Why don't all observables commute in QM?

In summary: This transition from a Poisson bracket to a commutator is what leads to the difference between commuting and non-commuting observables in quantum mechanics. In summary, in classical mechanics, all observables commute, but in quantum mechanics, they do not. This is due to the transition from Poisson brackets to commutators and has to do with the fundamental nature of quantum mechanics and the operators used to describe observables.
  • #1
San K
In classical physics, all observables commute and the commutator would be zero.

However this is not true in Quantum Mechanics, observables like position and momentum (time and frequency/energy) don't commute. Why?

Is it because the (probability) wave functions/forms of position and momentum can never be both "squeezed" to high degree of accuracy at the same time?

Is it because the particles are point particles and we are dealing with single dimensions? in QM and somehow they are telling us something fundamental when you get down to single dimensions.

What does it mean not to commute? in QM/maths etc.

What is the difference between variables/matrices that commute and those that don't?

Do(es) time and space commute?
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  • #2
The observables in QM are constructed vai a method called quantization. e.g. the classical observables x and p are quantized as x and -i∂/∂x. You can easily check that they don't commute, just calculate

[x,-i∂/∂x]ψ(x) = x(-i∂/∂x)ψ(x) + (i∂/∂x)(xψ(x)) = -ixψ'(x) + ixψ'(x) + (i∂/∂x x) ψ(x) = iψ(x)

There are other observables like angular momentum which are constructed in a similar way.

The question why this method works, and "why this method?" and not anything else is difficult to answer. There's a hint when looking at matter- or de-Broglie waves. Look at a wave exp(ikx) and act on this wave with the operator i∂/∂x; the resulting ik exp(ikx) indicates that k and therefore i∂/∂x have something to do with momentum. So this is an indication that the latter one can be interpreted as momentum operator.

But honestly speaking I don't think that anybody can answer the question why quantum mechanics constructed via canonical quantization works.
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  • #3
tom.stoer said:
The observables in QM are constructed vai a method called quantization. e.g. the classical observables x and p are quantized as x and -i∂/∂x. You can easily check that they don't commute, just calculate

[x,-i∂/∂x]ψ(x) = x(-i∂/∂x)ψ(x) + (i∂/∂x)(xψ(x)) = -ixψ'(x) + ixψ'(x) + (i∂/∂x x) ψ(x) = iψ(x)

There are other observables like angular momentum which are constructed in a similar way.

thanks Tom.

Could it mean that observable that commute are fundamentally the same...and convertible (as we go deeper into our understanding of reality)?...like various forms of mass-energy...
  • #4
No, they need not be the same. For example the two operators x and y in two-dim. space do commute. And x and x² commute as well.
  • #5
Here is a recent post of mine that you may find interesting:
lugita15 said:
See this paper here, from the American Journal of Physics, for an attempt to prove that the operators like position and momentum cannot possibly commute, and thus quantum mechanics is in some sense necessary. (Actually, he doesn't show that the operators don't commute, rather he tries to show the equivalent statement that such operators cannot have simultaneous eigenstates.)
  • #6
San K said:
In classical physics, all observables commute and the commutator would be zero.

However this is not true in Quantum Mechanics, observables like position and momentum (time and frequency/energy) don't commute. Why?

Is it because the (probability) wave functions/forms of position and momentum can never be both "squeezed" to high degree of accuracy at the same time?

Is it because the particles are point particles and we are dealing with single dimensions? in QM and somehow they are telling us something fundamental when you get down to single dimensions.

What does it mean not to commute? in QM/maths etc.

What is the difference between variables/matrices that commute and those that don't?

Do(es) time and space commute?

In classical mechanics, observables are not (linear and Hermitian) operators on a Hilbert space, but regular functions on the phase space (spanned by the 2s generalized coordinates q, and corresponding canonical momenta p). The role of a commutator is taken by a Poisson bracket:
\left\lbrace f, g \right\rbrace = \sum_{j = 1}^{s}{\left( \frac{\partial f}{\partial q_j} \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial p_j} - \frac{\partial f}{\partial p_j} \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial q_j} \right)}
The transition from classical to quantum mechanics is formally done by:
\left\lbrace f, g \right\rbrace_{\mathrm{C.M}} \rightarrow \frac{1}{i \, \hbar} \, \left[ \hat{f}, \hat{g} \right]_{\mathrm{Q.M.}}
  • #7
Dickfore said:
In classical mechanics, observables are not (linear and Hermitian) operators on a Hilbert space, but regular functions on the phase space (spanned by the 2s generalized coordinates q, and corresponding canonical momenta p). The role of a commutator is taken by a Poisson bracket:
\left\lbrace f, g \right\rbrace = \sum_{j = 1}^{s}{\left( \frac{\partial f}{\partial q_j} \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial p_j} - \frac{\partial f}{\partial p_j} \, \frac{\partial g}{\partial q_j} \right)}
The transition from classical to quantum mechanics is formally done by:
\left\lbrace f, g \right\rbrace_{\mathrm{C.M}} \rightarrow \frac{1}{i \, \hbar} \, \left[ \hat{f}, \hat{g} \right]_{\mathrm{Q.M.}}


Related to Why don't all observables commute in QM?

1. Why is it important that all observables in quantum mechanics do not commute?

It is important because it highlights the fundamental difference between classical and quantum mechanics. In classical mechanics, observables always commute, meaning they can be measured simultaneously with no uncertainty. However, in quantum mechanics, the non-commutativity of observables implies that measurements of different observables cannot be known with absolute certainty at the same time.

2. What is the mathematical explanation for why observables in quantum mechanics do not commute?

The non-commutativity of observables in quantum mechanics is a direct consequence of the uncertainty principle, which states that the more precisely one observable is known, the less precisely the other can be known. Mathematically, this is represented by the commutation relation [A, B] = AB - BA = iħ, where A and B are observables and ħ is the reduced Planck's constant.

3. Can the non-commutativity of observables be observed in experiments?

Yes, the non-commutativity of observables has been observed in many experiments, most notably in the famous double-slit experiment. This experiment demonstrates the wave-particle duality of quantum systems and the non-commutativity of observables, as the position and momentum of a particle cannot be simultaneously known with certainty.

4. Are there any exceptions to the non-commutativity of observables in quantum mechanics?

Yes, there are some observables that do commute in quantum mechanics. For example, observables that are represented by the same mathematical operator will commute. Additionally, in certain special cases, observables that are not physically measurable may commute.

5. How does the non-commutativity of observables affect the prediction of outcomes in quantum mechanics?

The non-commutativity of observables has a significant impact on the prediction of outcomes in quantum mechanics. It introduces inherent uncertainty into quantum systems, making it impossible to know the exact state of a system at a given time. Instead, quantum mechanics uses mathematical tools such as wave functions and probability amplitudes to predict the likelihood of different outcomes for a given measurement.

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