Star Wars old cast is coming back for a new movie

In summary, George Lucas has confirmed that original cast members Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, and Carrie Fisher will reprise their roles in the new "Star Wars" sequel. The new films will take place after the events of "Return of the Jedi" and will likely involve the characters' children. There is speculation that Ian McDiarmid, who played Darth Sidious, will also make an appearance. Fans have mixed feelings about the idea, with some excited to see their favorite characters return and others concerned about the potential for conflicting storylines with the expanded universe. Many also point out the irony of Lucas previously stating that there would never be a new "Star Wars" film, and the disappointment in the prequel trilogy.
  • #1
My gut feeling says this is a bad idea, but the star wars crazed kid in my is giggy!

The cat keeps creeping out of the "Star Wars" bag when it comes to the reports that original cast members Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will reprise their roles from the classic sci-fi film.
The latest evidence: George Lucas has opened his big mouth.
Physics news on
  • #2
It's a great idea!

  • #3
If they are going to try and make a new series Star Wars films would they not be better casting some really good new actors to play the roles, since after all most of the original cast aren't exactly young (also Harrison Ford in Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull has permanently biased me against him for playing such a riddiculous role in such a crap movie.)

Hope the new one has actually got some story to it (like VI, V and VI) and not a CGI fest (think III).
  • #4
VII should be some time after VI, so there is some logic to using same actors (but older).
  • #5
After looking at the picture in post 2, okay, let them come on for a brief cameo then let the grandchildren carry the plot! (Since Leia and Han Solo got married, I would guess that Luke and Chewbacca married and had children!)
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
After looking at the picture in post 2, okay, let them come on for a brief cameo then let the grandchildren carry the plot! (Since Leia and Han Solo got married, I would guess that Luke and Chewbacca married and had children!)

I pretty much agree, maybe more than a brief cameo, but they should not be major characters.
  • #7
Greg Bernhardt said:
[...] maybe more than a brief cameo, but they should not be major characters.
Ain't it depressing when you see "young and old" pictures side by side? Hamill could almost play the old emperor without needing makeup.

(So glad no pictures of my teens/twenties have survived. :eek:)
  • #8
Wow, when they say "old" cast, they ain't kidding. May the Farce not be with us.:rolleyes:

One of the funniest comments I read on another site: "Use the Walker, Luke." :smile:
  • #9
HallsofIvy said:
I would guess that Luke and Chewbacca married and had children!

oh dear. and the censors allowed this to be posted?:rolleyes:
  • #10
Remember Mark Hamill looks a lot older due to his facial injuries when he was young.

I just wonder how they're going to avoid fan-rage if they ignore 20+ years of storyline after VI. The books are really good, and I'd hate to see them cast aside.
  • #11
From a VERY secret source, I've heard Ian McDiarmid will reappear, too! :smile:
  • #12
arildno said:
From a VERY secret source, I've heard Ian McDiarmid will reappear, too! :smile:

Nice, he was a good Darth Sidious!
  • #13
arildno said:
From a VERY secret source, I've heard Ian McDiarmid will reappear, too! :smile:

That has to be a bummer for Pope Benedict. He resigned especially to play in the new movies.
  • #14
micromass said:
That has to be a bummer for Pope Benedict. He resigned especially to play in the new movies.
Pope Palpatine will be sobbing.
  • #15
At least Carrie Fisher has lost a ton of weight. Before and after the weight loss below.

  • #16
turbo said:
Pope Palpatine will be sobbing.
Palpitating at least.
  • #17
Evo said:
At least Carrie Fisher has lost a ton of weight. Before and after the weight loss below.


Holy Jesus. The before picture looks like she'd gotten her revenge on Jabba for events in ROTJ. By swallowing him whole. :eek:
  • #18
It also looks like she had a facelift and a neck tuck done.
  • #19
Kinda sad that this whole thing happened honestly...I swear I read a quote from george lucas a while back where he said that he never intended for Star Wars to have any story beyond the death of the emperor and the salvation of Vader. But alas, I cannot find it after searching. "That is it" is basically what he said and it sounded like he wasn't too fond of most of the expanded universe stuff (like the "Jedi Knight" videogame series which takes place after Vader's death, which I think these movies are supposed to take place during the same time as well so they might conflict with the game's stories). As of now to me it really feels like he just sold out, but we will have to wait and see about the quality of the new releases.

also, lol:
  • #20
Hercuflea said:
Kinda sad that this whole thing happened honestly...I swear I read a quote from george lucas a while back where he said that he never intended for Star Wars to have any story beyond the death of the emperor and the salvation of Vader. But alas, I cannot find it after searching. "That is it" is basically what he said and it sounded like he wasn't too fond of most of the expanded universe stuff (like the "Jedi Knight" videogame series which takes place after Vader's death, which I think these movies are supposed to take place during the same time as well so they might conflict with the game's stories). As of now to me it really feels like he just sold out, but we will have to wait and see about the quality of the new releases.

also, lol:

In my opinion, Lucas already sold out when the prequels were made.
  • #21
Chewbacca doesn't look a day older. And he shaved! Or he's losing his hair. I don't know much about aging Wookiees.


I hope they invite him back too.

But not Jar Jar Binks. He was annoying.
My brother once re-edited the 4th Star Wars movie to include not a single scene with him in it.
I think Lucas should call my brother the next time he remakes one of his films.

ps. This is why I cling to life, like a coward. I must see all 9 movies. (Even though I fell asleep during the last 3). Which is not to imply that I am nearly as old as Princess Leia, which I am by the way, and fall asleep during action packed movies. I stayed fully awake during that Star Trek movie. The one with the Quiznos Spock, and the Leonard Nimoy Spock, that is.
  • #22
Evo said:
It also looks like she had a facelift and a neck tuck done.

I fell in love with Carrie Fisher. Not because of Star Wars, but because of her Rolling Stone interview with Madonna.

Those two girls were a hoot.

Carrie said:
I believe in god in strong air turbulence.

Most of the rest of the interview is not appropriate for general audiences. :redface:

Rolling Stones * Issue 606 * June 13th, 1991 ° Part 1 of 2
  • #23
The trouble with cheese is even after its long gone bad and rotten there are a people who think its still edible.
  • #24
I remember hearing, when the first "trilogy" came out, that it had been concieved as a "trilogy of trilogies". The first star was film was labeled "chapter 4" because there were to be three films before it but there were also to be three films after.

I would think that such a film would focus on Han Solo and Princes Leia's children. I would expect the original actors to be involved only slightly.
  • #25
brenan said:
The trouble with cheese is even after its long gone bad and rotten there are a people who think its still edible.
For cheese, "long gone bad and rotten" is the same as "mature".

Cheese is, essentially, rotten milk. How do you decide when "rotten milk" is rotten?
  • #26
In real terms of course the reason it's so venerated is because it was the first of its
kind and the ground breaking nature of the visuals wowed us at an impressionable age - not because its great fiction or even a great movie.
I've seen kids today see it and it doesn't wow them at all. Completely unimpressed in fact. Very young kids seem to like "the fat thing cause he's funny" though.

I can only assume the audience now being targeted is a very different age range or else
someone at the top is quite delusional.

As much as I liked the originals (for the above and other reasons) I view these newer ones the same as I view any re-make. i.e. I just don't waste my time watching.
  • #27
It's a good thing Carrie Fisher lost all that weight -- otherwise, they'd have to cast her as the secret love child of slave Leia and Jabba the Hut. . .
  • #28
HallsofIvy said:
I remember hearing, when the first "trilogy" came out, that it had been concieved as a "trilogy of trilogies". The first star was film was labeled "chapter 4" because there were to be three films before it but there were also to be three films after.

I would think that such a film would focus on Han Solo and Princes Leia's children. I would expect the original actors to be involved only slightly.

Lucas did pen treatments for parts VII, VII and IX. According to one person who was allowed to read them (after being sworn to secrecy), They were the movies he would have like seen made.
  • #29
Curious3141 said:
Wow, when they say "old" cast, they ain't kidding. May the Farce not be with us.:rolleyes:

One of the funniest comments I read on another site: "Use the Walker, Luke." :smile:

:smile: Now that's funny!
  • #30
I haven't been following the news about episode VII but I think it's safe to assume that Hamill, Fisher and Ford will only be playing secondary roles. After destroying the Empire, I've always thought Luke would have tried to bring back the Jedi order and I imagine him playing a "Master Skywalker" type role in this film. Fishers role will obviously be in the government, perhaps similar to Queen Amidala in episode I. As for Ford, I'm not too sure...
  • #31
I hope they bring out a new Star Wars Battefront game when the new film comes out as those games were awesome.

BF2 was an amazing game for the time with the spaceship battles being the highlight of the game, it could be so much more awesome with todays computing abilities for larger battle fields, more players, more ships etc.

Related to Star Wars old cast is coming back for a new movie

1. What is the new movie that the old Star Wars cast is coming back for?

The new movie is titled "Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens".

2. Who from the original Star Wars cast will be returning for the new movie?

The original cast members who will be returning are Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, and Harrison Ford as Han Solo.

3. Will the new movie follow the original Star Wars storyline?

The new movie will take place 30 years after the events of "Return of the Jedi" and will continue the overall storyline of the Star Wars universe.

4. Why is the old Star Wars cast returning for the new movie?

The filmmakers wanted to honor the original trilogy and continue the story with the original cast members, as well as introduce new characters and storylines.

5. When will the new Star Wars movie be released?

The new movie is set to release on December 18, 2015.

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