History and geometry of flat universe

In summary, the present universe is observed to be flat, but it is not expected to have always been flat before its accelerated expansion. The Riemann tensor for a flat universe is non-zero and its geometry is not that of special relativity. The flatness of the universe is related to the relationship between the average expansion rate and the total energy density, and it is possible for a flat universe to exist without dark matter.
  • #1
1. The present universe is observed to be flat. Was it always flat, before it started its accelerated expansion?

2. Is the Riemann tensor zero for this flat universe? Is its geometry that of special relativity?

I'd appreciate if Marcus or Ich or any other science advisor weighed in on this. Thanks.
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  • #2
If the universe is flat, is has always been flat and always will be. That is because the geometry of the universe is determined by a **constant**, k.

The Riemann tensor is non-zero. According to my calculations...
R^t_{xtx} = a\dot{\dot{a}}[/tex]
R^x_{yxy} = (\dot{\dot{a}})^2
and all the other values come from symmetry between x<->y<->z.
The geometry is not that of special relativity. In special relativity the metric is diag(-1,1,1,1). In a flat expanding universe the metric is diag(-1,a^2(t),a^2(t),a^2(t)), where a(t) is the scale factor of the universe.
  • #3
For Friedmann-Walker-Robertson universes, space is flat but spacetime is curved.

The Riemann tensor for Friedmann-Walker-Robertson universes is not zero because FRW spactimes are not flat. Three-dimensional spatial hypersurfaces orthogonal to cosmic time (i.e., space) are intrinsically flat, i.e., the Riemann tensor constructed from the spatial metric induced on these hypersurfaces by the spacetime metric is zero.
  • #4
Ranku said:
1. The present universe is observed to be flat. Was it always flat, before it started its accelerated expansion?
This is not expected to be the case. Rather, it is expected that our region of the universe started off with very significant curvature, but as it was dominated by an inflaton field that drove a very rapidly-accelerated expansion, it was driven to be almost perfectly flat in virtually no time.

This happens because the effect of the curvature scales with the expansion as [tex]1/a^2[/tex], but during inflation, the dominant energy density was almost independent of expansion. As the scale factor increased by a factor of [tex]10^{30}[/tex] or more, the spatial curvature was driven to very near zero.

Ranku said:
2. Is the Riemann tensor zero for this flat universe? Is its geometry that of special relativity?

I'd appreciate if Marcus or Ich or any other science advisor weighed in on this. Thanks.
Nicksauce has responded to this point well.
  • #5
Thank you all for the responses. Two more questions.

1. Can the presently accelerating universe be flat without inflation?

2. In a flat universe, omega = 1.
Omega = matter(regular matter + dark matter) + dark energy.
Can we have Omega = 1 without dark matter?
  • #6
Ranku said:
Thank you all for the responses. Two more questions.

1. Can the presently accelerating universe be flat without inflation?
If there happens to be an alternative explanation for our current observations that point to inflation, I suppose it's possible.

Ranku said:
2. In a flat universe, omega = 1.
Omega = matter(regular matter + dark matter) + dark energy.
Can we have Omega = 1 without dark matter?
In principle it's a different issue. The flatness is related to the relationship between the average expansion rate and the total energy density. If the expansion rate is too fast compared to the energy density, then it's open. If it's too slow, then it's closed. If it's "just right", then it's flat.
  • #7
Chalnoth said:
In principle it's a different issue. The flatness is related to the relationship between the average expansion rate and the total energy density. If the expansion rate is too fast compared to the energy density, then it's open. If it's too slow, then it's closed. If it's "just right", then it's flat.

Is not the average expansion rate controlled by the total energy density, since dark energy that is driving the accelerated expansion is part of it?
  • #8
Ranku said:
Is not the average expansion rate controlled by the total energy density, since dark energy that is driving the accelerated expansion is part of it?
Right, so, the first of the Friedmann equations is:

[tex]H^2 = \frac{8\pi G}{3} \rho - \frac{k c^2}{a^2}[/tex]

So basically if [tex]H^2 > \frac{8\pi G}{3} \rho[/tex], [tex]k < 0[/tex]. Likewise, if [tex]H^2 < \frac{8\pi G}{3} \rho[/tex], then [tex]k > 0[/tex].
Last edited:
  • #9
Chalnoth said:
So basically if [tex]H^2 > \frac{8\pi G}{3} \rho[/tex], [tex]k < 0[/tex]. Likewise, if [tex]H^2 > \frac{8\pi G}{3} \rho[/tex], then [tex]k > 0[/tex].

Both the inequalities are same, yet k changes. I'm confused.
  • #10
Ranku said:
Both the inequalities are same, yet k changes. I'm confused.
Ack, sorry, typo. Fixed.
  • #11
Chalnoth said:
Ack, sorry, typo. Fixed.


Related to History and geometry of flat universe

1. What is the history of the concept of a flat universe?

The idea of a flat universe dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Egyptians who believed in a flat Earth. However, the modern concept of a flat universe emerged in the early 20th century with the development of Einstein's theory of general relativity.

2. How do we know that the universe is flat?

The flatness of the universe was first proposed by Albert Einstein in his theory of general relativity. Later, observations from the cosmic microwave background radiation and the large-scale structure of the universe have confirmed the flatness of the universe.

3. What is the geometry of a flat universe?

A flat universe has a Euclidean geometry, meaning that it follows the same rules of geometry that we learn in school. This means that parallel lines will never intersect and the angles of a triangle will always add up to 180 degrees.

4. How does the geometry of a flat universe affect the expansion of the universe?

The geometry of a flat universe plays a crucial role in the expansion of the universe. In a flat universe, the expansion rate is determined by the amount of matter and energy present. If there is enough matter and energy, the universe will continue to expand forever.

5. Can the universe change from a flat geometry to a curved geometry?

According to the current understanding of the universe, it is unlikely that the geometry of the universe will change from flat to curved. This is because the amount of matter and energy in the universe is not enough to cause a change in the geometry of the universe.

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