"Quantum chromodynamics is a zero-parameter theory"

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  • Thread starter ShayanJ
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In summary, the large N expansion scheme is a method used in high energy physics to solve theories with a large number of particles. One of the resources used for this is Zee's "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell" which includes a quote about the Large N Expansion in its "Large N Expansion" chapter. The purpose of this scheme is to find an expansion parameter that can be used in perturbation theory. However, in QCD, the only free choice for this parameter is the running coupling constant, which is not a suitable expansion parameter due to dimensional transmutation. This is in contrast to QED where the coupling constant remains dimensionless and can be used as an expansion parameter.
  • #1
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I'm trying to understand the large N expansion scheme and one of the resources that I glanced is Zee's "Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell". The quote in the title is in the first sentence of the "Large N Expansion" chapter of the book.
I don't understand this sentence. Of course QCD have some parameters. Putting aside the masses of the quarks, we have coupling constant. I know its a running coupling and depends on energy but in QED we use the fine structure constant(which is a running coupling) as the expansion parameter!
So what's the meaning of the quote?
And why do we need the large N expansion scheme? Is it because in low energy where the coupling constant is large, we have no small expansion parameter? Or is there any other reason?
I will also appreciate it if anyone can suggest a pedagogical introduction to the large N expansion scheme in the context of high energy physics(and not statistical physics).

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  • #2
As far as I am aware, the statement applies to massless, pure QCD. The only free choice seems to be the coupling constant, or ##\alpha_S(\mu)## at some scale ##\mu## as you noted. Equivalently, we may choose the energy scale ##\mu## at which ##\alpha_S(\mu)## equals some particular value, say ##\alpha_S(\mu)=0.1##, as the running is then fully predicted. However, as we don't have a meaningful mass scale, changing the value of ##\mu## is just the same as changing unit we measure energy in. This of course can't have physical consequences, as our choice of system of units is arbitrary.
  • #3
Dr.AbeNikIanEdL said:
As far as I am aware, the statement applies to massless, pure QCD. The only free choice seems to be the coupling constant, or ##\alpha_S(\mu)## at some scale ##\mu## as you noted. Equivalently, we may choose the energy scale ##\mu## at which ##\alpha_S(\mu)## equals some particular value, say ##\alpha_S(\mu)=0.1##, as the running is then fully predicted. However, as we don't have a meaningful mass scale, changing the value of ##\mu## is just the same as changing unit we measure energy in. This of course can't have physical consequences, as our choice of system of units is arbitrary.
But how is that different from QED? If we don't consider charged fermions, pure QED is massless too!
  • #4
Well, but in QED the case ##\mu \rightarrow 0## is meaningful, ##\alpha_{em}(\mu=0)## is a dimensionless observable.
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  • #5
Dr.AbeNikIanEdL said:
Well, but in QED the case ##\mu \rightarrow 0## is meaningful, ##\alpha_{em}(\mu=0)## is a dimensionless observable.
Yeah, that's right. But why can't we use ## \alpha_s(\mu \to \infty) ## for QCD?
QCD has asymptotic freedom so that quantity should be well defined, right?
  • #6
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  • #7
vanhees71 said:
For a good review on QCD
Thanks, but actually I asked for a pedagogical review of large N expansion, as applied to high energy physics. PDG doesn't seem to have any!
I myself found a few, so that was actually the optional part of this thread!
  • #9
I found some other quotes about the same issue that I don't understand:

Rudra said:
One may think of solving the theory approximately in terms of an expansion parameter. From our understanding of QED we may tend to think that the obvious candidate for an expansion parameter is the free coupling constant g. But renormalization group analysis suggests that g is not a free parameter as it can be absorbed into defining the scale of the masses. So it seems that QCD lacks any free parameter for the expansion.
From the introduction of http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/ar575/pdf/largen.pdf.

Shifman said:
In asymptotically free gauge theories in the confining phase, the gauge coupling ##g^2## is not in fact an expansion parameter. Through dimensional transmutation it sets the scale of physical phenomena, ## \Lambda=M_{uv}exp\left( -\frac{8\pi^2}{\beta_0g_0^2}+\dots \right) ##where ##M_{uv}## is the ultraviolet cutoff, ##g_0## is the bare coupling at the cutoff, ##β_0## is the first coefficient in the Gell-Mann–Low function, and the ellipses stand for higher-order terms.
From Shifman's Advanced topics in Quantum Field Theory.

what do they mean exactly? How does it prevent g from being used as a expansion parameter? How does it differ from QED? Why it still doesn't prevent us from doing perturbation theory using the coupling constant as the expansion parameter, in the weakly coupled regime of QCD?

  • #10
Both of your questions were answered already in the thread, and the answer is basically given by what Shifman writes. The QED coupling constant stays dimensionless, the QCD one gains a mass dimension via dimensional transmutation. The former is thus a good expansion parameter (it is a small number), the latter is not (in the pure QCD case).. Suppose you were to redefine the QCD g^2 as a large number.. How would you do perturbation series?

Related to "Quantum chromodynamics is a zero-parameter theory"

1. What is quantum chromodynamics?

Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the strong nuclear force, one of the four fundamental forces of nature. It is a quantum field theory that explains how quarks and gluons interact to form subatomic particles called hadrons, such as protons and neutrons.

2. What does it mean for QCD to be a zero-parameter theory?

A zero-parameter theory means that QCD has no free parameters that need to be adjusted or determined by experiment. This is because the theory is based on fundamental symmetries and first principles, making it a very precise and predictive theory.

3. How does QCD explain the behavior of quarks and gluons?

QCD explains the behavior of quarks and gluons through the strong nuclear force, which is mediated by gluons. The theory describes how quarks and gluons interact through the exchange of gluons, resulting in the strong force that binds them together to form larger particles.

4. What are the main applications of QCD?

QCD has many applications in particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics. It is used to study the properties of subatomic particles, such as quarks and gluons, and to understand the structure of the atomic nucleus. It is also essential for understanding the behavior of matter in extreme environments, such as in the early universe or in neutron stars.

5. What are some current challenges in studying QCD?

Despite its success in explaining the strong force, there are still many unanswered questions and challenges in studying QCD. These include understanding the behavior of quarks and gluons at high energies, finding a way to incorporate gravity into the theory, and developing new techniques for studying QCD in non-perturbative regimes.

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