, too.
  • #15
BenTheMan said:
Ha. This pretty puch describes my copy, too.

Bless KEK, they scanned it.
  • #16
ditto. ("bump" into my boss today and the reason he doesn't need the crappy copy from his student days any more is that he now has that electronic copy...)

anyway, thanks for your input arivero and BenTheMan.

Related to What Are the Best Introductory Resources for SU(5) GUTs?

1. What is SU(5) GUT?

SU(5) GUT stands for Special Unitary Group of rank 5 Grand Unified Theory. It is a proposed theory that attempts to unify the three fundamental forces of nature - electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force - into a single force at high energies.

2. What are the basics of SU(5) GUT?

The basics of SU(5) GUT include the concept of symmetry breaking, where the unified force at high energies breaks into the individual forces at lower energies; the use of group theory to describe the interactions of particles; and the prediction of new particles, such as X and Y bosons, that mediate the unified force.

3. What evidence supports SU(5) GUT?

Some evidence that supports SU(5) GUT includes the success of the Standard Model of particle physics in describing the known particles and their interactions; the observation of proton decay, which is predicted by SU(5) GUT; and the unification of the coupling constants of the three forces at high energies, as predicted by the theory.

4. What are the limitations of SU(5) GUT?

One limitation of SU(5) GUT is that it does not include gravity, which is described by the theory of general relativity. This means that it is not a complete theory of everything. Additionally, the predicted X and Y bosons have not been observed, casting doubt on the validity of the theory.

5. How is SU(5) GUT being tested?

SU(5) GUT is being tested through experiments at high-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, which can produce energies similar to those at the early universe where the unified force is predicted to exist. Scientists are also searching for evidence of proton decay and looking for new particles that could support the theory.

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