Why Is Google Search Slow or Not Loading Despite Using HTTPS Everywhere?

In summary, if your Google search is not working properly, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue. First, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies, as well as restarting your device. If that doesn't work, check for any updates or issues with your internet connection. You can also try using a different browser or performing a search in incognito mode. If the problem persists, you may need to contact Google support for further assistance.
  • #1
Dear all,

I am facing an annoying problem with Google search and despite spending tens of hours in the net, I can't find the solution. I hope someone can help me out.

The problem is that Google search has become is very slow and most of the time it doesn't return results or and remains in a blank page. Both Firefox and IE show the same behavior.

The history of the problem:

At the beginning, Google was working fine and fast. Starting from about six months ago i felt that Google search was being slow within a week or more, it become slower and slower till a point that it stooped responding. After spending tens of hours and trying everything, finally I solved the solution by installing an add-on called "Https everyhere", my problems was solved and I started enjoying Google search. The add-on uses https isntead of http for the url.

Recently I am facing the same problem again even with the add-ons. Does anyone have any idea as what is the cause of the problem and how to solve it?


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  • #2
Guess: check for viruses, malware, etc. Also try other search engines (bing, etc.) to see if the problem occurs there.
  • #3
Maybe also clear cookies etc. Also, it can't hurt to do a good cleansing with ccleaner.
  • #4
Thanks for the replies.

I have checked for viruses, nothing was found. Even installing a new OS didn't solve my problem! ( from Windows XP to Windows 7). I don't think it's due to any malwares or viruses then.

Not only Google Search but also any webpage related to google shows the problem. Google home page is not loaded too. Other search engines like Yahoo or Bing work fine.

CCleaner didn't solve the problem either. Host is normal. I am suspecting that there is something about the local network my computer is connected to. I will connect the LAN to a laptop instead of my PC and will see the result.

  • #5
If a fresh OS install didn't work, maybe the network you're on is somehow disconnected from google servers? It's hard to believe that it would be a hardware problem if other sites are accessible.
  • #6
The following piece of info may help diagnose the problem:

After I fix the host file using a software called MicrosoftFixit50267.msi and then restart the PC,
Google works for " a few" searches then stops working.
  • #7
What kind of network are you on? Just your home broadband connection or are you at work or university or university housing or what?
  • #8
I'm at university and I found that another computer has this problem too.

  • #9
I'm really starting to think you need to talk to your local OIT (I know, it makes me want to puke too).

Maybe somebody's attacking your network or maybe admin are limiting computers for some reason.
  • #10
Hassan2 said:
... The add-on uses https isntead of http for the url,

HUH ? That doesn't make any sense. Most normal sites cannot be accessed by using the secure version of the URL because they don't have a secure license. It must be doing something else.
  • #11
Hey phinds,

I don't know what the add-on does exactly. Here is the explanation:

Perhaps it uses the secure version for those sites that support it.

Pythagorean, I talked to OIT. They had no clear idea. They advised to turn of IPv6. I did but it made no change.

  • #12
Hassan2 said:
I don't know what the add-on does exactly. Here is the explanation:

Perhaps it uses the secure version for those sites that support it.


Yeah, nearly as I can tell, it is ONLY for sites that HAVE a secure licence, so installing it should have done NOTHING to your abiltiy to connect to 95%+ of the sites in the world.

Related to Why Is Google Search Slow or Not Loading Despite Using HTTPS Everywhere?

1. Why is my Google search not working properly?

There could be several reasons why your Google search is not working properly. Some common causes include a slow internet connection, outdated browser, corrupted cookies or cache, or a technical issue on Google's end.

2. How can I fix my Google search if it is not working properly?

First, try clearing your browser's cache and cookies and restarting your browser. If that doesn't work, make sure your internet connection is stable and try using a different browser. You can also try restarting your device or contacting Google support for further assistance.

3. Why am I not getting relevant search results on Google?

If you are not getting relevant search results on Google, it could be because of your search query. Make sure you are using specific keywords and try using quotation marks to search for exact phrases. You can also try using advanced search options or filters to narrow down your results.

4. Is there a way to troubleshoot Google search on my own?

Yes, there are several ways to troubleshoot Google search on your own. You can try using Google's built-in troubleshooting tools, such as the "Fix an Issue" feature or the "Search Console" tool. You can also check for any browser updates or extensions that may be interfering with your search.

5. How can I prevent my Google search from not working properly in the future?

To prevent your Google search from not working properly in the future, make sure you have a stable internet connection and keep your browser and device up to date. It is also helpful to regularly clear your browser's cache and cookies and avoid using too many browser extensions. Additionally, make sure you are using specific and relevant keywords in your search queries.

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