Material explosion under pressure

In summary, the conversation discusses the effects of rapidly expanding materials and the potential for applying opposite forces to contain them. It also explores the relationship between pressure and amperage in a sealed container. The experts conclude that without high temperatures and radiation damage, a substance can sustain enormous pressures if applied structurally correctly. However, it may lose its structural strength but will still resist pressure due to compression.
  • #1
Now we knwo that materials tend to rapidly expand (explode) under given circumstances , like a wire subjected to sudden , rapid overcurrent or like a ball of hot flammable gas when heated or otherwise.

Now I wonder what would happen if we had the ball of some heated rapidly expanding gas or mixture inside , and when it would explode ,shortly before that we would apply a pressure which is opposite to that of the ball ? How high we could go in terms of pressure and not break the material that encloses the gas inside the ball.

In other words if one applies ever increasing but perfectly opposite forces and there is a material of some sort in the middle , what then is the limit after which something destructive happens to the material or whatever is in the middle or maybe there is no limit then , if the forces are pefectly opposite to one another?
Now the forces would cancel out in the middle but the pressure would still be there.

Also if we would put a piece of copper wire in a sealed pressurized container, would the sudden surge of amperage needed to blow that wire apart , increase if we would increase the the pressure that surrounds the wire?
Just like water boiling temperature rises proportionally to water pressure.
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  • #2
If you heat the copper wire too much, you get a plasma at some point.

For pressure without too much heat: the materials will compress, the chemical structure might change a bit, but the material will still be there (it cannot escape...). As an example, iron in the core of our Earth (a pressure that can be reproduced in the lab) is more dense than iron on the surface, but it is still solid iron.
At some point you reach the density of white dwarfs and then neutron stars, and if you have enough material and pressure you get a black hole.
  • #3
so basically if one takes away super high temperatures and radiation damage to a substance or metal then it can sustain enourmous pressures if they are applied structurally right , like a symmetrical pressure equal from all sides to a spherical ball etc?
  • #4
Well, what is "sustain"? It will probably lose its structural strength like resistance to sheer stress, but it will still be there (resisting pressure due to its compression).
  • #5

I find this topic very intriguing and it raises many questions about the behavior of materials under pressure and extreme conditions. It is important to note that material explosion under pressure is a complex phenomenon and can vary depending on the type of material and the amount of pressure applied.

In general, when a material is subjected to pressure, it tends to compress and become denser. However, when the pressure exceeds a certain limit, the material may reach its breaking point and either deform or explode. This limit is known as the material's compressive strength and it varies for different materials.

In the case of a ball of hot flammable gas, when rapidly heated, it will expand and exert pressure on the surrounding material. If we were to apply a force in the opposite direction, we could potentially counteract the pressure and prevent the material from breaking. However, as you mentioned, there may be a limit to how much force we can apply without causing damage to the material. This would depend on the material's tensile strength and its ability to withstand external forces.

In terms of your question about the copper wire, the sudden surge of amperage needed to blow it apart would not necessarily increase with an increase in pressure. This is because the wire's resistance would also increase with the increase in pressure, causing the current to decrease. However, it is possible that the wire may reach its melting point at a lower pressure due to the increase in temperature caused by the increased resistance.

Overall, the effects of pressure on materials are complex and require further research and experimentation to fully understand. It is important to consider all factors, such as the type of material, the amount of pressure applied, and the forces acting on the material, in order to accurately predict its behavior.

Related to Material explosion under pressure

1. What is a material explosion under pressure?

A material explosion under pressure is a type of explosion that occurs when a material is subjected to high levels of pressure, causing it to rapidly release energy in the form of heat, light, and sound. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as chemical reactions, physical impacts, or extreme temperatures.

2. What are some common examples of material explosions under pressure?

Some common examples of material explosions under pressure include gas explosions in pipelines, explosions in industrial boilers or tanks, and explosions caused by the detonation of high explosives. These types of explosions can also occur in everyday household items, such as aerosol cans or propane tanks.

3. What are the potential dangers of a material explosion under pressure?

The potential dangers of a material explosion under pressure can include severe injuries or fatalities, destruction of property, and the release of hazardous materials into the environment. The force of the explosion can also cause secondary explosions or fires, leading to further damage and danger.

4. How can material explosions under pressure be prevented?

Material explosions under pressure can be prevented by following proper safety protocols and regulations, conducting regular maintenance and inspections of equipment, and properly disposing of hazardous materials. It is also important to educate individuals on the potential risks and precautions to take in order to prevent these types of explosions.

5. What steps should be taken in the event of a material explosion under pressure?

In the event of a material explosion under pressure, it is important to immediately evacuate the affected area and contact emergency services. If possible, shut off any sources of fuel or electricity to prevent further explosions or fires. It is also important to follow any evacuation or safety instructions given by authorities and seek medical attention for any injuries sustained.

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