Where do these time derivatives of Pauli matrices come from?

In summary, Wolfgang Pauli's matrices are equations of motion for spin in a magnetic field. They are analogous to Saméon Poisson's brackets of angular momentum in classical physics. The right hand side of the equations is derived from the Heisenberg picture and the spin's magnetic moment. The Lie bracket operation is used in quantum theory to describe observables, and the commutation relations of angular momenta result from their role as generators of rotations.
  • #1
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TL;DR Summary
Where do these time derivatives of Pauli matrices come from? These are in Susskind's Theoretical Minimum (which is not the best text to learn quantum mechanics from, I have heard). He introduces these equations as "the equations of motion" of the spin in a magnetic field. $$ \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_x=-i[\sigma_x,\sigma_z]\frac{\omega}{2}$$$$
\frac{d}{dt}\sigma_y=-i[\sigma_y,\sigma_z]\frac{\omega}{2}$$$$ \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_z=-i[\sigma_z,\sigma_z]\frac{\omega}{2}$$
Wolfgang Pauli's matrices are
$$\sigma_x=\begin{bmatrix}0& 1\\1 & 0\end{bmatrix},\quad \sigma_y=\begin{bmatrix}0& -i\\i & 0\end{bmatrix},\quad \sigma_z=\begin{bmatrix}1& 0\\0 & -1\end{bmatrix}$$
He introduces these equations as "the equations of motion" of the spin in a magnetic field.
$$ \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_x=-i[\sigma_x,\sigma_z]\frac{\omega}{2}$$$$
\frac{d}{dt}\sigma_y=-i[\sigma_y,\sigma_z]\frac{\omega}{2}$$$$ \frac{d}{dt}\sigma_z=-i[\sigma_z,\sigma_z]\frac{\omega}{2}$$
"These are analogous to Saméon Poisson's brackets of angular momentum describing the rotational motion of a rigid body in classical physics. The ##x## and ##y## components of the spin precess around the ##z## axis, while the ##z## component of the spin does not change".

I am interested in how Susskind got the right hand side of the three equations.

They are not derivatives of the path in ##\operatorname{SU(2)}## ##\gamma: q\longrightarrow I_2## given by the rule $$\gamma(t)=q(t)=U\begin{pmatrix}e^{i\theta_1 t}&0\\0&e^{i\theta_2 t} \end{pmatrix}U^{-1}$$ with ##\gamma(0)=I_2## and ##\gamma(1)=q##.
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  • #2
I suspect those are operator equations which apply to the specific states in this particular scenario. I.e. if ##|\alpha(t) \rangle## is the state of the system at time ##t##, then:
$$(\frac d {dt})(\sigma_x)|\alpha(t) \rangle = -i \frac \omega 2 [\sigma_x, \sigma_z] |\alpha(t) \rangle = -\omega \sigma_y |\alpha(t) \rangle$$
PS which, I guess, is another way of saying he's using the Heisenberg picture.
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  • #3
One should note that the spin of a charged particle (or a neutral particle being bound states of charged particles like the neutron) imply a magnetic moment,
$$\vec{\mu}=\frac{q}{2m} g \vec{s}.$$
Here ##q## is the charge, ##m## the mass the particle, and ##g## the socalled gyro-factor or Lande-factor. For an electron it's close to 2.

The potential for the forces on a dipole is
$$V(\vec{x},\vec{s})=-\vec{\mu} \cdot \vec{B}=-\frac{q g}{2m} \vec{s} \cdot \vec{B}.$$
For the equation of motion of the spin (in the Heisenberg picture of time evolution) you get
$$\dot{s}_a=\frac{1}{\mathrm{i} \hbar} [s_a,H]=-\frac{q g}{2m \mathrm{i} \hbar} B_b \cdot [ \sigma_a,\sigma_b] =-\frac{q g}{2 m \hbar} B_b \epsilon_{abc} s_c = -\frac{q g}{2m \hbar} \epsilon_{abc} B_b s_c= -\frac{q g}{2m \hbar} (\vec{B}\times \vec{s})_a$$
$$\dot{s}_a=\frac{q g}{2 m \hbar} \vec{s} \times \vec{B}=\vec{\mu} \times \vec{B},$$
as expected also from classical electromagnetism.

Note that for spin-1/2 particles ##\vec{s}=\hbar \vec{\sigma}/2##.
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  • #4
vanhees71 said:
$$\dot{s}_a=\frac{q g}{2 m \hbar} \vec{s} \times \vec{B}=\vec{\mu} \times \vec{B},$$
as expected also from classical electromagnetism.

Note that for spin-1/2 particles ##\vec{s}=\hbar \vec{\sigma}/2##.
Okay. Question: Do the Hamiltonians with the Lie bracket operation form groups that are used in physics? (seriously, really curious.) Another question: Does this imply the the cross product in ##\mathbb{R}^3## corresponds to the Lie bracket of vector fields?
  • #5
A lot of quantum theory is indeed best understood using the ideas of Lie groups and Lie algebras. E.g., the commutation relations between position and momentum result from the meaning of momentum as generators of spatial translations. In QT the Lie bracket is realized with self-adjoint operators describing observables via ##\frac{1}{\mathrm{i}} [\hat{A},\hat{B}]##. The additional factor ##1/\mathrm{i}## ensures that the Lie bracket maps to another self-adjoint operator.

The commutation relations of angular momenta result from the fact that they are the generators of rotations, which in QT are represented by representations of the covering group SU(2) of the rotation group. Thus you have
$$[\hat{J}_a,\hat{J}_b]=\mathrm{i} \hbar \epsilon_{abc} \hat{J}_c.$$
That's valid also for orbital angular momentum and spin separately, because in non-relativistic physics the spin operators commute with orbital angular momentum.
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Related to Where do these time derivatives of Pauli matrices come from?

1. Where do the time derivatives of Pauli matrices come from?

The time derivatives of Pauli matrices come from the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics. In this framework, physical quantities such as position, momentum, and spin are represented by mathematical objects called operators. The time derivative of an operator is defined as the rate of change of that operator with respect to time.

2. Why are Pauli matrices important in quantum mechanics?

Pauli matrices are important in quantum mechanics because they represent the spin of a particle. Spin is a fundamental property of particles and plays a crucial role in many quantum phenomena, such as the behavior of atoms and the structure of materials. Pauli matrices are also used in the mathematical formulation of quantum mechanics, particularly in the description of fermions.

3. How are Pauli matrices related to the Pauli exclusion principle?

The Pauli matrices are related to the Pauli exclusion principle through the spin-statistics theorem. This theorem states that particles with half-integer spin, such as electrons, must obey the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two identical fermions can occupy the same quantum state simultaneously. The Pauli matrices, which represent the spin of fermions, play a crucial role in enforcing this principle.

4. Can Pauli matrices be used to describe particles with integer spin?

No, Pauli matrices are only applicable to particles with half-integer spin. Particles with integer spin, such as photons, do not obey the Pauli exclusion principle and are described by different mathematical objects, such as the polarization vector.

5. Are there any experimental evidence for the existence of Pauli matrices?

Yes, there is strong experimental evidence for the existence of Pauli matrices. The predictions of quantum mechanics, which rely on the use of Pauli matrices, have been extensively tested and found to be in agreement with experimental results. In addition, the behavior of particles with half-integer spin, which is described by Pauli matrices, has been observed and confirmed in various experiments.

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