Recent content by gleem

  1. gleem

    Other Potential Effects of Recent AI Developments on Physics?

    At this stage focus on the foundational physics and math courses and don't become overly concerned with AI it could be a distraction at this point. Find your specific interest in an area of physics and then monitor the developments in that area. If AI is having an impact then find out which...
  2. gleem

    Other Potential Effects of Recent AI Developments on Physics?

    I think the takeaway message that I am hearing more and more is that AI will not or may not take your job but a person using AI can and will. So find out how to use AI to your advantage.
  3. gleem

    Other Potential Effects of Recent AI Developments on Physics?

    Since you are still very early on in your education it may take some time to appreciate how to use AI. Before you jump into it with both feet perhaps it would be best to get a feel for its use by perusing the latest articles in relevant journals that are using AI. If you are lucky maybe a group...
  4. gleem

    Other Potential Effects of Recent AI Developments on Physics?

    Take a look at this paper AI and Theoretical Particle Physics or this presentation
  5. gleem

    Medical Insulin resistance and external insulin

    T2D and insulin resistance are not the same, You do not treat insulin resistance with more insulin. With T2D the pancreas does not produce enough insulin so blood glucose levels must be managed with lifestyle changes, medication, or supplemental insulin. Insulin resistance the inability of...
  6. gleem

    I A Question About the Physical Explanation Behind Torque

    When you use a wrench to tighten a bolt the longer the wrench the easier it is for you to tighten it since F the force you apply < f the force tightening the bolt.
  7. gleem

    Another Word I Got Wrong : Vile

    A concoction can be vile if it is unpleasant to look at.
  8. gleem

    The Unified Theory of Energy

    Please read the rules of engagement for this forum in the link below.
  9. gleem

    SpaceX SpaceX prepares for fourth Starship flight

    Re; Starship4, the FAA says go for it.
  10. gleem

    Physics Move from technician to scientist

    Are you interested in the research the staff scientists are doing? If you are have you talked to them about participating in that research? I do not think you will fired for showing such interest since you are well-appreciated. They might be thinking that you are happy doing what you do. You...
  11. gleem

    Physics Move from technician to scientist

    Don't you provide technical services to staff scientists too?
  12. gleem

    Programs Looking for Computer Engineering advice (going into 8th grade next year)

    See you are already modifying your career plan. Take your time and stay flexible.
  13. gleem

    Programs Looking for Computer Engineering advice (going into 8th grade next year)

    Things are changing rapidly these days; you do not want to set yourself on a path this early in your education. Remain flexible and try to prepare yourself with a more general outlook, in four years when you enter university and are committing to a definite course of action who knows what will...
  14. gleem

    Space Stuff and Launch Info

    Will Starliner ever get off the ground? Seven years and holding.
  15. gleem

    Can Physics Explain the Phenomenon of Love?

    Don't forget genetics and how one was nurtured.