The Expert Physics and Math Blog

no tidal bulge

Beyond the Tidal Bulge

Overview That there is no tidal bulge is the key premise of this article. Upper-level oceanography undergraduates and above know this. Yet the tidal bulge is still used to portray why the Moon is receding the Earth. If there is no tidal bulge, some other explanation is in order. That other explanation uses gravitation as…

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Physics Olympiad Corrections

Corrections to the Australian Physics Olympiad Questions and Solutions

ref: Classification of issues: [1*] Quibble regarding the solution. [2*] Clearer problem…
physics mysteries

A Principle Explanation of the “Mysteries” of Modern Physics

All undergraduate physics majors are shown how the counterintuitive aspects ("mysteries") of time dilation and length contraction in special relativity…
Compton Scattering

Exploring the Anatomy of Compton Scattering

Introduction In this article, we take as our starting point the original equations which Compton drew up and solved in his ground-breaking 1925 article:  From…
Twins Paradox

Learning the Twin Paradox for Freely-falling Observers

The "twin paradox" is often discussed in the introductory treatment of special relativity. Under "twin paradox" we understand the fact that if two twins…
android ringtone

Create an Android Ringtone Picker with Ringtonemanager Class

In this article, I will show you how to create a ringtone picker using the RingtoneManager class in Android. You will be able to get the list of tones,…
artificial intelligence

AI and Learning: How It Impact Our Future

We asked our PF Advisors “How do you see the rise in AI affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry, and or in everyday society?”. We got so many…
artificial intelligence

How AI Is Changing STEM

We asked our PF Advisors “How do you see the rise in A.I. affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry and or in everyday society?”. We got so many…
artificial intelligence

How AI Will Revolutionize STEM and Society

We asked our PF Advisors "How do you see the rise in AI affecting STEM in the lab, classroom, industry, and or in everyday society?". We got so many great…
jrmichler engineer interview

Interview with Engineer jrmichler

Today we get to know a little more about Engineering Mentor jrmichler! Tell us a bit about your education and academic years Two years college (UW-Madison)…
electromagentic waves traverse

Are Electromagnetic Waves Always Transverse?

In this insight, we shall endeavor in the realm of classical electrodynamics and examine whether EM waves are always transverse. We shall make use of Jefimenko's…

How to Solve Second-Order Partial Derivatives

Introduction A frequent concern among students is how to carry out higher order partial derivatives where a change of variables and the chain rule are…
pressure is a source of gravity

Is Pressure A Source Of Gravity?

In a previous series of articles, I posed the question "Does Gravity Gravitate?" and explained how, depending on how you interpreted the terms "gravity"…
Compton Scattering

Massive Meets Massless: Compton Scattering Revisited

Introduction In a previous article entitled "Alternate Approach to 2D Collisions" we analyzed collisions between a moving and stationary object by defining…
Science Authority

Is Science an Authority? How to View Announcements from Scientists

In a previous article, I discussed why scientists (among others) are rarely interested in considering a new theory proposed by a non-scientist: because…
lerch and zeta functions

The Analytic Continuation of the Lerch and the Zeta Functions

Introduction In this brief Insight article the analytic continuations of the Lerch Transcendent and Riemann Zeta Functions are achieved via the Euler's…
dark energy supernova

Dark Energy Part 3: Fitting the SCP Union 2.1 Supernova Data

In Part 1 of this 3-part series, I explained kinematics in Einstien-deSitter (EdS) cosmology and in Part 2, I explained kinematics in ##\Lambda##CDM cosmology…
dark energy cosmology lcdm

Dark Energy Part 2: LCDM Cosmology

This is Part 2 of a 3-part series explaining evidence for so-called “dark energy” leading to a current positive cosmological acceleration. The evidence…
beginner guide to baryons

A Beginner Physics Guide to Baryon Particles

Baryon Introduction At the beginning of the 20th century, it was thought that all matter consisted of only three particles: the electron, the neutron,…
symmetric spacetime

Slowly Lowering an Object in a Static, Spherically Symmetric Spacetime

In the first two articles in this series, we looked at the Einstein Field Equation and Maxwell's Equations in a static, spherically symmetric spacetime.…
supernova refsdal

The Reappearance of Supernova (SN) Refsdal

Supernova (SN) Refsdal Key Points Astronomers have been trying to understand space for thousands of years. Supernova Refsdal was the first known…
Dark Energy Cosmology Part 1

Dark Energy Part 1: Einstein-deSitter Cosmology

In this 3-part series, I want to motivate the (re)introduction of the cosmological constant ##\Lambda## into Einstein's equations of general relativity…
Evidence for Big Bang

Is there Evidence for the Big Bang?

Big Bang Key PointsHubble's law (redshift of galaxies) and the Doppler effect provide direct evidence for the universe expanding away from our reference…
Cosmic Web Connections

The Evolution of the Universe, Cosmic Web and Connections

The universe was not perfectly uniform when it started, some areas had a higher density than others. During the evolution of the universe, these areas…
Gaia search for black holes

Gaia and the Race to Detect More Gravitational Waves

Gravitational waves (GW’s) are disturbances in spacetime produced by any massive object moving asymmetrically. However, only the most massive and most…
uranus spin

3 Possible Models For Why Uranus Spins on Its Side

Uranus spins on its side. Uranus has an obliquity (tilt) of 98º, making its axis of rotation closer to the ecliptic plane than any other planet. It is…
black holes are not empty

Black Holes Are Not Empty Voids

Black Hole Key PointsBlack Holes (BH’s) have a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it BH’s can be divided…
Integral Representations of Some Special Functions

A Path to Fractional Integral Representations of Some Special Functions

Introduction This bit is what new thing you can learn reading this:) As for original content, I only have hope that the method of using the sets $$C_N^n:…
energy conservation can we do better

Can We Do Better Than Mechanical Energy Conservation?

Note: It is assumed that the reader has read part I of the series. Introduction The ambiguity and flaws discussed in part I can be resolved using the…
elastic ball collision

An Alternate Approach to Solving 2-Dimensional Elastic Collisions

Introduction This article follows on from the previous on an alternate approach to solving collision problems. In that article, we determined the equal…
energy conservation ambiguity

Is Mechanical Energy Conservation Free of Ambiguity?

Introduction "Close to any question that is in the textbook, there is another question that has never been answered that is interesting." [Stephen Wolfram,…

How to Recognize Split Electric Fields

Introduction In a previous Insight, A New Interpretation of Dr. Walter Lewin’s Paradox, I introduced the fact that there are two kinds of E fields. …
Mass Generation

An Introduction to the Generation of Mass from Energy

Introduction This article is essentially an addition to the previous one on (mainly) inelastic collisions to include the particular case of inelastic…
What is Evolution

What is Evolution: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction to Evolution The study of evolution has dominated the field of biology for over a century. Explaining why the life we see is as it is fascinating…
Collision problems

An Alternative Approach to Solving Collision Problems

Introduction Collisions are very much a stock item in any school physics curriculum and students are generally taught about the use of the principles…
mary Somerville

Mathematician Mary Somerville Features in Google Doodle

The Google Doodle for 2 February 2020 celebrated Mary Somerville, the Scottish polymath and science writer, and Caroline Herschel, the joint first-ever…
perpetual motion machines

Why We Don’t Discuss Perpetual Motion Machines (PMM)

Authorship Contributions From AnorlundaYou may want to believe the article you read, or the video you saw, or you may be very proud of your PMM invention.…
c++ guide for beginners

Guide to C++ Programming For Beginners

Contents 1. Getting a C++ Compiler and Compiling Your First Program 2. Simple Datatypes and Declarations 3. Operators and Expressions 4. Input and…
fluid dynamics experiment

Accurate Fluid Dynamics By Video Analysis

IntroductionProviding accurate fluid dynamics experiments for undergraduate laboratories is challenging in several ways, including reproducibility,…
how to identify wood

Tell One Wood from Another: Basic Wood Anatomy

As a long-time woodworker, I have an interest in being able to tell one wood from another, and in the process of learning how to do that, I've developed…
Odd Sums

Explore the Fascinating Sums of Odd Powers of 1/n

The goal is to get a little bit closer to the values of the zeta function (ζ(s)) and the eta function (η(s)) for some odd values of s. This insight is…
Diffraction Grating Spectrometer.

Learn the Fundamentals of the Diffraction Grating Spectrometer

Introduction In this article, we will discuss the fundamentals of the diffraction grating spectrometer.  The operation of the instrument is based upon…

Intro to the Ionization Energy of Atomic Hydrogen

Introduction In previous articles relating to various transition energies in Hydrogen, Helium, and Deuterium we have employed the following formula for…
grab bag science quiz

Grab Bag Science Quiz and Trivia

Time to test your science knowledge with a fun 10 question quiz with random questions across all sciences. Difficulty is easy to medium. As always, post…

SOHCAHTOA: Seemingly Simple, Conceivably Complex

What is SOHCAHTOA SOHCAHTOA is a mnemonic acronym used in trigonometry to remember the relationships between the sides and angles of right triangles.…
android rooting

An Intro to the Systemless Interface of Rooting Android Phones

What you can learn from this article:What is meant by rooting an Android phone Steps to take before proceeding to root your phone Google’s…
quantum entanglement

Answering Mermin’s Challenge with the Relativity Principle

Note: This Insight was previously titled, "Answering Mermin's Challenge with Wilczek's Challenge." While that version of this Insight did not involve any…
Conservation of Spin Angular Momentum

Exploring Bell States and Conservation of Spin Angular Momentum

In a recent thread, I outlined how to compute the correlation function for the Bell basis states\begin{equation}\begin{split}|\psi_-\rangle &=…
Kuhnian Revolution

Modern Physics Understood as an Unrecognized Kuhnian Revolution

People often claim on Physics Forums and in the foundations community proper that quantum mechanics is "incomplete." Indeed, Lee Smolin recently wrote…
DC straight wire

Relativistic Treatment of the DC Conducting Straight Wire

Introduction The direct-current-conducting infinitely long wire is often discussed in the context of relativistic electrodynamics. It is of course a completely…
Deuterium Lyman Alpha Line

Revisiting The Deuterium Lyman Alpha Line Experiment

Introduction In this article, we will be revisiting a somewhat understudied (and seemingly unrepeated) experiment to measure the Deuterium Lyman Alpha…
Solar Balmer Lines

Signature of the Sun: Analyzing the Solar Balmer Series Lines

Introduction We are in many ways a fortunate generation having so many wonderful tools at our disposal on account of the "silicon revolution". The advent…
bloatware android phones

Clearing Misconceptions and Some Tips on Debloating Android Phones

What is bloatware? When you unbox your new phone, it comes with Android which is pre-installed by the manufacturer. This is termed “stock firmware”.…
recursion in programming

Recursion in Programming and When to Use or Not to Use It

Recursion is quite simple. It's a subroutine calling itself. It's surprising but some problems that look quite hard can be trivial using recursion - but…
Bohr’s Helium Lines

Understanding Bohr’s Helium Lines

Introduction In a previous article "Calculating the Balmer Alpha Line" we mentioned how accurate predictions of the spectral lines of singly ionized Helium…
maxwell magneto

Maxwell’s Equations in Magnetostatics and Solving with the Curl Operator

Introduction: Maxwell's equation in differential form ## \nabla \times \vec{B}=\mu_o \vec{J}_{total}+\mu_o \epsilon_o \dot{\vec{E}}  ##  with ## \dot{\vec{E}}=0…
what are the black hole thermodynamics

What Are the Thermodynamics of Black Holes? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary The four laws of black hole thermodynamics are as follows...The Zeroth Law Surface gravity [itex](\kappa)[/itex] is constant…
what is impedance

What is Impedance? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary The impedance of a load (a combination of components) in an AC current is a complex number [itex]Z\ =\ R+jX[/itex] where [itex]R[/itex]…
what if physics questions

How to Avoid Breaking Physics With Your “What If” Question

We get a lot of "what if" questions here on Physics Forums. This article will explore three different types and then some suggestions for students who…
Learn Dimensional Analysis

Learn the Basics of Dimensional Analysis

As a university teacher and as a PF member, I have often noted that students are largely unaware of or not using dimensional analysis to help them in their…
What is Mass Inflation

What is Mass Inflation? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary Abstract from Poisson and Israel's 1990 paper, 'Internal structure of black holes'-'The gravitational effects associated with the…
rotating room

How to Zip Through a Rotating Tunnel Without Bumping Into the Walls

Preface While browsing through unanswered posts in the Classical Physics Workshop, I came across a gem at the link shown below.  For the reader's convenience,…
Balmer Alpha Line

Calculating the Balmer Alpha Line: Atomic Hydrogen

Introduction Most readers acquainted with the hydrogen spectrum will be familiar with the set of lines in the visible spectrum representing transitions…
spacetime maxwell

Maxwell’s Equations in a Static, Spherically Symmetric Spacetime

In the first article in this series, we looked at the Einstein Field Equations in a static, spherically symmetric spacetime. In this article, we are going…
What is potential energy

What is Potential Energy? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary Potential energy is simply another name for (minus) the work done by a conservative force.Since the work-energy theorem states…
How to Find Potential Functions

How to Find Potential Functions? A 10 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary Given a vector field ##\vec F(x,y,z)## that has a potential function, how do you find it? Equations $$\nabla \phi(x,y,z) = \vec F(x,y,z)$$…
Moment of Inertia

What is the Moment of Inertia? A 10 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary The moment of Inertia is a property of rigid bodies.It relates rotational force (torque) to rotational acceleration in the same…
quantum superposition

Understanding Superposition Physically and Mathematically

What is superposition Superposition is a fundamental concept in physics and mathematics, particularly in the fields of wave theory and quantum mechanics.…
What is Entropy

What Thermodynamics and Entropy Means

Introduction The student of thermodynamics, as they consider pistons and ideal gasses and such, often begin to grasp the nature of entropy only to find…
What is a linear equation

What is a Linear Equation? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary A first-order polynomial equation in one variable, its general form is [itex]Mx+B=0[/itex] where x is the variable. The quantities…
Einstein Field Equation

The Einstein Field Equation in a Static, Spherically Symmetric Spacetime

This will be the first of several articles which will provide, for reference, useful equations for static, spherically symmetric spacetimes. This is a…
What are significant figures

What are Significant Figures? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary Significant figures (commonly called "sig figs") are the number of figures (digits) included when rounding-off a number.For example,…
writing proofs

How to Write a Math Proof and Their Structure

Proofs in mathematics are what mathematics is all about. They are subject to entire books, created entire theories like Fermat's last theorem, are hard…
Camera Lens Physics

How to Evaluate a Camera Lens for Performance

I've done plenty of imaging performance testing on a variety of systems, from millimeter wave to UV. Until very recently, such testing required expensive…
Quantum Mechanical Commutator

The Classical Limit of Quantum Mechanical Commutator

The Classical Limit of Commutator (without fancy mathematics) Quantum mechanics occupies a very unusual place among physical theories: It contains classical…
Minkowski Spacetime

Understanding Precession in Special and General Relativity

The Absolute Derivative In relativity we typically deal with two types of quantities: fields, which are defined everywhere, and particle properties, which…
What is a fibre bundle

What is a Fibre Bundle? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary Intuitively speaking, a fibre bundle is space E which 'locally looks like' a product space B×F, but globally may have a different…
What are real numbers

What is a Real Number? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition of real numbers Real numbers are a comprehensive set of numbers that encompasses all possible values on the number line. They include both…
Star Equations

Equations of State for Photon Gas and Relativistic Electron Gas

This Insight develops equations of state that are useful in calculations about cosmology and about the insides of stars. The first calculation is for a…
What is the double split

What is the Double Slit? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary The double-slit is a simple configuration used to demonstrate interference effects in waves.Equations At distances that are…
integration by parts

What is Integration By Parts? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary In this article, we shall learn a method for integrating the product of two functions. This method is derived from the 'product rule'…
rules of quantum mechanics

The 7 Basic Rules of Quantum Mechanics

For reference purposes and to help focus discussions on Physics Forums in interpretation questions on the real issues, there is a need for fixing the common…
Quantum Particles

Clarifying Common Issues with Indistinguishable Particles

Commonly there is a lot of imprecision in talking about ''indistinguishable'' (or ''identical'') particles, even in serious work. This Insight article…
isotropy definition

A Formal Definition of Large-Scale Isotropy

This Insight is part of my attempt to develop a formal definition of 'large-scale isotropy', a concept that is fundamental to most cosmology, but that…
What is a parabola

What is a Parabola? A 5 Minute Introduction

What is a Parabola? A parabola is a U-shaped curve in mathematics that is defined by a specific set of points. It is a fundamental geometric shape that…
Renewable Energy Power Grid

When Renewable Energy Meets Power Grid Operations

The electric power industry faces much turmoil in the coming decades.  The business model of the electric utility company (public or private) may not…
Limit of a Function

What Is a Limit of a Function? A 5 Minute Introduction

What is a limit? In mathematics, a limit is a fundamental concept used to describe the behavior of a function or sequence as it approaches a particular…
surface integral

Demystifying Parameterization and Surface Integrals

Introduction This article will attempt to take the mystery out of setting up surface integrals. It will explain the basic ideas underlying surface integration…
Lie Algebra Intro

What is Lie algebra? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary A Lie algebra ("Lee") is a set of generators of a Lie group. It is a basis of the tangent space around a Lie group's identity element,…
20 year tech predictions

What Discovery Will Be the Revolutionary Within 20 Years?

We asked our Physics Forums Science advisors "What technology or scientific discovery will be the most revolutionary within the next 20 years?" Here are…
Maupertuis Principle

A Pure Hamiltonian Proof of the Maupertuis Principle

Here is another version of proof of Maupertuis's principle. This version is pure Hamiltonian and independent of the Lagrangian approach.The proof…
Kerr Spacetime

Exploring Fermi-Walker Transport in Kerr Spacetime

In the last two posts in this series, we developed some tools for looking at Fermi-Walker transport in Minkowski spacetime and then applied them in Schwarzschild…
create a universe story

How to Create a Universe: Instructions for an Apprentice God

(-: ##~~~## A fantasy to be read at leisure time ##~~~## :-) Written October 7, 1999 to relax from the strains of working on a new interpretation of quantum…
What is a Tangent Line

What is a Tangent Line? A 5 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary The tangent to a curve in a plane at a particular point has the same Gradient as the curve has at that point.More generally, the…
quantum qubit

A Classical View of the Qubit

This Insight article is part of my paper Foundations of quantum physics III. Measurement, featuring the thermal interpretation of quantum physics. See…

Learning Fermi-Walker Transport in Schwarzschild Spacetime

In the first post in this series, we introduced the concepts of frame field, Fermi-Walker transport, and the "Fermi derivative" of a frame field, and developed…
science major advice

Aiming High and Managing Distractions as Keys to Success for Science Majors

Over the years, I've noticed some distinct trends among the physics and chemistry majors I've mentored and worked with.Those with GPAs in the 3.8-4.0…
AVX-512 Programming subtotals

AVX-512 Programming: Extracting Column Subtotals from a Table

In this Insights article I'll present an example that shows how Intel® AVX-512 instructions can be used to read a whole row of data in a single operation,…
Minkowski Spacetime

Fermi-Walker Transport in Minkowski Spacetime

This is the first of several posts that will develop some mathematical machinery for studying Fermi-Walker transport. In this first post, we focus on Minkowski…
What are virtual particles

What are Virtual Particles? A 10 Minute Introduction

Definition/Summary Virtual particles are a mathematical device used in perturbation expansions of the S-operator (transition matrix) of interaction in…
The Sum of Geometric Series from Probability Theory

The Sum of Geometric Series from Probability Theory

Here I present a simple (but to the best of my knowledge, new) derivation of the formula for the sum of the infinite geometric series. The derivation is…