Basic definition of Quadratic Fields

In summary: Q(\sqrt E) is not unique. But this is just an artifact of the fact that E can't be factored into a product of two squares. So in that case there would be a unique extension of Q with E as the field.In summary, if D is not a square, then Q(√D) is not unique, and moreover, if D is a square, then there is only one way to write an element of Q(\sqrt D).
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am reading Dummit and Foote Chapter 7.

D&F use a quadratic field as an example of a ring. I am trying to get a good understanding of this ring.

D&F define a quadratic field as follows:

Let D be a rational number that is not a perfect square in and define

[tex] \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt D ) = \{ \ a + b \sqrt D \ | \ a,b \in \mathbb{Q} \ \}[/tex]

as a subset of [itex] \mathbb{C} [/itex]

In this example D&F write ... "... It is easy to show that the assumption that D is not a square implies that every element of [itex]\mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt D ) [/itex] may be written uniquely in the form [itex] a + b \sqrt D [/itex]."

How do you show this? Further, I am not sure why this assumption is needed?

Is it because we have both positive and negative roots of a square number like 4, but then only consider the principal root [itex] + \sqrt 3 [/itex] of 3? This seems slightly inconsistent!

Also how does the above fit with the idea that D must be not only not a perfect square but squarefree? Is the squarefree condition on D necessary? If so why?

Can someone please clarify this situation for me?


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  • #2
it's really pretty simple. if D is a square of a rational number, then Q(√D) = Q.

if D isn't square-free, say D = p2m, for some prime p, and integer m, then we get the same extension of Q with Q(√m) as we do for Q(√D) (in other words, we want "the totally irrational part" of the square root, with any rational factors (hence squares) already factored out).

for example, 12 isn't square free, so adjoining √12 = 2√3, gives us the same field as adjoining √3:

a+b√12 <=> a + 2b√3
c+d√3 <=> c + (d/2)√12

on the other hand, if D IS square-free, we get a UNIQUE quadratic extension (different D's, different extensions).

you can visualize such a ring (which is actually a field, since 1/√D = √D/D, and one can use "the conjugate trick" to find an inverse for a + b√D, as long as not both a and b are 0) as a lattice of rational points in the plane, that is, as a vector space it's isomorphic to Q x Q.
  • #3

Thinking through this now!
  • #4
Thanks again

I can see that if D is not a squarefree number then the field specified by [itex] \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt D ) [/itex] is not unique in the sense that [itex] \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt 12 ) [/itex] is the same field as[itex] \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt 3 ) [/itex].

But D&F's statement seemingly refers to consequences within the field if D is not squarefree.

They write:

"It is easy to show that the assumption that D is not a square implies that every element of [itex] \mathbb{Q} ( \sqrt D ) [/itex] may be written uniquely in the form [itex] a + b \sqrt D [/itex]."

So they are saying that there is a lack of uniqueness within the field.

Do you agree? Can you clarify?

Another thing that bothers me in D&F's statement is that they do not use the term "squarefree" but go for a lesser condition that D is not a square. Can you clarify this also?
  • #5
if D is not a square, then Q(√D) is bigger than D. argue by contradiction:

suppose Q(√D) = Q. then √D is in Q, hence we have some rational number m (= √D) with m2 = D, so D is a square.

the uniqueness of the extension is what D being square-free entails. even if D is NOT square-free, there is still only one way to write an element of Q(√D):

suppose a+b√D = c+d√D, where √D is not in Q.

then a-c = (d-b)√D.

case 1) d≠ b:

then (a-c)/(d-b) = √D, and thus √D is in Q, contradiction.

case 2) d = b:

then a-c = 0, so that a = c, which shows uniqueness.
  • #6

OK so the sqarefree part is only to get a unique description of the field

Yes, follow you arguments regarding [itex] Q \sqrt D [/itex] being bigger that Q.

I now regard D&F's statement - that got me going on this - as rather misleading!
  • #7
I fail to see what is misleading.

If D is not a square then [itex]\sqrt D[/itex] is irrational. So if [itex]a+b\sqrt D = a'+b' \sqrt D[/itex] with [itex]a,b,a',b' \in \mathbb Q[/itex], then from [itex]a-a' = (b'-b) \sqrt D[/itex] one easily sees that b'=b and hence a'=a (since otherwise [itex]\sqrt D = (a-a')/(b'-b)[/itex] would be rational). It follows that an element x of [itex]\mathbb Q(\sqrt D)[/itex] has a unique expression of the form [itex]x=a+b\sqrt D[/itex] where [itex]a,b \in \mathbb Q[/itex], in the sense that a and b are uniquely determined by x.

If D is a square, say D=E^2 with E rational, then it's easy to see that this fails. For example, we have [itex]a+b\sqrt D = (a-|E|)+(b+1)\sqrt D[/itex] for any [itex]a,b \in \mathbb Q[/itex].
  • #8
Thanks for that help and guidance

Your last two sentences clarified the situation for me!

Related to Basic definition of Quadratic Fields

What is a quadratic field?

A quadratic field is a type of number field, which is an algebraic extension of the rational numbers. It is generated by a root of a quadratic polynomial with rational coefficients.

What is the defining equation of a quadratic field?

The defining equation of a quadratic field is of the form x^2 + bx + c = 0, where b and c are rational numbers and x is a root of the polynomial.

How is a quadratic field different from a quadratic extension?

A quadratic field is a specific type of quadratic extension where the defining polynomial has degree 2. Quadratic extensions can have defining polynomials of higher degrees.

What is the discriminant of a quadratic field?

The discriminant of a quadratic field is a value that can be calculated from the coefficients of the defining polynomial. It is used to classify and study different types of quadratic fields.

How are quadratic fields used in number theory?

Quadratic fields have many applications in number theory, including in the study of Diophantine equations, quadratic reciprocity, and class field theory. They also have connections to other areas of mathematics, such as algebraic geometry and cryptography.

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