Compactness in Topology and in Logic

In summary, the conversation discusses the similarities between the compactness theorem in logic and the property of compactness in topology. The speaker raises the question of how compactness can be applied to first-order logic and proposes a potential proof using Tarski's definition of truth and Stone's theorem on representability of Boolean algebras. However, they also acknowledge that there may be some gaps in their argument.
  • #1
Hi, All:

I am trying to understand better the similarity between the compactness theorem

in logic--every first-order sentence is satisfiable (has a model) iff every finite subset

of sentences is satisfiable, and the property of compactness : a topological space X is

said to be compact iff (def.) every cover C of X by open sets has a finite subcover, i.e.,

a subcollection C' of the cover C that also covers X , i.e., the union of the elements of

the cover contains X. But, by De Morgan, compactness is equivalent to the finite

intersection property, i.e., every finite subcollection (of the elements of a cover) has a

non-empty intersection (the subcollections will be sentences, and the intersection

has to see with the finite subcollection having a model ).

Anyway, so the topological space we consider is that of the infinite product

of {0,1} (discrete topology ) -- 0 and 1 will be the values we will be giving to the free

variables in a sentence--with the product indexed by I:=[0,1] in the Reals. We then

get the Cantor Space . Then any

string of 0's , 1's is a valuation, is a clopen subset of the Cantor Space. By compactness,

of the Cantor space (and some hand-waving) we get satisfiability.

I think this is "spiritually correct", but I think there are some gaps. Any Ideas?

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  • #2
Well, the only gap is that you appear to be talking about propositional logic, not first-order logic. The completeness therem for classical first-order logic is more complicated to prove.

For propositional logic, to each set of sentences, assign the set of valuations which make all of the sentences true. Then the finite intersection property of the (Cantor) space of valuations is simply another way of stating the compactness of the logic.
  • #3
Thanks, Preno; can you think of an argument along these lines to prove compactness
in FOL? I know (please critique/suggest) that in FOL, a valuation making all sentences true (if this is possible; I guess if the sentences are not contradictory) is a model/interpretation for the collection of sentences, and not just an assignment in a truth table. So, given a collection of sentences, we need to "interpret" the bound sentences by using Tarski's definition of truth . Any comments?
  • #4
Never mind, Preno, I saw an argument that has to see with Stone's theorem on representability of Boolean algebras. I will read it and post it here soon.
  • #5

The compactness theorem in logic and the concept of compactness in topology are indeed closely related. Both involve the idea of finite subcollections covering a larger set. In topology, this means that a finite number of open sets can cover a space, while in logic, it means that a finite number of sentences can satisfy a larger sentence.

One way to think about this connection is through the concept of "compactness" itself. In topology, a space is considered compact if every open cover has a finite subcover. This means that the space is "compact" in the sense that it can be covered by a finite number of open sets. Similarly, in logic, a sentence is considered satisfiable if every finite subset of sentences is satisfiable. This means that the sentence is "compact" in the sense that it can be satisfied by a finite number of sentences.

In the example provided, the Cantor space is used to demonstrate this connection. The Cantor space is a topological space that can be thought of as an infinite product of {0,1} with the discrete topology. This means that any string of 0's and 1's can be thought of as a clopen (closed and open) subset of the Cantor space. By using the compactness of the Cantor space, it is possible to show that any sentence can be satisfied by a finite number of sentences, or in other words, that it is compact in the logical sense.

However, as mentioned, there may be some gaps in this argument and it is important to carefully consider the details in order to fully understand the connection between compactness in topology and in logic. Additionally, this is just one example of how these concepts are related and there may be other ways to approach this connection.

Related to Compactness in Topology and in Logic

1. What is compactness in topology?

Compactness in topology refers to a property of topological spaces where every open cover has a finite subcover. In other words, for any collection of open sets that cover the space, there exists a finite subset of those open sets that also cover the space. This concept is important in understanding the structure and behavior of topological spaces.

2. How is compactness related to connectedness?

While compactness and connectedness are both properties of topological spaces, they are not directly related. A space can be compact without being connected, and vice versa. However, compactness does imply connectedness in certain cases, such as when the space is also Hausdorff (meaning every two distinct points have disjoint neighborhoods).

3. What is the connection between compactness and completeness?

In general, compactness and completeness are two separate concepts. However, in the context of metric spaces, compactness does imply completeness. A metric space is complete if and only if it is compact.

4. How is compactness used in logic?

In logic, compactness is used as a tool for proving the existence of certain structures. The compactness theorem states that if a set of sentences has a model, then it has a countable model. This allows for the use of infinite models in certain cases, making it a powerful tool in mathematical logic.

5. Can compactness be generalized to other mathematical structures?

Yes, compactness can be generalized to other mathematical structures such as algebraic structures and measure spaces. In these cases, compactness refers to the existence of a finite subset that satisfies certain properties, similar to the concept in topology. This allows for the study of compactness in a broader context and its applications in different areas of mathematics.

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