Recent content by Tom.G

  1. T

    Cannot open GBW file with ORCA input

    So it does still exist! Hmm... Just tried it with FireFox v28.13.0 dated 2020 and got on the website. At least that much is settled... curiouser & curiouser.
  2. T

    Cannot open GBW file with ORCA input Well-l-l... I tried back to Internet Explorer 6.0 dated 2006 and still No Joy. Tried a "Ping" to the address and got "Destination Address Unreachable" Tried a "Ping" without the "orcaforum" that was successful. Tried connecting without the...
  3. T

    How Dangerous is Editing the Windows Registry?

    Some details of the registry format can be found here: KB822705 on the Microsoft website
  4. T

    Something weird has happened to the camera in my PC

    Both the camera and the Blu-Ray player.
  5. T

    A Can three elbows generate any point in space?

    That is a rather ambiguous description, could you clarify? Is that rotation around the attachment point a rotation, 1) about the attachment point with the arm always parallel to the attachment plane 2) about the axis of the arm (as in palm-down vs palm-up) 3) 3-dimensional such that the distal...
  6. T

    Cannot open GBW file with ORCA input

    The first error message indicates that the file "h2-rhf-pvdc.gbw" has a problem or can not be found. Three possibilities come to mind: 1) the h2... file is missing 2) the h2... file has been corrupted 3) the main ORCA program has been corrupted If you don't care to dig into the details, the...
  7. T

    COVID COVID Virus Lives Longer with Higher CO2 In the Air

    Popular, lengthy article with many embedded links, which I have not followed. Research Article: Ambient carbon dioxide concentration correlates with SARS-CoV-2 aerostability and infection risk...
  8. T

    I Unknown Radio Signal from Space Repeats Every Hour -- Usually

    "The signal first appeared in data gathered by the ASKAP radio telescope in Australia, which watches a big swath of sky at once for transient pulses. Officially designated ASKAP J1935+2148, the signal seems to repeat every 53.8 minutes. Whatever it is, the signal cycles through three different...
  9. T

    Will my weather balloon work in the Stratosphere?

    It could if you wrap several inches of thermal insulation around the iPhone with the heater inside. Since the heater is USB powered, there will be only 5 Watts of power, or 17BTU/Hr, of heating available. (1 BTU is the energy needed to raise 1 US pound of water by 1 degree F.) A somewhat bigger...
  10. T

    This question caused a debate in the class: EMF from a changing magnetic field

    See this post and its embedded video of the experimental results. Cheers, Tom
  11. T

    Forum is so fast, it shows future posts

    Please define "too long."
  12. T

    Hydrochloric Acid, NaOH, and English Ivy

    In general, I've had occassional success using methyl alcohol to strip wax. This Google search shows several options for removing the leaf wax, then try some of your herbicides. Cheers, Tom
  13. T

    Connected 2 Venturis in Series (need a solution)

    How about using two venturis in parallel and adding a vacuum relief valve to the machine; thus limiting the vacuum? This could be as simple as a flap of rubber over a hole in the housing. Keep in mind though that the oil-return plumbing may need to be adjusted to either allow more - or limit...
  14. T

    Cannot lock reference signal on lock-in amplifier

    A good place to start is signal levels. The signal generator amplitude is 6V. The Laser optics amplitude is 4V. See if you get lock-in for the signal generator when its output is 4V. Cheers, Tom
  15. T

    Dual voltage consumer appliance oddity

    That reminds me of an old joke: At a military facility the word was out that a General would be taking a tour in a few days. This General was known to push buttons on control consoles to make sure they worked. Now of course this was an opportunity that could not be ignored! The General showed...